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  • Sedation: The Calming Effect for Dentistry

    Patients are typically nervous when they come to the dentist. For that reason, we specialize in providing various forms of sedation to help our guests relax.

    At Centra Dental, our primary goal is to ensure that every Houston dental patient has a great experience. Our staff works hard everyday to make the process of receiving dental care easy and seamless. From appointment to procedure, our patients know they are in good hands regardless of what oral needs they have: be it a dental cleaning, dental fillings, dental crowns, or oral surgery.


    During many of our dental procedures that come with the possibility of pain, we numb the affected area so the patient won’t feel anything during the procedure. Although we remove the possibility of pain in the area, it doesn’t always remove a patient’s nervousness or anxiety.

    Depending on the patient and their needs, we apply certain levels of sedation to calm the guest so that they can be at ease throughout the entire procedure. The age ranges of dental patients at Centra Dental are vast. From small children to senior citizens, we are certain to ask about their levels of nervousness before the start of the procedure. After ascertaining this information, we apply our sedation accordingly until the patient is ready to begin the procedure.

    It is Christmas-time, but we promise our sedatives aren’t anything like what the Grinch offers. Our sedation methods are pain-free experiences.

    The reason we take such measures is because we understand the value of first impressions. We want every dental patients’ experience to be a positive one, regardless of how many times they’ve come to see us and regardless of what procedure it is. Every impression is important, but ensuring the first impression is a positive one creates a strong sense of immediate trust and comfort. Achieving this and then building upon that experience is paramount to us.


    If you are in need of dental work, even before Christmas arrives, contact us today and make your appointment.


  • Should You Get Ceramic Houston Braces or Metal Dental Braces? Perfect smile from Houston dental braces

    When it comes to achieving the perfect smile, the decision between ceramic Houston braces and metal dental braces can be a significant one. Each type of dental braces comes with its own set of advantages and considerations, making it essential to weigh your options carefully. At Centra Dental, your trusted provider of general and family dentistry, our knowledgeable Houston dentist is here to assist you in making the best choice for your orthodontic needs.

  • South Houston Invisalign For Teens

    Invisalign Clear Aligners are an increasingly popular method for correcting any misalignment in your teenager’s teeth. At our South Houston family dentist office, we offer Invisalign in addition to ceramic dental braces and metal Houston braces to our pediatric dental patients. In this blog, we will explain why Invisalign may be a great option for your teenager.

    South Houston Invisalign Is A Subtle And More Comfortable Option For Teenagers

    Unlike metal or ceramic Houston braces, Invisalign doesn’t require brackets, wires, or rubber brands. In fact, Clear Aligners are much like clear plastic retainers that are made by first completing a 3D scan of your teen’s mouth. Once we complete the scans and study them, we will design custom plastic Invisalign trays that will be made in our dental lab. These plastic trays will put gentle pressure on your teenager’s teeth so that they gradually shift until they are straight.

    Because there are no wires involved and, as their name implies, Invisalign Clear Aligners are nearly transparent when placed on the teeth. This is ideal for your child if they tend to feel self-conscious in their smile and would prefer not to draw attention to their teeth

    South Houston Invisalign Is Flexible 

    If your teenager is very responsible and well-disciplined, they will greatly benefit from the greater flexibility that Invisalign offers. Invisalign is removable, unlike our other Houston braces treatments, so our patients should remove them at mealtimes. Additionally, if worn as directed by our South Houston family dentist, which is for 20-22 hours a day without being misplaced or lost, then your teenager may be able to skip the Invisalign for a special occasion, such as prom.

    Are There Any Downsides To Invisalign Clear Aligners?

    Invisalign seems like the perfect solution to fix a bad bite, but there are some limitations. For example, if your teenager has a severe malocclusion, Invisalign may not be as effective or as efficient at straightening the teeth compared to metal dental braces. Further, their flexibility will require your teenager to be very mindful of perfectly following our instructions in order to get the most out of Invisalign.

    Visit Our South Houston Braces Dentist to See if Invisalign is the Best Treatment for Your Teen

    If you think Invisalign might be a good option for your teen, then please book an appointment with our South Houston family dentist. We will determine what treatment method works best for your child's smile.

  • Study Shows Link Between Oral Health and Classroom Performance

    With the new school year just beginning, many parents are still scrambling to complete their back-to-school-to-do lists. If you are a parent who is invested in their child’s academic success, you may want to add bringing them to see our kids dentist to your list, as a recent study from the University of Southern California found a link between oral health and classroom success.

