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  • Has Your Child Gotten South Houston Braces Yet?

    Now that summer break is in full swing, parents may be thinking about having their children begin South Houston braces treatment. If that’s the case with your family, our South Houston dentist is ready to examine your child’s teeth and determine if Houston braces are needed. 

    Summer Is The Perfect Time For Braces

    Getting braces during summer break is great because your child isn’t in school anymore, which allows for more flexible scheduling. Further, children will have this time away from school to get used to their new dental braces, meaning any discomfort won’t be a distraction during classes. When Houston braces are worn correctly, patients notice a significant difference in their teeth, so when the next school year comes, your child will feel more confident when showing off their smile.

    Signs Your Child Might Need Houston Braces By Our Dentists In Houston Or South Houston

    Does your child’s smile exhibit any of the following?:

    • Crooked teeth
    • Gaps in their smile
    • Crowded teeth
    • Underbite
    • Overbite

    Then chances are they need braces. Our dentists in Houston and South Houston offer ceramic dental braces, metal dental braces, and even Invisalign, all of which are made affordable! Getting a straighter, healthier smile doesn’t have to break the bank when you entrust our dentists with your Houston braces treatment.

    Which Houston Braces Should Your Child Get?

    With our various dental braces options, it can be difficult to figure out which one is right for your child this summer. When we start discussing Houston braces treatment, we will move forward with a Houston braces consultation that will give us insight on whether Invisalign, metal Houston braces, or ceramic Houston braces are right for your child’s unique case. 

    Think This Summer Is The Right Time For Your Child To Undergo Houston Braces Treatment? Visit Centra Dental In Houston And South Houston!

    Serving families in Houston and South Houston, we are proud to be the top-rated choice for affordable Houston braces. If you’re wondering about having your child undergo dental braces treatment, please book an appointment with us so we can begin with a consultation. We accept various insurance plans and dedicate ourselves to helping your child achieve their best dental health. We can’t wait to embrace your child’s smile this summer!

  • Hawley Retainer vs Clear Retainer

    After you’ve finished your treatment with Houston braces or Invisalign, your South Houston dentist will next prescribe the use of retainers to prevent your teeth from shifting back to their previous location. At first, they will likely need to be worn 24/7, but after your teeth have settled, they can be worn only while you sleep. Two of the most common types of retainers used by patients after their dental braces come off are the Hawley retainer and clear retainers. Both are effective designs whose costs are roughly the same, with the final price depending on the specific case. As you will see below, each type of retainer has its pros and cons. It’s best to consult with your South Houston dentist which is best for your specific needs once you’ve completed your Houston braces treatment.

    Why A South Houston Dentist Would Recommend a Hawley Retainer

    The Hawley retainer, being an older type that has been in common use for a long time, is easily recognizable by the single metal wire that runs across the front of the patient’s teeth when worn. That metal wire is attached to a plastic or acrylic piece that is custom molded to fit either the roof of your mouth or along the bottom of your lower teeth. This design allows your upper and lower teeth to naturally come into contact with one another. You can also ask your South Houston dentist to make slight adjustments to the fit of a Hawley retainer should the need arise. A Hawley retainer can last for years with proper care, and can even be repaired when damaged. 

    Cons of Wearing a Hawley Retainer After Houston Braces

    The potential disadvantages of the Hawley retainer include an adjustment period with the exposed wire component, as it may irritate your inner cheeks and lips at the beginning. The wire also makes it more noticeable than clear retainers. Lastly, Hawley retainers may affect your ability to speak, especially in the beginning. However, these are all short-term concerns.

    Why A South Houston Dentist Would Recommend a Clear Retainer

    Clear plastic retainers, in contrast, are almost invisible. They are molded to fit the exact new position of your teeth. Because of their perfect fit, clear retainers are less bulky and therefore less likely to affect how you speak. These two advantages make them more likely to be worn consistently by patients, in turn improving the clear retainer’s overall effectiveness.

    Cons of Wearing a Hawley Retainer After Houston Braces

    However, clear retainers do come with their own disadvantages. First of all, because they are worn over the teeth, they prevent your top and bottom teeth from having natural contact with one another. Further, should the need arise, your South Houston dentist cannot realign or readjust your clear retainers. They also cannot be repaired. If their fit is uncomfortable or if they become damaged in any way, they will need to be replaced entirely. Another thing to consider is that as you use them, clear retainers may become discolored over time, making them more visible to other people. Another thing to look out for is that their closed design might trap liquids and food particles against your teeth, which increases the risk of forming cavities. However, if you take proper care of your clear retainers, most of these issues can be avoided.

