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  • Invisalign: A Great Alternative to Metal Braces

    Having straight teeth is a highly valued esthetic in American culture. So much so that for many kids, wearing dental braces is a question of “when” rather than “if. Still, there are also many adults who may not have worn braces when they were younger that now wish to straighten their teeth. However, many adults often do not want to have to deal with the permanence of metal braces, or are afraid braces will make them look like a kid. Thankfully, Centra Dental in southwest Houston offers Invisalign clear braces as a great alternative to metal braces.

    Invisalign clear braces are practically unnoticeable, thus allowing patients to straighten their teeth without feeling self-conscious about looking like a child. In addition, as opposed to metal braces, Invisalign clear plastic trays are removable, thus allowing patients a greater degree of freedom when eating, drinking, or having romantic encounters. Such benefits have caused a boom in the Invisalign market in recent years. In fact, the number of Invisalign treatments has tripled over the last five years, with an expectation that the number of treatments will only continue to increase.


    The process of getting fitted for Invisalign at our dental clinic begins with a consultation with one of our Houston dentists. Here, the dentist will learn about your needs, while answering any questions you may have regarding the process. Our dentist will then conduct a thorough examination of your teeth to determine the severity of misalignment or crookedness. If the dentist concludes Invisalign would be a good option for you, we will then take X-rays of your dental structure. This allows us to make custom braces that fit your teeth perfectly. After each session, you will be provided new clear plastic trays that will continue to adjust your teeth until they are completely straightened.

    Book Your Invisalign Consultation with Centra Dental

    It used to be that the only option to straighten your teeth was traditional dental braces. This deterred many adults and teens from getting their teeth straightened because they did not want to deal with the look and hassle of traditional braces. Now, with Invisalign, these are no longer issues. Therefore, if you or your loved one is looking to straighten their teeth sans metal braces, contact our southwest Houston dental office today.

  • Is Invisalign a Good Idea for Your South Houston Teenager?

    By now it’s no secret that Invisalign is a popular method for correcting a bad bite. Nowadays, more and more dentists are offering this in addition to traditional metal braces and ceramic Houston braces. If we offer all of these dental braces treatments, is Invisalign still the most effective option for your teenager?

    The Difference Between Metal or Ceramic Braces and Invisalign

    Metal braces have been the primary form of treatment for teeth and jaw alignment for many decades now. This is precisely why they are still trusted by many of our South Houston dentists’ patients today. Ceramic braces are very similar, but they differ in that they blend into the teeth more and while they are strong, they aren’t as strong as metal and can be fragile. Nevertheless, they are a very effective treatment for moderate malocclusions. 

    When undergoing treatment with both metal or ceramic braces, our South Houston family dentist will regularly tighten the patient's wires to guide their teeth to the correct position. There is some initial discomfort, but it doesn't last long.

    Invisalign, on the other hand, involves no wires. Invisalign Clear Aligners are much like clear plastic retainers that are made by completing a 3D scan of the patient's mouth. With our 3D scans, we are able to make different aligner trays that will gradually shift the teeth until they are straight. 

    The Pros and Cons of Invisalign Treatment

    The undisputed pro of Invisalign is that, because the aligner trays are clear, hardly anyone actually realizes that a patient is undergoing any treatment. This is perfect for the teenager who prefers a more subtle treatment and is a little self-conscious. Another factor that makes it so appealing is that your teenager can remove the trays for mealtimes. A third pro is that, compared to braces, there are much fewer consultations needed, since the aligners are already made.

    When it comes to the downsides of Invisalign treatments, your teenager needs to be careful not to lose or misplace their clear aligners. Another downside that can be off-putting is that the ability to remove the aligners during meals means that the patient needs to be extremely disciplined, as Invisalign needs to be worn strictly for 20-22 hours a day. Patients also need to make sure that they thoroughly brush their teeth after each meal so they ensure no food particles put stress on the aligners, making it harder for the teeth to move where they need to. 

    Visit Our South Houston Braces Dentist to See if Invisalign is the Best Treatment for Your Teen

    If you think your teen may be a great candidate for Invisalign treatments, then please book an appointment with us. At this braces consultation, we will get a better understanding of what is the best treatment plan for your teen. 

  • Is it Too Late For Adults to Get Houston Braces?

    At our South Houston family dentist office, we are often asked by our adult patients if they can benefit from Houston braces just as much as our younger patients do. The short answer is: yes. In fact, we highly encourage adults to wear dental braces if they have crooked teeth and/or a malocclusion, otherwise known as a “bad bite”.

    Malocclusions Affect Kids and Adults Just the Same

    There are different kinds of malocclusions, each with different dental braces treatments. If you had a malocclusion as a teenager, then chances are it did not go away when you became an adult. 

    If you do not fix your bad bite, this will cause an array of dental health issues. This problems may include, but are not limited to:

    • Headaches
    • Tooth decay
    • Gum disease
    • Speech impairment
    • Difficulty chewing
    • Difficulty digesting

    As adults, getting Invisalign Clear Aligners, ceramic braces, or metal braces will certainly correct these issues, though it may or may not take longer than it would for a child. Regardless, properly aligned teeth are vital, no matter how long it takes to achieve this.

    Centra Dental in South Houston Offers Different Houston Braces Options for Different Adult Cases

    Invisalign Clear Aligners

    For adults with minor cases, Invisalign may be ideal because it is not only flexible in terms of wear and maintenance, but it is also the most subtle treatment we offer. This is great for adults who may not be pleased with the idea of wearing metal braces.