    While this link may come as a surprise to many parents, the research from the study shows that toothaches, cavities and other painful dental problems can cause difficulty focusing and concentrating, thus resulting in absences and poor performance. Furthermore, painful cavities can lead to difficulties in eating and speaking, resulting in self-esteem issues.

    Preventive Care From Our Southwest Houston Dental Clinic

    The best way to help your children avoid these problematic and painful issues is through preventive care. Our Houston dental office recommends bringing your child to see our kids dentists twice a year. Visiting our Southwest Houston dental clinic for preventive care has the added bonus of being able to ask our kids dentists for tips on establishing good dental hygiene habits.

    Visiting Our Kids Dentists Isn’t The Only Preventive Measure

    Dental check-ups at our Houston dental clinic are just one aspect of maintaining good oral health. It’s just as important your child practices proper dental hygiene habits. Brushing at least twice a day, flossing regularly, and avoiding sugary snacks are dental habits every kid should be practicing.

    Having good oral hygiene develops self-discipline and taking pride in oneself, qualities beneficial to a child’s academic performance. Contact Our Southwest Houston Dental Office Here at Centra Dental, our kids dentists understand that having a healthy mouth greatly contributes to a positive sense of self in your child, resulting in better performance in all facets of your child’s life – including academics. If you live in Southwest Houston or the surrounding areas, contact our Houston dental office today to setup an appointment.

  • The Benefits of Houston Invisalign Over Traditional Braces Lady with a straight smile holds her Houston Invisalign clear retainers.

    In the quest for a straighter smile, orthodontic treatment options have evolved significantly over the years. One such advancement is Houston Invisalign, a revolutionary approach to teeth straightening that offers numerous benefits over traditional braces. At Centra Dental, your trusted provider of general and family dentistry, we understand the importance of providing patients with the most effective and comfortable orthodontic solutions available. In this article, your trusted Houston dentist discusses the advantages of Houston Invisalign and why it may be the ideal choice for achieving your dream smile.

  • The Importance Of Retainers After Houston Braces

    Approaching the end of your Houston braces treatment is an exciting feeling because you will be able to show off a gorgeous smile really soon! However, giving you a new smile doesn’t just finish there. In fact, once your treatment is completed, you will have to switch to wearing orthodontic retainers for an extended period of time, but don’t worry–they are more flexible than dental braces. In this article, we will explain the importance of wearing retainers after your Houston braces treatment.

    Your Teeth Will Tend To Shift Again

    Both children and adults who wear braces will experience this. This occurs because the teeth haven’t had a chance to fully settle into the soft tissues of your mouth. Remember that, for at least an entire year, your teeth have been 100% reliant on metal, ceramic, or even plastic from your Invisalign Clear Aligners in order to hold them in place. To mitigate this and let them settle into their new alignment, you should wear your retainers day and night for at least a year, but this will also depend on the individual’s case.

    Retainers Protect Your Investment

    Wearing retainers after completing your Invisalign, metal, or ceramic Houston braces treatment is a sure way to make your investment in your smile well worth it. As we age, our teeth naturally try to shift again, and as frustrating as this is, remember that your dental braces prevented (or got rid of) some serious complications with your dental health. By diligently wearing your retainers day and night and then transitioning to only wearing them most nights, you will strengthen your teeth so they remain straight and healthy for years and years to come. You might even get to enjoy your new, perfectly aligned smile for the rest of your life.

    Get Fitted For Retainers at Centra Dental In Houston And South Houston

    When you’re near the end of your Houston braces treatment, please book an appointment with us so we can confirm that you’re ready for your braces to be removed soon. At this appointment, we will also take impressions of your new smile so we can fit you for your retainers and educate you and how to wear them. We can’t wait to embrace your smile!

  • The Importance of Wearing Your Elastics with Houston Braces A girl wears her Houston braces with elastics.

    At Centra Dental, your trusted provider of general and family dentistry, we understand that wearing elastics with your Houston braces is a crucial aspect of your orthodontic treatment. These small rubber bands may seem insignificant, but they play a vital role in ensuring the success of your Houston braces journey. Let's delve into the importance of wearing your elastics and how they contribute to achieving a straighter and healthier smile.

  • Tips For A Smooth Houston Braces Experience

    If you’re currently undergoing Houston braces treatment, or plan to very soon, you may be wondering what you can do to ensure your treatment goes by smoothly. In this article, our Houston family dentists will offer some of our best tips to help you get the most out of your dental braces treatment.

    Be Mindful Of The Food You Eat When Wearing Houston Braces

    No, this doesn’t mean to go on a diet. This just means that you need to be careful that you don’t eat foods that will damage your braces. 

