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  • What To Do If Your Kid Is Resistant to Getting Braces

    Orthodontic treatment from Centra Dental not only improves a person’s smile, but also corrects many problems, such as overbite, underbite, or jaw misalignment. Dental braces from our Houston dental office are often the best form of treatment in resolving these issues. However, many children and teenagers are reluctant to get braces because they are self-conscious about how they will look or that they will cause pain. If your kid needs braces but is against getting them, here are some tips to overcoming resistance.

    Ask Your Kid Why They Are Against Dental Braces

    First and foremost, find out from your child why they are against getting dental braces. The only way you can address your child’s concerns is by directly asking what they are. Listen attentively to your child’s responses without arguing. By creating a non-confrontational environment, this helps make them feel safe and more at ease to open up.

    Ask Your Kid Who They Like or Admire That Wears Dental Braces

    Children are often worried that they will look funny with braces and be made fun of by their peers. I’m sure we can all remember hearing the term, “Metal Mouth”, used in describing someone with braces at one time or another. As bullying is a serious issue in some schools, it is important to take your child’s concerns seriously. Ask your child if they have any close friends or people they respect who already have braces. Encourage your child to talk to these people about their experiences with braces, and what makes them think wearing braces is worthwhile. An additional tactic that may also help is to make a list of athletes or celebrities your child is a fan of who have worn braces before, and showing them the list.

    Assure Your Child That Braces Do Not Cause Much Pain

    Many kids are anxious about getting braces because they are afraid they will cause pain. Although there may be some initial discomfort, this can easily be treated with over-the-counter pain medication. In addition, our orthodontic patients here at Centra Dental have found that any feelings of pain or discomfort aren’t really that bad and fade quickly.

    Contact Centra Dental For Your Houston Braces

    It’s not surprising that getting braces is not something many kids usually look forward to. However, our Houston dentists are here to make the experience worthwhile for your kid, while alleviating any fears they may have. Not only will they end up with a better smile, but better overall oral health as well. Serving the southwest Houston area, we offer some of the best deals on braces in the city. Contact us today to set up a braces consultation.

  • What to Expect When First Getting Dental Braces at Centra Dental in South Houston

    We’ve previously discussed the best time to get braces. When you have decided it’s time to get braces, you will first want to schedule a Houston braces consultation with us. We understand that many kids and adults wish they knew more information when deciding whether or not dental braces were right for them, so here is what patients of all ages may expect throughout the course of their treatment.

    The Initial Orthodontic Consultation for Houston Braces

    When you come in for your braces consultation, we will gather x-rays, photographs, and molds of your teeth. After our South Houston dentists have taken the time to review the information, we will meet with you to discuss our evaluation and what it means for you. We will explain what we have found in your teeth and address certain concerns regarding the current alignment of your teeth, and the current state of your gums and bite.

    We will go into detail about whether metal braces, ceramic braces, or Invisalign Clear Aligners are the most suitable method for your particular case, as well as educate you about each phase of your treatment. Throughout your progress, we will continue to explain each phase of your treatment and answer any questions you may have as they come to mind.

    Your First Houston Braces Fitting

    After we have completed our consultation with you, we will schedule a future appointment where you get your braces. Here is the step-by-step guide to your fitting.

    • Step 1: Our South Houston family dentist will thoroughly clean and dry your teeth.
    • Step 2: We will apply an orthodontic glue to your teeth and attach the brackets, which will either be small metal or ceramic squares that we affix to the front of your teeth one at a time.
    • Step 3: Lastly, we will place the archwire over your brackets so our dental braces can do their job.

    This process usually takes about 1-2 hours and your mouth may feel slightly sore afterward. This is normal and will gradually fade away over a week or so.

    What Comes Next?

    Over the course of the next few weeks and months, you will get used to having braces and barely notice them until it's time to tighten them.

    Each time we tighten your braces, we do this to ensure they are guiding your teeth to the correct placement. You will feel a bit sore after these appointments, but the soreness will not last as long as it did after your initial fitting. Before you know it, you will have straight teeth and a confident smile.

    Schedule an Appointment With Our South Houston Family Dentist

    Whether you are an adult getting braces, or the parent of a teenager who is about to undergo this treatment, you can rest assured we will provide education and support the entire time. If you are considering dental braces, please schedule an appointment so we can complete our consultation. We look forward to giving you a beautiful smile.

  • When Are Metal Houston Braces Recommended

    Metal dental braces have long been the traditional, most commonly used method of correcting the alignment of the teeth in both children and adults. Today, though, our South Houston dentist, as well as other dentists in Texas, offer Invisalign and ceramic braces as viable alternatives. With other options available, though, when are metal braces best?