    Ceramic Houston Braces

    As an alternative treatment plan, adults with mildly to moderately bad bites may benefit from ceramic dental braces. This method is the next most subtle treatment option, since both the brackets and the archwire easily blend in with the color of your natural teeth. 

    Metal Dental Braces

    Metal braces are the least subtle treatment. However, they are lighter in weight and more comfortable than they used to be. Metal Houston braces work on all malocclusions, especially on the more severe cases. Our metal braces can move teeth vertically, align teeth that are higher than they should be, and also rotate the teeth. This sounds rather painful, but rest assured you will not feel any pain. You will only feel slight soreness whenever we tighten the wire, but this should not last long.

    Centra Dental in South Houston Gives Adults Straight, Healthy Teeth

    If you're an adult hoping to correct your bite, then please book an appointment with us. We will complete our orthodontic evaluation, address your concerns, and design the best treatment plan for you.

  • Is It Too Late For Adults To Wear Houston Braces?

    As a South Houston family dentist that specializes in Houston braces, many of our pediatric patients’ parents ask us if it’s too late for them to wear dental braces. The truth is that it’s never too late. In fact, we highly encourage adults to wear dental braces if they have crooked teeth and/or a malocclusion, otherwise known as a “bad bite”.

    Adults May Have A Bad Bite Since Childhood

    There are different kinds of malocclusions, including overbites and underbites. If you had a malocclusion as a child, then chances are you still have a similar problem today. If you don’t fix your bad bite, this will cause a multitude of dental health issues, such as:

    • Headaches
    • Tooth decay
    • Gum disease
    • Speech impairment
    • Difficulty chewing
    • Difficulty digesting

    Getting Braces Young Is Better Than Waiting, But Adult Treatment Is Still Just As Effective

    Although we recommend getting braces as a child because children's teeth are more moldable, this doesn’t mean adult treatment is out of the question. It may take longer, but adults who undergo Houston braces treatment will also benefit from a straight, beautiful smile. Our South Houston braces dentist offers different types of dental braces:

    • Metal Houston Braces, which are the most common method of orthodontic correction and are especially efficient at correcting even the most severe case.
    • Ceramic Houston Braces, which are increasing in popularity due to their tooth-like color and impressive strength. This makes them a viable alternative to metal dental braces for patients who dont want to draw attention to their mouths while they undergo treatment.
    • Invisalign Clear Aligners, which are the most subtle method of malocclusion correction because clear aligners are nearly invisible and offer more flexibility in terms of wear.

    Get Adult Houston Braces With Our South Houston Family Dentist At Centra Dental

    If you’re an adult and are worried about your smile, don’t fret. We want you to feel confident in your beautiful smile. If you think dental braces might be an option for you, then please book an appointment with us. We will begin with the initial dental braces consultation to address your concerns and then design the best treatment plan for you. With our braces starting at $99 a month, we look forward to embracing your smile, affordably.

  • Keeping Your Teeth Clean While Wearing Houston Braces

    Houston braces are for absolutely anyone who suffers from a malocclusion–a bad bite. We are proud to offer affordable metal braces, ceramic braces, and even Invisalign Clear Aligners to meet various patient needs. In monitoring our patients’ progress during their dental braces treatment, we are often asked how they can keep their teeth as clean as possible, so in this blog, our Houston family dentists will offer our top tips for maintaining your best dental health possible while undergoing Houston braces treatment.

    Tip 1: Brush Your Teeth More Frequently If You Wear Houston Braces

    When you don’t wear Houston braces, we advise you to brush your teeth twice a day–once in the morning and again right before bed. When wearing braces, however, it is easy to miss a few spots when brushing your teeth, potentially resulting in cavities. To avoid this, our South Houston dentist recommends carefully brushing your teeth after every meal and snack. It may seem excessive, but this is the best way to prevent food from getting stuck in the brackets of your metal and ceramic dental braces, or behind the plastic of your Invisalign Clear Aligners. Remember that food left behind impedes your treatment from working properly and will put you at greater risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

    Tip 2: Consider Using Interdental Brushes

    Interdental brushes, also known as brush picks, are a great step between brushing your teeth and flossing because it gets rid of any stray food particles that were left behind in between your teeth after brushing. We recommend using them after you brush throughout the day and then switching to string floss at night before bed, which brings us to our next tip...

    Tip 3: Floss Your Teeth Every Night

    Even if you use a brush pick, there might be smaller, harder-to-reach food particles that you may have still missed, but the good news is that floss can easily remove these. Today, there are several types of floss available, including floss designed to be used while wearing dental braces. Although flossing can be tricky with Houston braces, patience helps and so can we the next time you come to our South Houston dentist office for a cleaning and a check-up.

    Tip 4: Get A Houston Braces Teeth Cleaning At Our Houston And South Houston Dental Offices Every 6 Months

    By coming into our Houston family dentist office for your teeth cleanings twice a year, we can check on your overall dental health and clean your teeth more deeply and thoroughly than you would at home. Additionally, this gives us a chance to ensure your teeth are shifting as they should and that you aren’t developing any oral health concerns. If it’s time to get a dental cleaning, please book an appointment so we can schedule one as soon as possible and assess the health of your teeth.

  • Maintain Your South Houston Invisalign Smile With Clear Retainers A smiling patient holds a Houston Invisalign retainer

    Once your Houston family dentist has restored your smile to its full potential, the job of maintaining that smile begins. For the first few months after you’ve finished your Houston Invisalign treatment, you will need to wear some clear retainers. This might sound like a bit of a hassle, but it is a minor inconvenience compared to the olden days of living with South Houston braces for years.