    Some foods you should avoid, especially early on in your Houston braces treatment, include:

    • Crunch foods, such as chips and popcorn
    • Sticky foods, such as candy and bubble gum
    • Foods that you usually bite directly into, such as carrots, corn, and apples. Instead, we recommend you chop these beforehand.

    Not only will avoiding these foods reduce the pain and discomfort you feel shortly after getting dental braces, but doing so will also protect your braces from breaking over the course of your treatment.

    Play Sports Safely

    Most of our Houston braces patients are children, which means plenty of them regularly participate in after-school sports. Even some of our adult patients participate in sports in their free time. Regardless of how old our patients are, everyone who practices a close contact sport may benefit from wearing a protective mouthguard that is custom-fitted to their teeth. This way, if there is some trauma during a game, your teeth will be far better protected and we can address it in a timely manner.

    Practice Good Dental Braces Hygiene

    Good dental hygiene is a must, but Houston braces patients must be extra cautious with how well they take care of their teeth. You can read more about proper dental hygiene when wearing Houston braces here.

    Get Affordable Houston Braces At Centra Dental

    Our dentists, who treat families in Houston and South Houston, offer exceptional dental braces treatment, including ceramic braces, metal braces, and Invisalign Clear–all at an affordable price starting as low as $99/month. Please book an appointment with us so we can assess the health of your teeth and get you started with a Houston braces consultation. We look forward to giving you a healthy, beautiful smile! 

  • Tips For Better Oral Hygiene From Our Kids Dentists

    Getting kids to take care of their teeth can sometimes be like, well, “pulling teeth”. When it comes to oral heath, some of the biggest challenges parents often face involve getting their kids to brush properly (if at all), floss daily, or to stay away from sugary drinks and snacks. Here are some pediatric dentistry tips from our southwest Houston dental office that encourage your kids to take better care of their teeth.

    Encourage Your Kid to Choose Healthier Food Options

    Food items such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, cheese, and lean meats are better for your child’s teeth than cookies, candy, or chips. Unfortunately, kids often need a lot of persuasion to choose from the healthier options. Young children are also hesitant when it comes to eating food that is unfamiliar to them. Here are some suggestions from our kids dentists on how to make eating healthy fun:

    • Include your kid in purchasing your food, and have them help in the preparation of it.

    • Allow your child to bring their favorite stuffed animal or doll to the dinner table on certain occasions. Young children often become more willing to try unfamiliar food when they first “feed” it to their furry friend.

    • Have healthy food options such as carrot sticks, apple slices, or cheese cubes ready to eat whenever they need a snack. When children are hungry, the last thing they want to do is have to wait for you to prepare their snacks. Having healthy options immediately ready to satiate their hunger goes a long way in creating healthy eating habits.

    Get Them To Look Forward To Seeing Our Houston Dentists

    Getting your child into the habit of visiting our dental clinic in southwest Houston contributes greatly to their oral health, as our kids dentists can help educate your child on the importance of taking care of their teeth, while encouraging them to practice good oral hygiene habits. Here are some tips to help make them look forward to seeing us each time:

    • Start early, so your child sees visits to our southwest Houston dental clinic as a normal part of life. Our Houston dentists recommend that you bring your child into our dental office as soon as their first tooth appears, or no later than their first birthday.

    • Turn visits to our Houston dental office into fun excursions by going to the movies, the park, children’s museum, or some other fun place before of after their appointment.

    • Before their appointment, read children’s books to your kid that talk about how going to the dentist is not only important, but fun as well.

    Although encouraging kids to take better care of their oral health can often be challenging, our Houston dentists are here to help. Our priority is helping your child maintain a healthy mouth through good dental habits, while enjoying the process. Contact Centra Dental in southwest Houston today to set up an appointment.

  • Tips For Taking Care of Your Baby's Teeth From Our Southwest Houston Dental Office

    You may be surprised to learn that good oral hygiene in your baby begins before their first tooth appears. Just because you don’t see any teeth in your baby’s mouth, it doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Teeth begin to form in your baby’s mouth during the second trimester of pregnancy. In fact, your baby already has 20 primary teeth at birth, with some teeth fully developed in the jaw.</>

    Here are a few tips from our Houston dentists on how to care for your young child or baby’s teeth:

    • Before your baby starts teething, clear away any harmful bacteria in their mouth by wiping their gums with a clean, moist washcloth.