    If You Have Crowded Teeth

    Crowded teeth are fairly easy to spot. Our patients with crowding will also have crooked teeth that overlap one another. Sometimes, people are just born with extra teeth, which can be one of the reasons why crowding occurs, as this disrupts how the teeth are naturally supposed to erupt. If crowded teeth aren’t fixed, this can cause unusual wear patterns in the teeth and encourage excess plaque build-up. Remember, excessive plaque is what causes cavities, meaning our South Houston pediatric dentist patients and adult patients who suffer from crowding are much more prone to cavities.

    Plaque build-up in crowded teeth has a domino-like effect. This means that if the patient suffers from excess bacteria build-up, this can quickly turn into gum disease (gingivitis). On top of rapid decay, crowded teeth may cause our patients to feel insecure and self-conscious, especially if a speech impediment occurs because of their teeth. 

    If You Have an Open Bite

    An open bite (or anterior bite) may not be as common as an overbite, but it is identified as the upper and lower front teeth slanting outwards, so they never touch when a patient closes their mouth. 

    With an open bite, the patient will often have a lisp and the teeth will wear abnormally, causing cracks and discomfort.

    How Metal Dental Braces Help

    Metal Houston braces provide enough force to gradually shift even the most severely crowded teeth to the proper position. They are also highly effective on open bites, which are harder to correct. In essence, metal braces work for virtually every type of case of poor alignment, and because they are so strong, they work quicker than ceramic braces or Invisalign clear aligners would in these patient cases. 

    Affordable Houston Braces at Centra Dental

    If you or your child are in need of dental braces and are considering metal braces, then please book an appointment for the first consultation. We’ll examine the bite and help determine if metal braces are a suitable option to correct it.

  • When Our South Houston Family Dentist Recommends Invisalign Clear Aligners

    We recently discussed when we recommend ceramic dental braces, but Invisalign is a more popular alternative that we offer. Here is how Invisalign compares to metal Houston braces and ceramic Houston braces.

    What is it Like to Wear Invisalign Clear Aligners?

    First of all, Invisalign Clear Aligners are made with a flexible plastic that is molded to your teeth in a way that gently and gradually pushes them into the correct alignment. Clear Aligners are transparent, so they go fairly unnoticed. They are also removable, which is one of their greatest benefits.

    When Do Our South Houston Family Dentists Recommend Invisalign Clear Aligners?

    We will take a few factors into consideration when determining whether Invisalign is right for a patient. Among these considerations are:

    How Severe is Your Malocclusion?

    We typically recommend Invisalign treatment if your malocclusion isn’t too severe or problematic. That isn’t to say that Invisalign cannot correct severe misalignment, but it will just take much longer. If your malocclusion is a lighter one, though, Invisalign treatment can take as little as a year.

    When it comes to the severity of your malocclusion, we often recommend metal dental braces to our patients who need very complex corrections. As for ceramic braces, these are suitable for mild-moderate cases.


    Although Invisalign seems to be full of benefits, there are some factors that should be taken into consideration. Discipline is mandatory if you’re wearing Clear Aligners.

    Just because Invisalign is removable, does not mean you should go long without wearing it. We tell our patients to wear their aligners for 22-24 hours a day, which means you need to take extra care not to lose, misplace your aligner trays, or forget them.


    As with any type of Houston braces treatment, you must make sure to thoroughly brush your teeth after every meal and snack. This ensures no bits of food are left in between your teeth, which would get in the way of the aligners doing their job and would also make you more prone to cavities. 

    Centra Dental South Houston Family Dentist Offers Affordable Invisalign Houston Braces Treatment

    If you would like to correct the alignment of your teeth and think that Invisalign may be suitable for you, then please book an appointment. We will conduct a thorough evaluation and discuss your needs so that we can develop the best custom Houston braces treatment for you.

  • When Our South Houston Family Dentists Recommend Ceramic Houston Braces

    Although metal dental braces are by far the most common malocclusion treatment option for our South Houston dentist patients, ceramic braces are growing in popularity–and for good reason. Here is how they compare to metal braces and when we recommend them to our patients.

    What Are Ceramic Houston Braces Like?

    Ceramic dental braces are very similar to metal dental braces, except the brackets that are placed on the teeth are either clear or tooth-colored as opposed to silver. 

    The archwire, which is placed across the brackets in order to put gradual pressure on them to move the teeth into the correct position, ranges from silver to white, or frosted. This enables the braces to further blend into the teeth for a natural appearance. 