    Tooth Correction Was Tougher Before Houston Invisalign

    For most patients today, South Houston Invisalign treatment is sufficient to correct mild to moderate cases of crowded, crooked, or misaligned teeth. Nowadays, only severe cases require the use of South Houston braces, entailing the installation of brackets and wires. Braces can incur long, painful, and expensive work for your Houston dentist, to say nothing of the aesthetic cost for patients in social situations. Keeping your Houston braces clean also takes a lot more time and effort, with food particles liable to get stuck between the various bits installed in your mouth. Fortunately, a consultation with your South Houston dentist will let you know that a better, less painful, and more convenient option now exists.

    Invisalign’s Advantages Over Traditional South Houston Braces

    Houston Invisalign treatment involves having a series of transparent plastic custom-fit aligner trays made for your mouth. Mechanically, they work the same way as South Houston braces, applying pressure to gradually push your teeth back into their proper place, but with a lot less hassle and aesthetic penalty. If you are thinking of getting some South Houston Invisalign treatment for yourself, consider scheduling an appointment with a South Houston dentist today!

    Retainers Preserve Houston Invisalign Progress

    After your Houston Invisalign treatment has concluded, your teeth will want to slip back into their old positions. That’s why your South Houston family dentist will require you to wear a retainer for several months. Research has found that tooth movement is at its most active during the night, which is why retainers must be worn even throughout the night as you sleep. Thankfully, your Houston dentist can fit you for a clear retainer, allowing your new smile to shine through in everyday situations. While they will require some work on your part to keep them clean, it is definitely a much smaller inconvenience than dealing with traditional Houston braces. This shows how advancements such as South Houston Invisalign have made dental work as convenient as they have ever been. Do you think your teeth need some form of correction? If so, a quick diagnosis from your Houston family dentist is only a phone call away!

  • Managing Houston Braces Pain

    One of the greatest worries our Houston and South Houston patients experience when it’s time to start their Houston braces treatment is that there will be plenty of pain involved. We understand where their worry is coming from, too. After all, the idea of moving your teeth sounds rather daunting. However, don’t let this turn you away from necessary dental braces treatment; although some pain or discomfort with metal dental braces, ceramic dental braces, and Invisalign Clear Aligners is common, it is not permanent and can easily be managed. In this article, we will talk about our favorite ways to help you manage your Houston braces pain.

    What Causes Houston Braces Pain?

    There are a few causes of braces pain, including:

    The Initial Fitting

    In general, pain during your Houston braces treatment is the worst on the day you get them. This is because you have likely never worn an orthodontic appliance before, so this is a very new sensation. Over the next following days, the pain will gradually become a slight discomfort, eventually fading as you get used to them.

    Certain Foods

    If you eat the foods we recommend you avoid, you may get them stuck in your braces or Invisalign Clear Aligner trays, which causes tension and pain in your teeth. You could also snap your wire if you wear other types of Houston braces, which can poke at your cheek.

    Tightening Your Braces

    Throughout your Houston braces treatment, we will regularly tighten your wires. If you wear Invisalign, we will regularly give you a new set of aligners. When you undergo this adjustment, you may feel some discomfort but it won’t last nearly as long as the first time you got your braces.

    Different Ways to Manage Pain While Wearing Dental Braces

    Over-The-Counter Pain Killers

    OTC pain medication is very effective when you first get your braces. If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort after we tighten your wires at our Houston and South Houston family dentist offices, then consider taking some medication prior to your appointments.

    Ice Packs Or Frozen Veggies

    If you are feeling any soreness in the early stage of your dental braces treatment, we recommend icing the outside of your cheek where you feel discomfort. This will greatly reduce swelling and numb your mouth a little so you get some much-needed braces pain relief.

    Dental Braces Wax

    We give all of our Houston braces patients some orthodontic wax, which should be used if a wire or a bracket is causing pain. You can mold the wax and fit it around the affected area in order to create a barrier between the wires and the tissues in your mouth.

    Our Houston Family Dentists Will Help You Manage Dental Braces Pain

    Now that you know more about the adjustment period when you first get Houston braces, please book an appointment with us at our Houston or South Houston dentist offices if your pain isn’t going away, or if you are thinking about getting braces. We will gladly do an exam and give you further guidance on what to expect and how to manage your discomfort. 

  • Myths and Facts About Houston Braces

    Are you, or your child, the type of person who is excited about getting Houston braces and is looking forward to a brand new smile that can be worn confidently? Perhaps you or your child are worried about whether Houston braces treatment will be painful, especially if either of you has heard horror stories or believes some common myths. In this article, we will address some more myths about dental braces and explain the facts so you can feel more confident before you begin your South Houston braces treatment. 

    Myth #1: If Houston Braces Move My Teeth, They Must Hurt

    We aren’t surprised that this myth is still commonly shared today, since the idea of metal pushing your teeth sounds like it would hurt. However, today braces are far thinner and lighter in weight than they used to be, which has greatly minimized discomfort over the years. Now, regardless of if you choose Invisalign Clear Aligners, ceramic dental braces, or metal dental braces, there will be some minor soreness when you first get them since your teeth aren’t used to them. This will only be temporary though and shouldn’t be intolerable. If it comes down to it, this discomfort is nothing that icing and possibly over-the-counter painkillers can’t alleviate.

    After a few days, you will adjust and feel just fine.

