Managing Houston Braces Pain
One of the greatest worries our Houston and South Houston patients experience when it’s time to start their Houston braces treatment is that there will be plenty of pain involved. We understand where their worry is coming from, too. After all, the idea of moving your teeth sounds rather daunting. However, don’t let this turn you away from necessary dental braces treatment; although some pain or discomfort with metal dental braces, ceramic dental braces, and Invisalign Clear Aligners is common, it is not permanent and can easily be managed. In this article, we will talk about our favorite ways to help you manage your Houston braces pain.
What Causes Houston Braces Pain?
There are a few causes of braces pain, including:
The Initial Fitting
In general, pain during your Houston braces treatment is the worst on the day you get them. This is because you have likely never worn an orthodontic appliance before, so this is a very new sensation. Over the next following days, the pain will gradually become a slight discomfort, eventually fading as you get used to them.
Certain Foods
If you eat the foods we recommend you avoid, you may get them stuck in your braces or Invisalign Clear Aligner trays, which causes tension and pain in your teeth. You could also snap your wire if you wear other types of Houston braces, which can poke at your cheek.
Tightening Your Braces
Throughout your Houston braces treatment, we will regularly tighten your wires. If you wear Invisalign, we will regularly give you a new set of aligners. When you undergo this adjustment, you may feel some discomfort but it won’t last nearly as long as the first time you got your braces.
Different Ways to Manage Pain While Wearing Dental Braces
Over-The-Counter Pain Killers
OTC pain medication is very effective when you first get your braces. If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort after we tighten your wires at our Houston and South Houston family dentist offices, then consider taking some medication prior to your appointments.
Ice Packs Or Frozen Veggies
If you are feeling any soreness in the early stage of your dental braces treatment, we recommend icing the outside of your cheek where you feel discomfort. This will greatly reduce swelling and numb your mouth a little so you get some much-needed braces pain relief.
Dental Braces Wax
We give all of our Houston braces patients some orthodontic wax, which should be used if a wire or a bracket is causing pain. You can mold the wax and fit it around the affected area in order to create a barrier between the wires and the tissues in your mouth.
Our Houston Family Dentists Will Help You Manage Dental Braces Pain
Now that you know more about the adjustment period when you first get Houston braces, please book an appointment with us at our Houston or South Houston dentist offices if your pain isn’t going away, or if you are thinking about getting braces. We will gladly do an exam and give you further guidance on what to expect and how to manage your discomfort.