    When Do Our South Houston Family Dentists Recommend Ceramic Braces

    When compared to Invisalign, another method for correcting a malocclusion that we offer at our office in South Houston is Invisalign Clear Aligners, ceramic braces straighten the teeth faster–in about 18 to 36 months. Invisalign can take about a year, and even longer if a patient’s personal case is more complex. 

    How severe and complicated our patient’s malocclusion is will play a major role in determining which type of Houston braces are the most suitable for their case, so we often recommend metal braces to our patients in need of the most complicated corrections, and recommend ceramic braces to our patients whose bites aren’t severe and are more on the mild to moderate side of the spectrum. Of course, we could also recommend Invisalign in mild-moderate cases, but some patients worry they may lose their Invisalign Clear Aligners or get a bit lazy in their treatment, so they tend to prefer ceramic braces.

    In addition to bite correction and patient discipline, we also factor in lifestyle and age. If a patient looking into ceramic braces is an athlete and/or is still a child whose adult teeth haven’t fully emerged, then we may refrain from recommending ceramic Houston braces because they tend to be more fragile than traditional metal Houston braces.

    Centra Dental in South Houston Offers Affordable Ceramic Houston Braces

    If you would like to correct the alignment of your teeth and think ceramic braces may be right for you, then please book an appointment. We will happily complete an orthodontic evaluation to address your concerns and needs so that we can design the best custom treatment plan for you.

  • Which Houston Braces Are Right for You?

    Achieve a brighter, more confident smile with Houston braces. This dental treatment is an effective way to correct crooked teeth and even bite problems. Not only do they boost your self-esteem, but dental braces also improve your oral health. Now the question remains: which type of braces should you get? Our Houston dentist will perform a full examination to determine the best one for you. To give you an idea, here are the different types of braces available.

    Metal Braces

    Also known as traditional braces, metal braces have been around for decades. They are made from high-quality stainless steel brackets that are linked together by a thin wire. Because they put strong pressure on the teeth, they are usually recommended for more extreme cases. They are also more visible and cannot be removed. You can choose from different colored bands to go with your Houston braces. An advantage of metal braces is that it is cheaper. Metal braces can also correct oral issues that ceramic or Invisalign braces are not able to treat.

    Ceramic Braces

    Many adult patients choose ceramic braces because they are less visible. They resemble the natural color of teeth, so they give off a more subtle look. Some patients are able to take pictures or attend events without their braces being too noticeable. Another pro is that ceramic braces move teeth faster than Invisalign. However, take note that ceramic braces are more expensive. They also move teeth more slowly than metal braces. They’re not recommended for young patients because they are less durable, and kids may easily damage them. 

    Invisalign Braces

    A third type of Houston braces that are also very popular is Invisalign. This is a type of clear aligner that you can remove and put back in place. Invisalign resembles mouth guards and are custom-made for you. The biggest advantage of Invisalign is you can remove it when eating, taking pictures, attending events, etc. The downside is they are less effective when treating more complex dental issues. You also need to have new Invisalign braces fit every two weeks. So if you have a busy schedule, you may want to consider other options.

    Schedule a Consultation for Houston Braces Today!

    Now that you have an idea of the different types of Houston braces, it’s time to consult with a Houston family dentist. Our top-rated Houston dentist at Centra Dental will take X-rays and molds to determine the right Houston dental braces for you. At our clinic, we strive to give you a pleasant and stress-free dental experience. We have surgically clean air running the whole day to ensure the safety of our patients and staff. We embrace your smiles. As such, we offer a variety of amenities and entertainment to keep you happy during your entire visit. You may also ask us about our dental service specials and insurance we accept. Contact us today to book an appointment!

  • Who Can Get South Houston Invisalign

    Advancements in orthodontics through the years brought with them improvements to the traditional metal Houston braces as well as other dental braces alternatives that are less bulkier and more comfortable to use such as Invisalign clear aligners. Have you heard about Invisalign clear aligners? Are you wondering if your dental issues can be corrected by this type of retainer? As part of our commitment to educate our patients on how to best take care of their teeth, our South Houston Family Dentist will discuss in this article how Houston Dental Braces work and who are the candidates for getting a South Houston Invisalign.

    How Traditional Houston Dental Metal Braces Work

    Traditional metal dental braces are devices used by your South Houston Dentist to align and straighten teeth to improve a person’s bite. It addresses usual dental problems such as crooked teeth, underbites, overbites, and other bite problems stemming from flaws in the teeth and jaw. Dental braces work by moving teeth as a result of force and pressure. The constant force and pressure over time slowly move the teeth to their desired position. Brackets are installed on each individual tooth that will serve as anchor points. The anchor points are attached to an arch wire using ligature elastics. The force that would eventually move the teeth comes from the interaction of the brackets and the arch wire. As the teeth move toward the desired position, the arch wire is adjusted by your South Houston Family Dentist.