    Myth #2: After Houston Braces, Your Teeth Will Be Straight For the Rest of Your Life

    Although braces do straighten your teeth, all that hard work can be reversed if you don’t follow our recommendations for caring for and maintaining your new smile. This is where retainers come in. Retainers are an orthodontic appliance that must be worn after you finish your Houston braces treatment. We typically tell our patients to wear them all day and all night–except when they’re eating–for at least a year. Afterward, we recommend wearing them every night. This ensures your teeth remain straight and don’t easily become misaligned again.

    Myth #3: You Have to Give Up a Lot of Your Favorite Foods When Wearing Dental Braces or Invisalign Clear Aligners

    We do recommend you avoid sugary, sticky foods and drinks, as well as crunchy snacks, as this will minimize your risk of cavities and your risk of breaking your braces. Otherwise, you can eat as you normally would, but definitely take smaller bites of your food.

    Ready for Houston Braces? Schedule a Consultation With Our South Houston Family Dentist

    If you think it’s time for you or your child to begin South Houston braces treatment, then please book an appointment with us so we can begin with a consultation to develop the appropriate treatment plan.

  • Pros and Cons of Bonded Orthodontic Retainers After Houston Braces

    As you approach the end of your Houston braces treatment, whether you’ve been wearing metal Houston braces, ceramic dental braces, or Invisalign, we’ll have a conversation about how to maintain your new smile with a retainer. There are different types of orthodontic retainers and we’ve previously talked about traditional removable retainers known as Hawley retainers. This time, we’ll discuss the less common bonded retainers.

    What Are Bonded Retainers

    Bonded retainers are permanent retainers made of wire that is shaped to fit the new alignment of your teeth. Similar to metal or ceramic Houston braces, they are cemented to your teeth with a dental-grade glue, except instead of being on the front of your teeth, these retainers are glued behind your teeth. Many family dentists or orthodontists around the country tend to bond them behind your lower teeth only, and they can only be removed by a dentist or orthodontist. 

    Although rare, our South Houston dentist will only recommend a bonded retainer following Houston braces treatment if the patient won’t follow our guidelines on how to properly wear a removable retainer.

    Pros and Cons of Wearing Permanent Bonded Retainers After Houston Braces Treatment

    Much like how ceramic braces, metal dental braces, and Houston Invisalign Clear Aligners each has positives and negatives, retainers do as well.

    Pros of Bonded Retainers

    • Bonded retainers are a worry-free method for keeping your teeth straight because you don’t have to abide by a certain schedule, which means you don’t run the risk of making your teeth crooked or separate again.
    • No one can tell you’re wearing a permanent retainer, so there is no need to feel self-conscious about it
    • Wearing a permanent retainer doesn’t affect your speech, which is common with other types of retainers.

    Cons of Wearing Permanent Retainers

    • Flossing is harder when wearing a bonded retainer because it gets in the way of the string. This causes plaque build-up and possibly gum disease
    • The metal might irritate your tongue or gums

    Our South Houston Family Dentist Will Determine if a Bonded Retainer is Right For You

    As you or your child near the end of Houston braces treatment, please book an appointment with our South Houston dentist so we can take your needs into account, decide if a permanent retainer is a good idea for your particular case, and have your retainers made. We look forward to giving you a smile you can enjoy for the rest of your life.

  • Reasons Parents Hesitate To Get Dental Braces For Their Kid

    Approximately 4 million Americans wear dental braces, with children making up roughly 80 percent of wearers. For many American children, getting dental braces is more a question of “when” rather than “if”, as getting one’s teeth straightened is just another common part of growing up.

    Health Benefits of Braces

    Straightening one’s teeth is not just a cosmetic issue. Misaligned or crooked teeth can lead to significant medical issues such as: chronic headaches, bad digestion, gum disease, and tooth loss. Failure to invest a relatively small amount of money in braces can easily lead to exponentially larger medical bills in the future.

    Despite the many cosmetic and health benefits a child receives from having straight teeth, there are still some parents who hesitate at getting their kid fitted for braces. The following are two of the top reasons for their hesitation, and how we here at Centra Dental address them.

    Price of Dental Braces

    This is perhaps the most common reason parents hesitate to get their kid fitted for braces. They may feel their kid’s teeth aren’t that bad and can’t seem to justify the cost. They are also not aware of the health issues related to having crooked teeth or a misaligned jaw.

    Our Houston dental office always educates parents on the many health benefits of braces. We help the parents understand that by getting their child braces, they are making an investment in their child’s health. In addition, we are constantly offering great deals on dental braces, which also help parents overcome their hesitancy.

    Pain From Dental Braces

    Many parents are afraid that their child will experience pain from braces. There might be slight pain in the teeth or jaw in the beginning, but this is because the wires and brackets are new to the mouth and actively moving the teeth. An over-the-counter pain reliever such as Ibuprofen will easily relieve such pain symptoms, and soon the child’s mouth will adjust to the braces and no longer feel pain.

    Contact Centra Dental For A Dental Braces Consultation

    Our Houston dentists understand that for many parents, deciding whether or not to get braces for their kid is a big decision. This is why our dental office in southwest Houston makes a point of helping parents feel comfortable through education and great pricing. We are dedicated to your child’s overall health, so contact us today to set up a braces consultation.

  • Reasons to Consider Getting Houston Braces

    South Houston Dentists rely on time-tested dental interventions such as South Houston Braces to correct common problems with teeth spacing issues (crowded teeth or close existing gaps) and jaw and teeth alignment issues (overbite and underbite). Aside from correcting functional dental issues, South Houston Metal Dental Braces can also be used to aesthetically improve your smile. In this article, our South Houston family dentist will discuss in depth the different dental issues your South Houston braces can address.