    Houston Braces and Retainers From the South Houston Dentist You Can Rely On

    At Centra Dental, we’re challenging the idea that visits to your South Houston dentist are something to dread. Our staff is dedicated to making each appointment a relaxing and stress-free occasion. We also accept most PDP, DPPO, and PPO dental insurance plans, as well as CHIP and both Adult and Children's Medicaid, making us your trusted source for affordable dental braces and retainers. Contact us today and let’s book an appointment at your next earliest convenience!

  • Houston Braces for Adults

    Malocclusion is a term used to refer to an incorrect bite, improper tooth alignment, crowded teeth, and irregular teeth spacing. It’s a very common condition most often treated with dental braces, usually during a patient’s adolescent or teen years. But did you know that our South Houston cosmetic dentist offers braces for adults, too? Keep reading to learn why Houston braces might be recommended for adult patients and what options are best for you and your lifestyle. 

    When Our South Houston Dentist May Suggest Adult Dental Braces

    Houston braces for adults are becoming more and more popular now that this treatment has become more streamlined, affordable, and varied in its methods. Sometimes adult braces are prescribed to correct malocclusion that wasn’t treated in childhood for any number of reasons. Other times, it’s to correct a minor alignment issue that has recently become more severe. Even recent trauma or injury can lead to a need for Houston adult braces. But no matter the cause, untreated malocclusion is an unsightly and uncomfortable problem that can cause migraines, gum disease, speech impediments, and improper digestion due to difficulties chewing food. Our South Houston cosmetic dentist can explain the best plan of care for you and your needs.

    Houston Braces Options for Adults with Our South Houston Dentist

    Our South Houston family dentist offers a variety of treatments for adults living with crooked or misaligned teeth. After your initial consultation, we may recommend one of the following types of Houston braces for adults:

    Metal Dental Braces 

    The most popular and cost-effective option, these Houston braces for adults feature metal brackets that are glued to each tooth’s surface and connected by a metal wire that our South Houston family dentist tightens periodically over the course of treatment to straighten teeth. Metal dental braces have a noticeable appearance, but are effective at correcting nearly all malocclusion issues.

    Ceramic Dental Braces

    South Houston ceramic dental braces are composed of brackets and wires that are adjusted in order to move crooked teeth into a straighter line over time, just like metal braces. The difference is that they are constructed of clear or tooth-colored ceramic, making them less noticeable. 

    Houston Invisalign

    An appealing option for adults due to a virtually invisible and noninvasive design is Houston Invisalign. This treatment plan features a series of clear plastic aligners that gradually straighten teeth. They must be worn at least 22 hours each day in order to work effectively, but are removed when eating and drinking. They are more expensive than either of the options above and may not be recommended for those with severe malocclusion. 

    Achieve a Winning Smile With Houston Braces For Adults 

    Don’t dismiss your chance to have the confident smile you deserve! Instead, schedule an appointment with our South Houston dentist to discuss your braces for adults options and establish the treatment plan that’s right for you. Centra Dental strives to provide the highest quality care for all our patients, so come see why we’re the number one choice in South Houston family dentistry. 

  • Houston Braces For The Summer

    Kids have just finished up their semesters or they are almost done with them, which means summer fun is soon to begin! In many cases, parents and their children would prefer to begin Houston braces treatment in the summer and if that’s the case, our Houston dentist is ready to examine your child’s teeth to determine if Houston braces are needed. 

    Getting braces at the start of summer break is great because your child won’t be in school anymore, which allows for more flexible scheduling. Further, children will get a significant portion of their treatment done over the summer, resulting in a notably straighter smile when the next school year starts!

    Signs Your Child Might Need Houston Braces

    Does your child exhibit any of the following with their smile?

    • Crooked teeth
    • Gaps in their smile
    • Crowded teeth
    • Underbite
    • Overbite

    If so, then chances are they need braces, and our dentists in Houston and South Houston offer ceramic dental braces, metal dental braces, and even Invisalign, all of which are made affordable! Getting a straighter, healthier smile doesn’t have to break the bank when you entrust our dentist with your Houston braces treatment. 

    Which Houston Braces Should Your Child Get?

    With our various dental braces options, it can be difficult to figure out which one is right for your child. Not to worry, though! When we start discussing Houston braces treatment, we will move forward with a Houston braces consultation that will give us insight on whether Invisalign, metal Houston braces, or ceramic Houston braces are right for your child’s unique case.