    How Invisalign Clear Dental Aligners Work

    Invisalign clear retainers also work in the same way as a traditional metal Houston dental brace that slowly coaxes the teeth through a constant application of force. However, the constant force comes from the wearing of a series of custom-fit aligner trays. As the teeth are moved towards the desired position, a new aligner tray is produced by your South Houston Dentist and made to be worn by the patient. The number of aligner trays used would depend on the required treatment time. Most patients receive new aligners roughly every two weeks.

    Who Can Use Invisalign Dental Aligners

    Invisalign is perfect for patients who have mild to moderate dental issues such as misaligned teeth, large overbite, and those who have gaps in their front teeth. Our South Houston Family Dentist does not recommend Invisalign for individuals with jaw alignment problems and severely crooked or rotated teeth. Part of the Invisalign treatment is wearing the aligners regularly. If a patient has an issue with or has a lifestyle that prevents him from wearing aligners for long periods of time then he should consider other options.

    Consult Your South Houston Family Dentist

    The points discussed above by our South Houston Dentist are general guidelines regarding dental braces and Invisalign. A consultation in person following a dental checkup would still be best so that a patient can make an informed decision about a treatment plan that is appropriate for him. If you have reservations because of the ongoing pandemic, we have taken extra steps to ensure a clean and safe environment. Aside from the mandatory wearing of masks, shields, and gowns, and the sanitizing of equipment before and after sessions, we have installed a system that surgically cleans circulating indoor air. Call us now and book an appointment with our top-rated dentist!

  • Why Are Rubber Bands Used in South Houston Braces Treatment?

    Dental braces are effective in correcting crooked teeth to give you a more confident smile. They also address bite issues, overcrowding, and too much space. If you have braces, chances are, you’d need to wear rubber bands at some point in your treatment. Elastics work by applying additional force to your teeth. Here are some reasons why you may need elastics. 

    Corrects Too Much Space

    South Houston braces can be used to treat spacing problems. If you have too much space in your teeth or wide gaps, your dentist may recommend rubber bands. Your elastics provide extra pressure to make sure unwanted gaps close. They are connected horizontally by hooking them onto your brackets. 

    Corrects Overbites and Underbites

    Elastics are used to treat both overbites and underbites. An overbite is when the upper teeth protrude too much over the lower teeth. Rubber bands are connected to the upper jaw and lower molars to correct overbites. An underbite is the opposite; it’s when the lower jaw sticks out too much. A South Houston dentist may connect elastics from your lower jaw to the upper molars to treat an underbite.

    Corrects Open Bites and Crossbites

    Patients who had the habit of thumbsucking may develop an open bite. This is when your upper teeth don’t touch your lower teeth when your mouth is closed. Linking your upper and lower teeth together usually treats open bites. Meanwhile, a crossbite is when a group of upper teeth are positioned behind a group of lower teeth. Your South Houston family dentist may recommend crossing elastics over your front teeth to correct a crossbite.

    Types of Rubber Bands for Dental Braces

    Elastics come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. They are available in light, medium, and heavy gauges. Your South Houston dentist will tell you which one to use, depending on the severity of your condition. You may be given a mix of sizes, as some elastics need to stretch farther than others. Whichever variety you’re prescribed, make sure to use them exactly as directed for the best results.

    What to Expect With Dental Elastics

    Rubber bands lose their elasticity throughout the day. You will need to change elastics once or multiple times a day. The duration of use will be determined by your South Houston family dentist. Remember to follow their instructions carefully.

    Book a Treatment for South Houston Braces

    Achieve the smile you’ve always wanted by booking a treatment with Centra Dental. We offer a pleasant and stress-free dental experience while ensuring you get the best possible treatment. Our top-rated dentist performs all vital services, including South Houston braces with rubber bands. Why choose Centra Dental? We embrace your smiles. We put a premium on the safety of our patients and staff. We have surgically clean air circulating all throughout as well as entertainment for the whole family. Ask us about our dental service specials! We look forward to serving you.

  • Why Do You Need Retainers After South Houston Braces Treatment?

    It’s always exciting to get your South Houston braces removed after years of wearing them. The countless trips to your South Houston dentist have finally paid off as you showcase your new and improved smile. However, your treatment isn’t over. Retainers are important to prevent relapse of your old, misaligned teeth. After carefully removing the brackets, wires, and excess cement, your dentist will ask you to wear retainers. So why should you have to endure more months—or even years? Read on to know the importance of dental retainers.