    How Traditional South Houston Braces Work

    South Houston metal braces work by moving your teeth gradually as a result of force and pressure. The constant force and pressure over time slowly moves your teeth to its intended position. Scheduled adjustments are made by your South Houston dentist to direct and calibrate these forces to attain your desired smile.

    Individual brackets are installed on your teeth that will serve as anchor points. These anchor points are attached to an arch wire using ligature elastics that resemble rubber bands. If you are familiar with the look of a traditional South Houston metal braces, the arch wires are the most prominent part of your metal braces and span all lower or upper teeth.

    Patients who prefer dental appliances that are less noticeable may opt for South Houston ceramic braces. Ceramic braces use brackets that have the same shade as your tooth and arches that are thin and transparent. You can also avail of South Houston Invisalign, a retainer-type aligner that you can take off when eating, taking pictures, or attending events. Invisalign is perfect for minor teeth issue correction.

    Dental Issues Your South Houston Braces Can Correct

    As mentioned above, there are a multitude of dental issues that can be corrected by using South Houston braces. Your South Houston dentist recommend the use of dental braces for the following

    Crooked, Crowded, or Gapped Tooth – South Houston braces can help straighten crooked or crowded teeth as well as close excessive gaps in between teeth.

    Bite Issues – With the help of dental braces, your South Houston family dentist can correct teeth alignment issues that result in either an overbite or an underbite.

    Jaw Problems – South Houston metal braces can also address problems stemming from jaw alignment such as overjet (upper front teeth protrude outward) also referred to as “buck teeth” and crossbite (upper teeth fit inside of lower teeth when mouth is closed).

    Speech difficulties – In severe cases, dental problems can affect speech. South Houston dental braces can be used to restore ease of enunciating and proper flow of speech.

    Work with Your Top-Rated South Houston Dentist to Get the Smile You Deserve

    Centra Dental believes that everyone deserves to have a smile that they are proud of. A renewed and restored self-confidence is one of the most notable benefits of working with a top-rated dentist such as Centra Dental. Our helpful and caring staff will ensure your next visit is pleasant and stress-free. Call us now and schedule a consultation. 

  • Retainers After Houston Braces - Different Types and Wearing Guidelines

    We understand the excitement our South Houston patients feel when they finally get their Houston braces off, and we also understand the mild disappointment they may feel when they are told toward the end of their treatment that they need to wear a retainer. However, a retainer is much more pleasant than dental braces. 

    Different Types of Orthodontic Retainers

    There are 3 kinds of orthodontic retainers and which we recommend you wear depends on your particular circumstances. Here is how they differ.

    Bonded Retainer

    A bonded retainer is exactly what it sounds like. Bonded retainers are also called permanent retainers because, like dental braces, they are cemented to the teeth with dental-grade cement. Except, rather than being glued on the front of your teeth, they are bonded behind the teeth. Although most of our patients wear them indefinitely, we may also remove them after time has passed if they are causing excessive irritation or plaque build-up. 

    We often recommend bonded retainers to younger patients who may struggle to be responsible with their retainer or if we think the teeth will shift back to their crooked position too quickly and easily.

    Hawley Retainer

    More common is the Hawley retainer. This type of retainer is removable and is also called a wire retainer. It’s made up of two parts, each made of plastic or acrylic, which the patient can pick the color for. The top portion is molded to the shape of the roof of your mouth and the bottom portion is molded to the back of your lower teeth. Thin, yet strong wire runs is attached to both parts. The upper retainer has a wire that runs across the front of your teeth, whereas the bottom retainer has a wire that hooks on top and around the teeth to keep them from shifting.

    Transparent Retainer

    The last type of retainer is a transparent one. It is made similar to Invisalign in that it is removable and made of thin plastic, but this type is molded perfectly to the new alignment of the patient’s teeth. 

    How to Wear Different Retainers After Houston Braces

    Now, for how long should our South Houston patients wear Hawley retainers and transparent retainers?

    We often recommend wearing them at all times, except at mealtimes, for 6 months to a year. This is because the teeth will have a natural habit of trying to shift to the position they were in prior to braces if there is no longer anything holding them in place. Being diligent in wearing retainers right after will ensure that the teeth settle into the soft tissues in the mouth and their new position along the jaw. This keeps them from becoming easily misaligned again.

    Centra Dental Will Ensure Your Teeth Remain Straight After Houston Braces

    If you are nearing the end of your braces treatment, then please book an appointment with us so that we can determine the state of your teeth and recommend the appropriate retainers for your needs. We are passionate about embracing your smile and can’t wait for you to embrace yours.

  • Some Dental Issues That Houston Braces Can Correct

    Houston braces are a good idea if you have a malocclusion, which means your bite isn’t ideal and risks being detrimental to your health. An unideal bite is one that consists of crooked teeth, crowded teeth, extra teeth, or even an overbite or an underbite. Although some of our patients may be familiar with crooked and crowded teeth, others may not know much about overbites and underbites. Here is how they can be identified and what problems arise from them. 


    An overbite often presents itself as “buck teeth” and is one of the most common reasons our south Houston dentist patients need braces. This type of bite occurs in patients whose upper jaw–and consequently, upper teeth–protrude further outward than the bottom jaw and teeth. Now, to be clear, we want some overlap, as this prevents your enamel from wearing abnormally. In doing so, your teeth are stronger and better protected against cavities.

    How Does Having an Overbite Affect Your Teeth?