    • When your baby begins to have teeth, use an infant toothbrush with a small amount of fluoride toothpaste (about the size of a grain of rice) to brush them. You want to use such a small amount of toothpaste in order to minimize the amount your baby may swallow. Remember to use fluoride toothpaste that carries the American Dental Association's (ADA) seal of acceptance.

    • At about age 2, teach your kid to spit while brushing. Do not give your child water to rinse out their mouth, as this increases the chances of them swallowing toothpaste.

    • Once your child reaches 3 years old, increase the amount of fluoride toothpaste to about the size of a pea. Again, you want to minimize their chances of swallowing too much toothpaste.

    • Before they are at least 8 years old, make sure to always supervise your kid when they brush, as before this age they are more likely to swallow toothpaste.

    Reminder From Our Houston Kids Dentists: Practice Good Feeding Habits!

    If good feeding habits are not practiced, even babies can develop tooth decay. For instance, putting a baby to sleep with a bottle can harm the baby's teeth, as sugars from juice or milk can remain on a baby's teeth for long periods of time. These sugars can eat away at the enamel, thus creating a condition known as bottle mouth. Babies with bottle mouth often have pocked, pitted, or discolored front teeth. Severe cases of bottle mouth can develop cavities that require extraction of their front baby teeth.

    Start Off Right With A Visit To Our Southwest Houston Dental Clinic

    We recommend that you bring your child into our dental clinic in southwest Houston once they turn 1-year old. At this first visit, our kids dentist will conduct a mouth exam designed for babies and explain proper brushing and flossing techniques.

    Visits to our Houston dental office allows our kids dentists to detect any problems early, while helping your kid get used to seeing the dentist. Our kids dentists are trained professionals in kids' oral health. Therefore, you can be sure your kid is in good hands. Contact our southwest Houston dental office today to set up an appointment.

  • Tips To Maintain Dental Hygiene When Wearing Houston Braces

    Houston braces are a big deal, and we are proud to offer affordable metal braces, ceramic braces, and even Invisalign Clear Aligners. In monitoring our patients’ progress during their dental braces treatment, we take note of how well they take care of their dental health and often get asked what they can do to reduce their chance of getting cavities. In this blog, our Houston family dentists will offer our top tips for maintaining your best dental health possible while undergoing Houston braces treatment.

    Tip 1: Brush Your Teeth More Frequently 

    When wearing braces, it is easy to miss a few spots when brushing your teeth, so our South Houston dentist recommends carefully brushing your teeth after every meal and snack. It may seem excessive, but this is the best way to prevent food from getting stuck in the brackets of your metal and ceramic dental braces, or behind the plastic of your Invisalign Clear Aligners. Remember that food left behind impedes your treatment from working properly. 

    Tip 2: Consider Using Interdental Brushes

    Interdental brushes, also known as brush picks, are a great step between brushing your teeth and flossing because it gets rid of any stray food particles that were left behind after brushing. We recommend using them after each time you brush and then switching to string floss at night before bed, which brings us to our next tip...

    Tip 3: Floss Your Teeth Every Night

    Even if you use a brush pick, there might be smaller, harder-to-reach food particles that floss can easily remove. Today, there are several types of floss available, including floss designed to be used while wearing dental braces. Although flossing can be tricky with braces, patience helps and so can we the next time you come to our South Houston dentist office for a cleaning and a check-up.

    Tip 4: Get A Teeth Cleaning At Our Houston And South Houston Dental Offices Every 6 Months

    By coming into our Houston family dentist office for your teeth cleanings twice a year, we can check on your overall dental health and clean your teeth more deeply and thoroughly than you would at home. If it’s time to get a dental cleaning, please book an appointment so we can schedule one as soon as possible and assess the health of your teeth.

  • Use It or Lose It: Take Advantage of Your Dental Insurance Benefits Before the Year Ends! Maximize your Houston dental benefits

    As the year draws to an end, it’s time to make the most out of your dental insurance by booking an appointment with your Houston dentist today. Most dental insurance plans do not carry over to the next year, which means that you will lose all unused benefits. Centra Dental accepts dental insurance for a wide range of treatments so you can maintain excellent oral health. Learn more about why you should visit a dentist before the year ends.

    Maximize Your Dental Insurance Benefits

    Dental insurance companies have an annual maximum, which is the most they will pay for your dental services within one calendar year. Your unused benefits do not roll over to the next year, which means that if you haven't reached your maximum, you'll miss out on the benefits you deserve. You're paying premiums every month, whether you use your plan or not. To get the most out of what you're paying, it's wise to use the insurance benefits before they reset.