    Think It Might Be Time For Your Child To Undergo Houston Braces Treatment? Visit Centra Dental In Houston And South Houston!

    Serving families in Houston and South Houston, we are proud to be the top-rated choice for affordable Houston braces. If you’re wondering about putting your child on a dental braces treatment plan, then please book an appointment with us so we can begin with a consultation. We accept various insurance plans and dedicate ourselves to helping your child achieve their best dental health, and we can’t wait to embrace their smile!

  • Houston Metal Braces For Children

    Approximately 4 million Americans wear braces at any given time in order to fix what is classified as a malocclusion. A malocclusion is what we call a “bad bite”, such as crowded teeth, underbites, and overbites. Metal dental braces are an effective and affordable method our dentists in Houston and South Houston use to correct a malocclusion, especially for younger children who prefer to take advantage of early Houston braces treatment. In this article, we will discuss how metal dental braces work so you and your child know what to expect.

    What Are Metal Braces Made Of?

    Our metal Houston braces feature 3 key components:

    • Metal brackets, which are glued to the front of the teeth with a semipermanent dental cement
    • Archwire, which is placed across the brackets
    • O-rings, which keep the archwire attached to the metal brackets

    How Houston Braces Straighten Your Child’s Teeth

    Our Houston and South Houston family dentists offer metal braces that are thinner (and therefore far lighter in weight) than most other metal braces available. 

    All types of Houston braces that we offer do the same job in principle: they apply pressure to the teeth, which gradually moves them to their desired position. When it comes to metal dental braces, our South Houston braces dentist will tighten the archwire on a regular basis. Tightening the archwire in a certain way helps push the teeth in the direction we intend for them to go, thanks to the help of our state-of-the-art 3D modeling software.

    In some cases, especially if you have an overbite or an underbite, we will incorporate rubber bands into your Houston braces treatment.

    Is Your Child Ready For Houston Braces? Centra Dental Is Your Go-To Braces Expert!

    Whether you are in Houston or South Houston, our family dentists are here for your dental braces needs. We offer affordable dental braces for as low as $99/month and our caring staff and advanced technology ensure that you have the best possible experience every time you visit us. If you think your child might benefit from metal dental braces, then please book an appointment with us at one of our offices so we can begin with a braces consultation. We look forward to embracing your smile!

  • How Old Does My Child Need to be in Order to Get Houston Braces

    Many of our Houston braces patients are children and young teenagers. Dental braces are essential for good dental health and a healthy bite, otherwise, a variety of problems may occur if you don’t get braces. Prior to treatment, parents often ask our South Houston family dentist what age their child needs to be beforehand. Here is what we advise. 

    Don’t Wait Until Adulthood to Get Houston Braces

    Although it is perfectly acceptable to undergo dental braces treatment as an adult, treatment often lasts longer than it does in children. This is because children’s mouths and heads are still growing, so their teeth are more moldable. Most Houston braces treatments take place between ages 8 and 14 because, by this age, kids should have lost most or all of their baby teeth, but depending on the severity of their malocclusion, we may want to start earlier and set a timeline for you. For example, if their bite is really severe and treatment will take 3 years, you may wish to start at age 10 so that they can be done with their dental braces treatment by age 13 or 14. 

    Get an Early Houston Braces Evaluation

    In many cases, especially if we have been treating you and your child for years and have been able to see how your child’s teeth develop, we might recommend your child comes in for an orthodontic evaluation when they’re around 7 years old. Our trained family dentists will be able to draw conclusions on how the teeth and jaw will develop and if/how braces treatment will help. We will also be able to determine whether interceptive treatment will be necessary, in the event that your child’s malocclusion is one that will likely worsen over time. This involves using orthodontic appliances as an early treatment. In some cases, there won’t be a need for Houston braces once the interceptive treatment has concluded. 

    Houston Braces For Kids at Centra Dental in South Houston

    Dental braces today are much more subtle and comfortable than they used to be, so regardless of which age your child begins treatment, we will determine the type of braces that work best for them to achieve a healthy, straight, and beautiful smile. If you think it might be time for your child to get braces, please book an appointment so we can begin with our consultation.

  • How Old Kids Need To Be Before They Get Houston Braces: Is Earlier Treatment Possible and Recommended?

    Although we get many adult patients who seek Houston braces treatment, particularly with Invisalign Clear Aligners, our South Houston family dentist sees children more often. When families come in for their semiannual teeth cleaning, parents often ask us when their kid might be ready for braces, if early treatment is possible, and/or how much longer they should wait to avoid needing another alignment treatment in the future. This is what our South Houston family dentists recommend.