    An overbite can easily cause you to have difficulties speaking, much like other malocclusions. Overbites have also been known to cause difficulty with chewing. This is because many of our patients with overbites regularly deal with biting their tongues and cheeks when they try to chew their food. Overbites may also damage your gums and your other teeth because of the improper bite pattern. How severe your overbite is will dictate how severe these side effects are, but thankfully our metal braces and ceramic Houston braces can correct this.


    A patient has an underbite when their lower teeth tend to protrude outward and are further out than the upper front teeth. You might compare this to a bulldog’s teeth. Because of the abnormal alignment of the teeth, this can cause cosmetic insecurities as well as other dental health problems.

    How Does Having an Underbite Affect Your Teeth?

    Some underbites are rather minor, but others may be severe. Similar to an overbite, though, the more severe the underbite, the more severe the problems. 

    Underbites make it harder for you to chew because the jaws are not clasping around food like they are supposed to. Another problem that results from an underbite is that this makes it harder for you to speak properly. The worst issue that can occur is that you experience pain in your mouth and face due to your misaligned jaws. If unaddressed, the pain can worsen and disrupt your day-to-day.

    Houston Braces at Centra Dental in South Houston Correct Bad Bites

    These are common reasons why our patients need dental braces. If you or your child have a bad bite, then please book an appointment with our South Houston family dentist. We will complete an evaluation to determine which kind of braces are best for your unique case.

  • Stay Away From At-Home Invisalign Treatment and Get Houston Braces Instead

    You’ve probably seen commercials on television or advertisements on YouTube and other social media platforms that try to sell clear aligners over the internet, which the company then sends right to your home for a simple, affordable, at-home Houston braces treatment. Our South Houston family dentists are here to tell you to stay away from these kinds of products. Here’s why.

    How At-Home Braces Treatment Works

    These companies will usually start your treatment by sending you an impression kit so they can see how your teeth are currently aligned. After you send back the impression (which is usually done incorrectly), they claim to use 3D modeling to send you your clear aligners with a wearing schedule.

    At-Home Clear Aligner Treatment is Not as Customized as it Should Be

    When you come into our South Houston family dentist office for Houston braces treatment, we take impressions and utilize 3D modeling in order to visualize every single phase your teeth go through as we correct their alignment, and we’ll even show you our plan once we complete it. We also see you in-person every few weeks during your Houston Invisalign treatment so we can take the closest look possible and make any necessary adjustments to ensure you are on the right track of alignment. When you get clear aligners off of a website and send in your materials, they may follow up with you via telemedicine, but they can’t thoroughly examine your bite or your progress through a camera. To get the best results, you need to see the dentist in person.

    Clear Aligners Aren’t Effective For Everyone

    If you’ve read our blog, When Our South Houston Family Dentist Recommends Invisalign Clear Aligners, then you’ll know that clear aligners work best on mild cases. If you have a severe malocclusion, clear aligners found in mail-order kits may not be the best option. You may benefit more from ceramic Houston braces or metal Houston braces.

    You May End Up Paying More Than You Would at Our South Houston Dentist Office

    We already offer affordable Houston braces, as low as $99 a month. If you go through with mail-order clear aligner kits and treatment doesn’t go smoothly, you may have to pay all over again for a second correction at an orthodontist or dentist office. If the damage done to your teeth by mail-order clear aligners is bad enough, you may end up needing to under surgery or another dental procedure.

    Centra Dental Family Dentist in South Houston Wants to Keep You and Your Smile Safe

    Although mail-order/at-home braces treatment seems convenient and affordable, you are sacrificing quality for convenience and a healthy smile shouldn’t be about convenience. If you would like to undergo Invisalign Clear Aligner treatment, please book an appointment with our South Houston braces dentist so we can evaluate your teeth, discuss your needs and goals, and come up with a safe, affordable, and effective treatment plan that we can monitor for you.

  • Tips For A Smooth Houston Braces Experience

    If you’re currently undergoing Houston braces treatment, or plan to very soon, you may be wondering what you can do to ensure your treatment goes by smoothly. In this article, our Houston family dentists will offer some of our best tips to help you get the most out of your dental braces treatment.

    Be Mindful Of The Food You Eat When Wearing Houston Braces

    No, this doesn’t mean to go on a diet. This just means that you need to be careful that you don’t eat foods that will damage your braces. 

    Some foods you should avoid, especially early on in your Houston braces treatment, include:

    • Crunch foods, such as chips and popcorn
    • Sticky foods, such as candy and bubble gum
    • Foods that you usually bite directly into, such as carrots, corn, and apples. Instead, we recommend you chop these beforehand.

    Not only will avoiding these foods reduce the pain and discomfort you feel shortly after getting dental braces, but doing so will also protect your braces from breaking over the course of your treatment.

    Play Sports Safely

    Most of our Houston braces patients are children, which means plenty of them regularly participate in after-school sports. Even some of our adult patients participate in sports in their free time. Regardless of how old our patients are, everyone who practices a close contact sport may benefit from wearing a protective mouthguard that is custom-fitted to their teeth. This way, if there is some trauma during a game, your teeth will be far better protected and we can address it in a timely manner.

    Practice Good Dental Braces Hygiene

    Good dental hygiene is a must, but Houston braces patients must be extra cautious with how well they take care of their teeth. You can read more about proper dental hygiene when wearing Houston braces here.

    Get Affordable Houston Braces At Centra Dental

    Our dentists, who treat families in Houston and South Houston, offer exceptional dental braces treatment, including ceramic braces, metal braces, and Invisalign Clear–all at an affordable price starting as low as $99/month. Please book an appointment with us so we can assess the health of your teeth and get you started with a Houston braces consultation. We look forward to giving you a healthy, beautiful smile! 