    Be More Cost-Effective

    Dental treatments can cost a significant amount of money, especially for the more complicated procedures. If you’re already paying your premiums, then it makes sense to reap the benefits of your plan instead of paying out-of-pocket expenses. In this day and age where the cost of living continues to increase, it’s wiser to save your money when you can. This way, you can use the budget for other necessities of your family.

    Address Your Dental Issues

    The most important thing to consider is your health. If you have existing dental issues, then it’s time to book a visit with your Houston dentist. Dental insurance covers treatments, such as fillings, root canals, crowns, and other vital procedures. By addressing your dental concerns as soon as possible, you’re keeping your health in check. You’re also preventing more serious, more expensive dental issues, so it’s time to check off that long-overdue trip to your Houston family dentist.

    Take Care of Your Oral Health

    Most dental insurance plans also cover preventive treatments, such as teeth cleaning and checkups. Prevention is better than cure when it comes to your health. Use your dental insurance to prevent cavities and plaque that lead to tooth decay. Centra Dental’s top-rated Houston dentists will make sure your oral health is at its best while you maximize your dental benefits.

    Schedule a Visit With Your Houston Dentist Today!

    Using your dental insurance before the year ends ensures optimum oral health and avoids out-of-pocket expenses. Centra Dental provides all vital services, including Houston braces, so you can achieve your healthiest smile. We have a clean and safe facility where hygiene is our priority. We strive to make your dental experience as pleasant and stress-free as possible, which is why we offer a variety of amenities to keep you relaxed. Don’t wait until the new year for a needed dental treatment. Schedule a visit with Centra Dental today!

  • Wear Your Retainers After Houston Braces Treatment

    Approaching the end of your Houston braces treatment is so exciting! Before you know it, you’ll be showing off your brand new smile, but remember that you still need to wear retainers after your Houston braces come on in order to ensure your new smile sticks around. Don’t worry, though. Retainers are removable and offer more flexibility than dental braces. In this article, our South Houston family dentists will explain the importance of wearing retainers after concluding your braces treatment. 

    Orthodontic Retainers Prevent Your Teeth From Shifting Again 

    Believe it or not, after braces, your teeth will try to shift again. This occurs because your teeth haven’t had a chance to fully settle into the soft tissues of your mouth. Remember that, for at least an entire year, your teeth have been 100% reliant on metal, ceramic, or even plastic from your Invisalign Clear Aligners in order to hold them in place. To mitigate this and let them settle into their new alignment, you should wear your retainers day and night for at least a year, but this will also depend on the individual’s case.

    Orthodontic Retainers Protect Your Investment In Your New Smile

    Wearing retainers after completing your Invisalign, metal braces, or ceramic Houston braces treatment is a sure way to make your investment in your smile well worth it. As frustrating as it is to realize that you need to take another step to allow your teeth to stay in their alignment, remember that dental braces from our Houston and South Houston dentist offices prevented (or got rid of) some serious complications with your dental health. 

    By diligently wearing your retainers day and night and then transitioning to only wearing them most nights, you will strengthen your teeth so they remain straight for years and years to come. You might even get to enjoy your new, perfectly aligned smile for the rest of your life.

    Get Fitted For Retainers at Centra Dental In Houston And South Houston

    When you’re near the end of your Houston braces treatment, please book an appointment with us so we can confirm that you’re ready for your braces to be removed soon. At this appointment, we will also take impressions of your new smile so we can fit you for your retainers and educate you and how to wear them and how to best take care of them. Houston braces and orthodontic retainers won’t last forever, but with adequate care, your new smile can last as long as you let it!

  • What Takes Place At Your Houston Braces Consultation

    So you’ve decided it might be time for Houston braces. That’s great news! You are well on your way to a beautiful, healthier smile. However, before you get your Invisalign, ceramic dental braces, or metal dental braces, you must first undergo a Houston braces consultation so that our family dentists in Houston and South Houston can design a customized treatment plan that will change your smile. In this article, we will discuss when is the best time to come in for a consultation, what you can expect at this appointment, and what the next steps will be.

    When To Get A Houston Braces Consultation

    When it comes to dental braces treatment, the earlier the better! If you’re a parent looking into Houston braces for your child, then you will be glad to know that they can come in for a consultation once all their baby teeth have fallen out and their permanent teeth have emerged. 

    If you’re an adult looking into adult dental braces treatment in Houston, then you can come in for a consultation as soon as you’d like. 