    Early Houston Braces Treatment Is Good; A Second Treatment Is Rarely Necessary

    Before we get into anything else, we want to address the common concern that many patients have: if their kid gets braces too young, won’t they need to get them straightened again in the future? 

    Getting braces early, when your child is young, is a great idea because they're still growing, so their jaws are too. This makes their teeth easily moveable, which may help shorten the duration of their treatment. Some patients, however, require even earlier treatment known as an interceptive treatment. This type of treatment involves using orthodontic appliances to complete early treatment if a patient’s malocclusion is one that can worsen the longer it is left untreated. This may take place as a two-part treatment, but it’s possible for these cases to be resolved at once and they won’t need Houston braces again. On the other hand, the teeth will need to be corrected again if the patient wasn't responsible when it came to wearing their orthodontic retainers, and this is regardless of age.

    The Youngest Age At Which Houston Braces Treatment Can Begin

    Dental braces treatment usually takes place between the ages of 8 and 14 because by then, children have lost all or most of their baby teeth. That said, when your child should get dental braces also depends on how severe their malocclusion is and, consequently, which type of treatment they’ll need (Invisalign, metal dental braces, ceramic Houston braces). Some children may need Houston braces for longer due to a really bad bite, so we might recommend they start closer to 8. Other children may not have as bad a case, so they can wait a bit before getting braces and by then, it’s up to their personal preference.

    Houston Braces For Kids at Centra Dental in South Houston

    Today’s dental braces are much lighter in weight and more subtle than they used to be. With the many types of Houston braces we offer, we’ll find the method that works best for your child to have healthy, straight teeth. If you’re considering Houston braces treatment for your child, please book an appointment with us so we can start with an orthodontic evaluation. This will give our trained dentists, who regularly further their education, the opportunity to determine how your child's teeth and jaw will develop, and how dental braces will help. 

  • How Our South Houston Invisalign Patients Can Ensure Effective Treatment

    Invisalign Clear Aligners have certainly risen in popularity for our teenaged patients, as well as our adult patients since it initially emerged in the early 2000’s. Although metal dental braces are effective on all types of malocclusions–minor or severe, that isn’t to say that clear aligners are not just as effective for a minor malocclusion, which is the technical term we use to refer to a “bad bite”. Here is what our South Houston family dentists recommend in order for our Invisalign patients to get the most out of their treatment.

    Remove Your Clear Aligners When It’s Time to Eat

    Invisalign is known as a more flexible orthodontic treatment, so it’s no surprise that one of the greatest perks that come with Invisalign is that the clear aligners are removable, unlike the metal Houston braces that we fuse to the teeth with a dental cement. Because clear aligners are made of plastic, you should not chew with them.

    However, just because you don’t chew with them does not mean you can eat whatever you want. On the contrary, each time a patient receives a new set of clear aligners, their teeth feel more tender, so it is imperative to avoid crunchy and chewy foods. This is especially crucial within the first 48 hours of wearing new aligners.

    Our South Houston Dentist Patients Need to be Responsible

    Invisalign must be worn for 20-22 hours a day, which includes the time you spend sleeping overnight. This helps ensure that your teeth are constantly being shifted into the necessary position to create a straight smile. Now, if you wear them as directed and maintain exceptional dental hygiene, you may be able to wear them a little less by only skipping them on special occasions, such as a school dance or a wedding.

    What is exceptional hygiene? Essentially, you need to take care to brush your teeth after every meal and snack to ensure no food gets stuck in between your teeth and held in by the aligners. Additionally, flossing nightly is crucial, and more dental cleanings may be necessary.

    This all requires a lot of discipline, which is why some younger patients may instead wear metal or ceramic dental braces. In order to wear your Invisalign clear aligners as directed, you have to ensure you don’t lose them, misplace them, or become a little too comfortable to a point where you wear them less than the time our South Houston dentists recommend.

    Centra’s South Houston Family Dentists Want to Ensure Your Treatment Goes as Planned

    If you are planning to start Invisalign, or have recently begun treatment, please book a Houston braces appointment with us so we can examine your teeth and further explain a more detailed treatment plan. We want to ensure Invisalign gives you the straight, healthy smile you deserve.