  • Tips for Traveling With Houston Braces or Invisalign This Holiday Season Traveling with Houston Braces during the holidays

    The holidays are a time for traveling to visit family and friends. But when you’re away from your dentist, emergencies can arise with your Houston braces. It’s important to know what to do in these situations to minimize discomfort and damage to your Houston braces or Invisalign. Our top-rated dentists at Centra Dental have some tips to get you ready for the holiday season.

    Pack a Braces Care Kit

    When traveling for the holidays, it’s essential to pack a kit with everything you need for braces care. Make sure to bring the basics, including your toothbrush, dental floss, and fluoride toothpaste. Because Houston braces need special care, you may want to bring specific tools like interdental brushes or a water flosser. If you have Houston Invisalign, bring your case. 

    Bring Wax for Accidents

    If you wear metal braces, accidents can happen, such as damaging your brackets and wires. You’re now left with sharp points that can injure the inside of your cheeks and gums. Because your Houston dentist isn’t nearby, you don’t have a place to rush to for emergencies. We recommend packing your ortho wax in case of an accident. This way, you can temporarily relieve the pain or discomfort until you find a dental clinic near you.

    Eat Braces-Friendly Food

    The holidays are a time for delicious feasts, but it’s important to be mindful of the specific foods you eat. Avoid hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that can damage your wires and brackets, leading you to need emergency dental care. Stick to soft foods that are easy on your Houston metal braces. If you’re strict about what you eat when you have traditional braces, the chances of you damaging your braces lessen.

    Keep a Houston Dentist’s Contact Handy

    If you’re going to be away from your dentist, make sure to look for dental clinics in the city you’re traveling to. Do your research and call the clinics ahead of time. Centra Dental is located in an accessible area and caters to a wide range of cases. We’re ready to serve your entire family should you need vital dental services.

    Finish Your Dental Appointments

    Before leaving for your trip, we suggest you finish all your scheduled dental appointments. Doing so lessens the chances of you needing emergency dental care. Our Houston dentist will make sure every bracket is in place and in good shape. If you have Invisalign, make sure you’re wearing your latest set of aligners. Getting your appointments done before the holidays ensures your treatment progress.

    Schedule an Appointment for Houston Braces Today

    Do you need dental assistance before you travel for the holidays? At Centra Dental, we embrace your smiles. Our top-rated dentists provide all vital services, such as teeth cleaning, Houston braces, fillings, and more. We have a clean and safe facility where you can feel comfortable and have a stress-free dental experience. We also accept dental insurance. Contact us today to schedule a visit!

  • Tips To Maintain Dental Hygiene When Wearing Houston Braces

    Houston braces are a big deal, and we are proud to offer affordable metal braces, ceramic braces, and even Invisalign Clear Aligners. In monitoring our patients’ progress during their dental braces treatment, we take note of how well they take care of their dental health and often get asked what they can do to reduce their chance of getting cavities. In this blog, our Houston family dentists will offer our top tips for maintaining your best dental health possible while undergoing Houston braces treatment.

    Tip 1: Brush Your Teeth More Frequently 

    When wearing braces, it is easy to miss a few spots when brushing your teeth, so our South Houston dentist recommends carefully brushing your teeth after every meal and snack. It may seem excessive, but this is the best way to prevent food from getting stuck in the brackets of your metal and ceramic dental braces, or behind the plastic of your Invisalign Clear Aligners. Remember that food left behind impedes your treatment from working properly. 

    Tip 2: Consider Using Interdental Brushes

    Interdental brushes, also known as brush picks, are a great step between brushing your teeth and flossing because it gets rid of any stray food particles that were left behind after brushing. We recommend using them after each time you brush and then switching to string floss at night before bed, which brings us to our next tip...

    Tip 3: Floss Your Teeth Every Night

    Even if you use a brush pick, there might be smaller, harder-to-reach food particles that floss can easily remove. Today, there are several types of floss available, including floss designed to be used while wearing dental braces. Although flossing can be tricky with braces, patience helps and so can we the next time you come to our South Houston dentist office for a cleaning and a check-up.

    Tip 4: Get A Teeth Cleaning At Our Houston And South Houston Dental Offices Every 6 Months

    By coming into our Houston family dentist office for your teeth cleanings twice a year, we can check on your overall dental health and clean your teeth more deeply and thoroughly than you would at home. If it’s time to get a dental cleaning, please book an appointment so we can schedule one as soon as possible and assess the health of your teeth.

  • Wear Your Retainers After Houston Braces Treatment

    Approaching the end of your Houston braces treatment is so exciting! Before you know it, you’ll be showing off your brand new smile, but remember that you still need to wear retainers after your Houston braces come on in order to ensure your new smile sticks around. Don’t worry, though. Retainers are removable and offer more flexibility than dental braces. In this article, our South Houston family dentists will explain the importance of wearing retainers after concluding your braces treatment. 

    Orthodontic Retainers Prevent Your Teeth From Shifting Again 

    Believe it or not, after braces, your teeth will try to shift again. This occurs because your teeth haven’t had a chance to fully settle into the soft tissues of your mouth. Remember that, for at least an entire year, your teeth have been 100% reliant on metal, ceramic, or even plastic from your Invisalign Clear Aligners in order to hold them in place. To mitigate this and let them settle into their new alignment, you should wear your retainers day and night for at least a year, but this will also depend on the individual’s case.