    What To Expect At Your Dental Braces Consultation At Our Houston And South Houston Family Dentist Office

    When you visit us for your first consultation, a few tasks need to be completed:

    • Gathering X-rays
    • Taking dental photographs
    • Taking impressions

    We will also take the time to learn more about your needs and preferences. Once we have these materials, we will review them and determine whether Invisalign, ceramic dental braces, or metal dental braces may be best for your particular case. Once you decide on which type of Houston braces treatment you will undergo, we will map out the course of your treatment or that of your child’s utilizing our state-of-the-art dental braces technology. 

    What Happens After Your Houston Braces Consultation

    Once we know what dental braces treatment you will undergo, it’s time to book your fitting. If you will undergo Invisalign, we will get your aligner trays made at our lab before you come into our office to wear them for the first time. 

    If you are undergoing ceramic dental braces or metal dental braces treatment, your next appointment will be the one in which we actually attach the braces to your teeth, which will last about 1-2 hours. You can learn more about what to expect when first getting braces here.

    Ready For Dental Braces? Visit Us At Our Houston Or South Houston Family Dentist Offices

    If you believe that it’s about time for you or your child to get braces, then please book an appointment with our dentist so we can begin with our dental braces consultation and design an effective treatment plan. We look forward to giving your teen a beautiful smile they are proud to show off!

  • What to Do About South Houston Braces Pain

    Every time you go in for an appointment with your Houston dentist, they will tighten your braces to maintain your progress. Metal dental braces put pressure on your teeth in order to make it move. Your dentist positions the brackets and wires in a way that would make you one step closer to your ideal set of teeth. The discomfort is worth it, as braces are effective in correcting a range of dental issues. 

    Over-the-Counter Pain Meds

    One way to manage the pain is to take drug store medication. Usually, you can take pain relief an hour before your dental appointment. Oral anesthetic gels are also a good option if the pain becomes intolerable.

    Ice Pack

    Place an ice pack on the outside of your cheek to reduce inflammation. Ideally, you should do this for 20 minutes. The cold provides temporary pain relief by numbing the area involved.

    Cold and Soft Foods

    After having your South Houston braces tightened, treat yourself to a nice bowl of ice cream. The cold temperature will help numb your gums and teeth. While you have discomfort, stick with soft food, like soup, mashed potatoes, and smoothies.

    Ortho Wax

    Especially for first-time patients, the wires on your metal braces can cause abrasions to the inside of your cheeks. Orthodontic wax is a great way to prevent sharp ends from irritating your mouth.

    How Long Does the Pain Last?

    You will feel pressure immediately after getting your South Houston braces tightened. The pain will peak from about 6 hours onwards. It usually lasts for 4 days, with the pain lessening as each day passes. Houston dental braces shouldn’t hurt for more than 7 days after getting an adjustment. If this happens, consult with your Houston family dentist.

    Book an Appointment for South Houston Braces

    Thinking about getting South Houston braces to achieve a more confident smile? Centra Dental’s top-rated dentists provide personalized care to make the whole experience pleasant for you. At Centra Dental, we embrace your smiles. We offer all vital dental services, including orthodontic treatments. You can feel safe at our clinic with our surgically clean air circulating the entire time. Why else should you choose Centra Dental? We have amenities and entertainment to make sure your visit is as stress-free as possible. Ask us about our dental service specials and insurance! We look forward to your visit.

  • What To Do If Your Child Is Hesitant About Houston Braces

    Houston braces at Centra Dental in Houston and South Houston not only improve your smile, but they also improve your overall dental health. As great as Houston braces are, many children are rather hesitant about getting dental braces because they are self-conscious or concerned about pain. However, being more informed about our various Houston braces treatments may aid in their hesitation. In this article, we offer some of our tips for helping your child warm up to the idea of getting braces.

    Understand What Exactly Causes Your Child To Feel Hesitant About Houston Braces

    The best way to address your teen’s concerns about dental braces is to understand the root cause of their concerns. Let them express their worries and acknowledge that their hesitation is valid, but can be overcome.

    Reassure Them That Dental Braces Are Common

    Dental braces are already common. In 2015, about 4 million Americans wore dental braces, but they keep growing in popularity. Today, even adults are becoming more open to wearing dental braces thanks to the subtle treatments that Invisalign and ceramic Houston braces offer. Even celebrities undergo dental braces treatment, and chances are someone your child knows and admires–famous or not–is also wearing dental braces. If your friend knows someone who wears Houston braces, it wouldn’t hurt to encourage them to speak to their peer about their experience

    Let Your Child Know That Houston Braces Don’t Cause As Much Pain As They Think

    We get it–metal in your mouth looks very intimidating, but today’s dental braces are so much more lightweight than they were 10 years ago, which significantly reduces how much pain a child may experience. Sure, there is some pain in the very beginning, but if you follow our tips for managing Houston braces pain, they will feel much more comfortable.

