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  • Why You Might Need Rubber Bands with Houston Braces

    Houston braces are a common way to correct alignment issues like crooked or improperly-spaced teeth, using wires and brackets to apply pressure that shifts your teeth into the proper position. Oftentimes, our South Houston dentist will add rubber bands to your metal or ceramic braces treatment plan in order to increase the force applied and shift the teeth faster and more effectively.

    Why Our South Houston Dentist Uses Rubber Bands With Braces

    Dental braces work by applying pressure to the teeth through a series of brackets and wires, which gradually shift teeth to where they should be. If our South Houston family dentist adds rubber bands to you or your child’s braces treatment, it provides added tension. This not only eases the teeth’s movement but also accelerates this process. These rubber bands attach to the brackets themselves and can be applied in a variety of configurations designed for your unique orthodontic needs. Rubber bands with Houston braces are most often used to correct these issues:

    • Overbite
    • Underbite
    • Spacing issues
    • Crooked teeth
    • Other jaw alignment issues

    How to Use Rubber Bands with Houston Braces

    When our South Houston dentist first applies rubber bands to your braces during your visit, you’ll learn where to place them and how. They are easy to put on and remove, the latter of which should be done when eating, brushing, and flossing. Our South Houston dentist will send you home with a large supply of rubber bands, as a new set should be used each day to ensure proper hygiene is maintained. It’s possible that the placement of your rubber bands will change over the course of your dental braces treatment in order to place pressure on different teeth and parts of the jaw so that your teeth shift at the right pace and into the right position. 

    Sometimes rubber bands with braces can cause discomfort, especially when first applied or when our South Houston family dentist changes their position in your mouth. This is usually eased with over-the-counter pain medication. It’s also recommended that certain foods, like sticky candy and gum, be avoided, just as with dental braces alone.

    See Why So Many Families Choose Centra Dental For Their Houston Braces

    We know you have many options when it comes to South Houston family dentistry, which is why we strive to provide the kind of expert care that cultivates long-lasting relationships through regular visits and life-long dental support. When you choose Centra Dental for your South Houston family dentistry needs, you’re part of our family! If you think it’s time for you or your child to begin Houston braces treatment, call us to schedule an appointment. Our South Houston Family Dentist will complete a thorough dental exam and provide you with the best recommendations for orthodontic treatment. We provide a wide array of dental services to meet the needs of everyone in your family, keeping your teeth healthy and your smile bright.