    Orthodontic Retainers Protect Your Investment In Your New Smile

    Wearing retainers after completing your Invisalign, metal braces, or ceramic Houston braces treatment is a sure way to make your investment in your smile well worth it. As frustrating as it is to realize that you need to take another step to allow your teeth to stay in their alignment, remember that dental braces from our Houston and South Houston dentist offices prevented (or got rid of) some serious complications with your dental health. 

    By diligently wearing your retainers day and night and then transitioning to only wearing them most nights, you will strengthen your teeth so they remain straight for years and years to come. You might even get to enjoy your new, perfectly aligned smile for the rest of your life.

    Get Fitted For Retainers at Centra Dental In Houston And South Houston

    When you’re near the end of your Houston braces treatment, please book an appointment with us so we can confirm that you’re ready for your braces to be removed soon. At this appointment, we will also take impressions of your new smile so we can fit you for your retainers and educate you and how to wear them and how to best take care of them. Houston braces and orthodontic retainers won’t last forever, but with adequate care, your new smile can last as long as you let it!

  • Wearing South Houston Invisalign Instead Of Metal Braces

    Today, more and more dentists are offering Invisalign Clear Aligners in addition to traditional metal braces and ceramic Houston braces. In this article, we will discuss how Invisalign differs from metal dental braces and what to keep in mind if you are considering inquiring about Invisalign treatment.

    The Difference Between Invisalign And Metal Houston Braces

    Metal braces are the traditional method of straightening the teeth and have been for many decades now. This is precisely why they are still trusted by many of our South Houston dentists’ patients today.

    Metal braces are, of course, made of metal, so they are rather prominent. However, the good news is that today’s metal dental braces are much lighter in weight and color, so they are more comfortable to wear. Over the course of metal Houston braces treatment, our South Houston family dentist will regularly tighten the patient's archwire in order to guide the teeth to the correct position. 

    Invisalign, on the other hand, involves no wires. As their name implies, they are nearly invisible. Our patients’ custom aligner trays are made by doing a 3D scan of the patient's mouth and sending it, along with impressions, to our dental lab. Instead of tightening the archwire, we simply give patients a new aligner tray each time, which is slightly different in shape in order to move the teeth to the desired alignment.

    The Pros Of Houston Invisalign Treatment

    There are a number of “pros” that encourage patients to undergo Invisalign treatment, such as the fact that:

    • Hardly anyone notices that a patient is undergoing any treatment, thanks to their clear design
    • Invisalign Clear Aligners are removable anytime a patient wants to eat
    • There are fewer (and shorter) appointments because our patients just need to put on their newest set instead of having to come in to get their wires cut and tightened

    The Cons Of South Houston Invisalign Treatment

    Along with many benefits, there are some downsides of Invisalign to consider before you decide you would like to undergo this treatment, including that:

    • Their clear design means food particles are easily spotted when stuck between the teeth
    • Food getting stuck between the teeth impedes the aligners from putting the right amount of pressure on the teeth
    • The ability to remove Invisalign Clear Aligners means they can be lost if patients aren’t careful
    • Invisalign must be strictly worn for 20-22 hours a day or else the desired alignment will not be achieved without extending the duration of treatment

    Our South Houston Family Dentist Will Help You Decide If Invisalign Is Right For You

    If you think you or your child may be a great candidate for Invisalign Clear Aligners, then please book an appointment with us so we can begin with an evaluation. At this Houston braces evaluation, we will examine your teeth to determine which is the best treatment plan for your smile.

  • What to Do About South Houston Braces Pain

    Every time you go in for an appointment with your Houston dentist, they will tighten your braces to maintain your progress. Metal dental braces put pressure on your teeth in order to make it move. Your dentist positions the brackets and wires in a way that would make you one step closer to your ideal set of teeth. The discomfort is worth it, as braces are effective in correcting a range of dental issues. 

    Over-the-Counter Pain Meds

    One way to manage the pain is to take drug store medication. Usually, you can take pain relief an hour before your dental appointment. Oral anesthetic gels are also a good option if the pain becomes intolerable.

    Ice Pack

    Place an ice pack on the outside of your cheek to reduce inflammation. Ideally, you should do this for 20 minutes. The cold provides temporary pain relief by numbing the area involved.

    Cold and Soft Foods

    After having your South Houston braces tightened, treat yourself to a nice bowl of ice cream. The cold temperature will help numb your gums and teeth. While you have discomfort, stick with soft food, like soup, mashed potatoes, and smoothies.

    Ortho Wax

    Especially for first-time patients, the wires on your metal braces can cause abrasions to the inside of your cheeks. Orthodontic wax is a great way to prevent sharp ends from irritating your mouth.

    How Long Does the Pain Last?

    You will feel pressure immediately after getting your South Houston braces tightened. The pain will peak from about 6 hours onwards. It usually lasts for 4 days, with the pain lessening as each day passes. Houston dental braces shouldn’t hurt for more than 7 days after getting an adjustment. If this happens, consult with your Houston family dentist.

    Book an Appointment for South Houston Braces

    Thinking about getting South Houston braces to achieve a more confident smile? Centra Dental’s top-rated dentists provide personalized care to make the whole experience pleasant for you. At Centra Dental, we embrace your smiles. We offer all vital dental services, including orthodontic treatments. You can feel safe at our clinic with our surgically clean air circulating the entire time. Why else should you choose Centra Dental? We have amenities and entertainment to make sure your visit is as stress-free as possible. Ask us about our dental service specials and insurance! We look forward to your visit.