    Visit Centra Dental In Houston Or South Houston For A Dental Braces Consultation

    Dental braces are well worth it for a healthier, more beautiful smile, especially with our caring family dentists. If you think it’s time for your child to get braces, then please book an appointment for a Houston braces consultation. We look forward to giving your child a healthier smile and aiding in overcoming their hesitation about braces.

  • What To Do If Your Kid Is Resistant to Getting Braces

    Orthodontic treatment from Centra Dental not only improves a person’s smile, but also corrects many problems, such as overbite, underbite, or jaw misalignment. Dental braces from our Houston dental office are often the best form of treatment in resolving these issues. However, many children and teenagers are reluctant to get braces because they are self-conscious about how they will look or that they will cause pain. If your kid needs braces but is against getting them, here are some tips to overcoming resistance.

    Ask Your Kid Why They Are Against Dental Braces

    First and foremost, find out from your child why they are against getting dental braces. The only way you can address your child’s concerns is by directly asking what they are. Listen attentively to your child’s responses without arguing. By creating a non-confrontational environment, this helps make them feel safe and more at ease to open up.

    Ask Your Kid Who They Like or Admire That Wears Dental Braces

    Children are often worried that they will look funny with braces and be made fun of by their peers. I’m sure we can all remember hearing the term, “Metal Mouth”, used in describing someone with braces at one time or another. As bullying is a serious issue in some schools, it is important to take your child’s concerns seriously. Ask your child if they have any close friends or people they respect who already have braces. Encourage your child to talk to these people about their experiences with braces, and what makes them think wearing braces is worthwhile. An additional tactic that may also help is to make a list of athletes or celebrities your child is a fan of who have worn braces before, and showing them the list.

    Assure Your Child That Braces Do Not Cause Much Pain

    Many kids are anxious about getting braces because they are afraid they will cause pain. Although there may be some initial discomfort, this can easily be treated with over-the-counter pain medication. In addition, our orthodontic patients here at Centra Dental have found that any feelings of pain or discomfort aren’t really that bad and fade quickly.

    Contact Centra Dental For Your Houston Braces

    It’s not surprising that getting braces is not something many kids usually look forward to. However, our Houston dentists are here to make the experience worthwhile for your kid, while alleviating any fears they may have. Not only will they end up with a better smile, but better overall oral health as well. Serving the southwest Houston area, we offer some of the best deals on braces in the city. Contact us today to set up a braces consultation.

  • Which Is Better: Ceramic Or Metal Houston Braces?

    You and/or your child has likely seen other people wearing dental braces. If someone’s braces are fairly grey in color, then chances are they're wearing metal dental braces–the most common method of correcting a malocclusion. If you see someone who appears to be wearing braces that are off-white in color and blend into the teeth very well, then they are usually wearing ceramic Houston braces. They both achieve the same goal: healthy, perfectly straight teeth, but, what’s the difference between them? Which is better? In this article, our Houston dentists–who treat families in Houston and South Houston–will answer these commonly asked questions.

    Metal Houston Braces

    Metal dental braces have been around for hundreds of years, though today they are much more subtle and lightweight than they used to be, which makes them much more comfortable and effective. However, because they’re metal, their natural dark grey color is quite obvious on teeth.

    Metal dental braces are made up of three components:

    • Metal square-shaped brackets, fixed to the front of your teeth
    • Metal dark gray archwire, placed across the brackets
    • O-rings, which are placed around the bracket and can be of different colors

    When Our Houston Family Dentists Recommend Metal Braces

    Metal dental braces work on just about any malocclusion, mild or severe. This means they have superior strength in order to reduce how long treatment would last, compared to other alternatives.

    Ceramic Houston Braces

    Though less common than metal braces, ceramic dental braces have risen in popularity over the years due to the fact that they are a good compromise between Invisalign and metal Houston braces, as well as for their increased subtlety over metal braces.

    Ceramic braces consist of the following components:

    • Ceramic brackets fixed to the front of your teeth, which blend into your natural tooth color
    • Light-colored archwire placed across the brackets (silver or frosted in color)

    When Our South Houston Family Dentists Recommend Ceramic Braces 

    Though still strong enough to move your teeth to the proper alignment, ceramic isn’t as strong as metal, so we don’t typically recommend ceramic Houston braces for severe malocclusions. They do, however, work wonders for mild to moderate malocclusions on patients of all ages. 