    Prevents Shifting of Teeth in Kids and Teens

    Many of our patients who come in for South Houston braces are children and teenagers. Compared to adults, their bones have not yet fully set in and they are still developing. This means that their teeth could go back to their original state after getting braces removed. In addition, their wisdom teeth have not yet erupted. Retainers are absolutely necessary so that their teeth do not shift in position. 

    Sets in Newly Aligned Teeth

    Retainers are especially necessary for patients who had issues with spacing corrected. Overcrowding is when there is not enough space in your mouth to align your teeth. On the other hand, too much space can result in gaps in your teeth. If you had such cases treated with South Houston braces, then retainers are a must to maintain newly aligned teeth.

    Keeps Corrected Bite in Place

    Dental braces are also an effective treatment for underbites and overbites. Extra appliances are used, such as elastics and springs, to correct bite problems. Because your jaws were forcibly moved, they could go back to their original positioning after the braces were removed. To prevent this and keep your new bite in place, you must wear retainers.

    How Long Should You Wear Retainers?

    Most patients wear their retainers anywhere from 4 months to 2 years—sometimes even more. Your South Houston family dentist will determine how long you should wear retainers. The duration will depend on your age, number of years with braces, and severity of your condition. 

    Keeping Your Retainers Clean

    Remember to keep your retainers in a case when you’re not using them, and keep this case accessible to you at all times. You can clean your retainers with a towel or cleaning brush. You may also be directed to soak it in a denture cleaner. Keep your retainers away from extreme heat, pets, and children.

    Schedule an Appointment for South Houston Braces Today!

    At Centra Dental, we embrace your smiles. We are committed to making your dental experience as stress-free and pleasant as possible. While waiting, you can watch movies and connect to our Wi-Fi while your children play with toys. At our facility, we take hygiene very seriously. We have surgically clean air circulating, and we always sanitize our equipment to ensure the safety of our patients and staff. Ask us about our dental services specials and affordable rates. Visit us today for your concerns with South Houston braces and retainers!

  • Why You Might Need Rubber Bands with Houston Braces

    Houston braces are a common way to correct alignment issues like crooked or improperly-spaced teeth, using wires and brackets to apply pressure that shifts your teeth into the proper position. Oftentimes, our South Houston dentist will add rubber bands to your metal or ceramic braces treatment plan in order to increase the force applied and shift the teeth faster and more effectively.

    Why Our South Houston Dentist Uses Rubber Bands With Braces

    Dental braces work by applying pressure to the teeth through a series of brackets and wires, which gradually shift teeth to where they should be. If our South Houston family dentist adds rubber bands to you or your child’s braces treatment, it provides added tension. This not only eases the teeth’s movement but also accelerates this process. These rubber bands attach to the brackets themselves and can be applied in a variety of configurations designed for your unique orthodontic needs. Rubber bands with Houston braces are most often used to correct these issues:

    • Overbite
    • Underbite
    • Spacing issues
    • Crooked teeth
    • Other jaw alignment issues

    How to Use Rubber Bands with Houston Braces

    When our South Houston dentist first applies rubber bands to your braces during your visit, you’ll learn where to place them and how. They are easy to put on and remove, the latter of which should be done when eating, brushing, and flossing. Our South Houston dentist will send you home with a large supply of rubber bands, as a new set should be used each day to ensure proper hygiene is maintained. It’s possible that the placement of your rubber bands will change over the course of your dental braces treatment in order to place pressure on different teeth and parts of the jaw so that your teeth shift at the right pace and into the right position. 

    Sometimes rubber bands with braces can cause discomfort, especially when first applied or when our South Houston family dentist changes their position in your mouth. This is usually eased with over-the-counter pain medication. It’s also recommended that certain foods, like sticky candy and gum, be avoided, just as with dental braces alone.

    See Why So Many Families Choose Centra Dental For Their Houston Braces

    We know you have many options when it comes to South Houston family dentistry, which is why we strive to provide the kind of expert care that cultivates long-lasting relationships through regular visits and life-long dental support. When you choose Centra Dental for your South Houston family dentistry needs, you’re part of our family! If you think it’s time for you or your child to begin Houston braces treatment, call us to schedule an appointment. Our South Houston Family Dentist will complete a thorough dental exam and provide you with the best recommendations for orthodontic treatment. We provide a wide array of dental services to meet the needs of everyone in your family, keeping your teeth healthy and your smile bright.

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