    Affordable Dental Braces At Our Houston Family Dentist Offices

    Whether you are considering Houston braces for yourself or for your child, Centra Dental in Houston and South Houston is proud to be a top-rated office for braces as low as $99 per month. If you plan on getting Houston braces soon, please book an appointment with us so we can conduct an evaluation and determine which method of correction is best for you. In this case, neither ceramic braces nor metal braces are considered a generally "better option". It really comes down to what each individual patient needs and what their priorities are.

  • Why Does My Kid Need Braces?

    Kids can need braces for a variety of reasons. These often include: crooked teeth, overlapping or overcrowded teeth, or a "bad bite" (malocclusion). Malocclusion refers to when the top and bottom jaws are different sizes, resulting in uneven contact between the upper and lower teeth. As a result, overbites and underbites occur. An overbite is when the upper jaw is larger than the lower jaw, while an underbite is when the lower jaw is larger than the upper jaw.

    Sometimes losing baby teeth too soon or practicing bad habits like thumb sucking can also lead to tooth and jaw problems. However, tooth and jaw problems are also often inherited. If you or someone in your family have tooth or jaw issues, it is likely that your kid will as well. When left untreated, issues such as low self-esteem, periodontal disease, and improper digestion can occur.

    When to Check If Your Kid Needs Braces

    There is no exact age for when a child should see an orthodontist for the first time. Some kids go as early as 6, while some go when they are teens. With the popularity of Invisalign clear braces, even adults are now seeing an orthodontist more than ever.

    Many orthodontists believe a good time to start seeing an orthodontist is around the age of 7, as this is normally when their permanent teeth start coming in. Once your child’s permanent teeth start coming in, issues such as uneven bite and overcrowding will become apparent. Starting the process early doesn't mean a child will get braces right away. It just means the orthodontist will be able to find problems and decide the best time to start treatment.

    Get Your Kid Checked for Braces at Our Southwest Houston Dental Office

    Centra Dental is ready to resolve your child’s tooth and jaw issues through the use of 3M metal braces. When you bring your child to our southwest Houston office for a regular visit, our dentists will often be the first to notice any orthodontic issues your child may have. If the dentist feels there are issues that need to be addressed, your child will then see one of our expert orthodontists. The orthodontist will carefully examine your child’s teeth and determine whether or not kids braces are needed.

    Centra Dental is committed to giving your child a healthy mouth and great smile. As providers of great dental and orthodontic services, our Houston dentists are ready to help. So contact our southwest Houston office today to book an appointment.

  • Why It's So Important To Bring Your Kid To See Our Houston Dentists

    Most two-year-old toddlers have never visited a dentist. In fact, only 25% of children have seen a kids dentist by the age of five. This fact is both surprising and disturbing, and it’s no wonder that the most common chronic childhood disease in the country is tooth decay.

    We here at Centra Dental in southwest Houston strongly urge parents to stay on top of their child’s oral health. Pediatric dentistry is an important aspect of your child's health, as it has been proven that better oral health contributes to better overall health in a child.

    Why Your Child Needs To See Our Kids Dentists ASAP

    Beginning from when your child is just a baby, they are often exposed to food and liquids that can damage their oral health. Baby formula, certain foods, milk, and juice are all full of sugars that can promote tooth decay.

    In addition, when young kids drink from baby bottles and sippy cups, chances of decay are increased, as drinking from these containers constantly expose sugar to the child’s teeth, especially the front teeth.

    Tooth decay can lead to severe pain and even infection when left untreated. In fact, the decay can become so severe that the only treatment option is tooth extraction.

    At our southwest Houston dental clinic, our dentists recommend that you reduce your kid’s exposure to sugary liquids, while keeping up with their dental maintenance. Bringing them into our dental office for regular checkups and cleanings will ensure that they have a healthy mouth and better overall health.

    When to Bring Your Child to See Our Kids Dentists

    Our Houston dentists recommend that you bring your child in for their first dental visit as soon as their first tooth begins to show, or no later than their first birthday.

    When you bring your child into our Houston dental office, we will thoroughly examine your child’s mouth and look for any issues that may cause problems with their dental development. Our dental experts will also advise you on tooth decay protection and prepare a regular dental maintenance program.

    Centra Dental is committed to giving your child a healthy mouth, as we understand a healthy mouth = a healthier child. Therefore, if you live in southwest Houston or the surrounding areas, contact our dental office today to set up an appointment for your kid.