  • How South Houston Invisalign Works

    Dental braces–such as metal Houston braces and ceramic Houston braces–are fairly common these days. Pre-teens, teenagers, and even adults wear them for an average of 1-2 years in order to get a healthier smile that they can show with pride. Invisalign is also gaining popularity, especially due to its subtlety, but it works slightly differently than our aforementioned dental braces. In this article, we will explain how South Houston Invisalign works.

    How Invisalign Houston Braces Work

    First and foremost, Invisalign is made up of plastic–unlike its metal and ceramic counterparts–but the general logic behind how Invisalign works is the same as our other Houston braces. Essentially, we are pressing a strong material against your teeth in order to apply pressure that will gradually move them to the correct alignment.

    Gathering Your Information

    When you come in for your South Houston braces consultation, we will discuss what we need from you in order to put you on Invisalign treatment. Some of the things we gather include:

    • X-rays
    • Photos of your teeth
    • Impressions

    These materials will aid us in designing the right treatment for you that addresses how your teeth should move over time. Next, we will send this to our dental lab so they can design your custom Invisalign Clear Aligner trays, which are unique to your bite and how it should change throughout the course of your treatment. 

    What You Can Expect For Your South Houston Invisalign Treatment

    When it comes to Invisalign trays, your clear aligner trays are all shaped slightly differently, and you will wear one set at a time for a few weeks, depending on your unique treatment plan. Once you finish wearing one set of clear aligners, you will come into our South Houston dentist office so we can assess the progress of your Invisalign treatment, and then we will give you your new set, which will help guide your teeth to the next phase in their alignment. 

    Considering Invisalign? Visit Our South Houston Dentists At Centra Dental!

    If you’re interested in wearing Invisalign as opposed to ceramic or metal Houston braces, then please book an appointment with our dentist. We will schedule a Houston braces consultation with you and discuss what your unique needs and preferences are, and then we will move forward with giving you a smile you’re eager to show off!

  • How To Care For A Hawley Retainer After Houston Braces

    If you’re near the end of your Houston braces treatment, then our South Houston family dentists have probably already spoken to you about why you must wear an orthodontic retainer after your Houston braces treatment. There are multiple types of orthodontic retainers available to patients, and which we recommend to you will depend on your particular case. The most common type of orthodontic retainer is the Hawley retainer–sometimes called a wire retainer. In this article, we will discuss how to wear your Hawley wire retainer and take care of it.

    What Is A Hawley Retainer?

    Hawley retainers–also referred to as removable retainers or wire retainers–are made up of two components:

    • Acrylic Base: This base is custom shaped to fit the roof of your mouth and behind your lower teeth. Patients can pick what color they want their base to be.
    • Metal Wire: The wire component runs across your teeth, similar to the archwire of your South Houston metal braces or South Houston ceramic braces.

    Together, these retainers hold your teeth in place while your teeth settle in the soft tissues of your mouth. How long you wear your retainers will depend on your particular case, but our South Houston family dentist often recommends you wear them 24/7 for 6 months to a year (with the exception of mealtimes) and then only at night afterward.

    Taking Care Of Your Wired Retainer After Houston Braces Treatment At Our South Houston Dentist Office

    Much like how you have to take care of your teeth while wearing braces in order to enjoy the best results, you also have to take care of your retainers. Here’s how.

    Brushing Your Removable Retainers

    Brush your Hawley retainer with lukewarm water after every meal with a soft toothbrush. You don’t need to use toothpaste, as this can damage the acrylic, but do be sure to gently scrub it,

    Soak Your Hawley Retainer

    At your next appointment with our South Houston family dentist, ask if soaking your retainers in a special cleaning solution is an option. We can recommend what works best for your retainers and the best way to do so.

    Our South Houston Family Dentist Will Determine If Hawley Retainers Are Right For You

    As you near the end of your Houston braces treatment, please book an appointment with our South Houston family dentist so we can take impressions of your teeth. Following the impressions, we will send them to our lab to make your retainers. If we determine that Hawley retainers are right for you, we will have them made and provide you with detailed instructions on how to wear them.

  • How to Deal with Discomfort from South Houston Braces Woman complains of discomfort coming from her dental braces.

    South Houston dental braces can help you obtain that coveted beautiful and straight smile, but the journey to a perfect set of teeth can sometimes come with a little discomfort. It's essential to know how to manage this inconvenience and when it's crucial to seek guidance from your South Houston dentist. In this article, our top-rated South Houston dentist will explore effective ways to deal with discomfort from braces and when it's advisable to schedule a dental appointment.

    Managing Discomfort from South Houston Braces

    Over-the-Counter Pain Relief

    One of the most common methods to alleviate discomfort from braces is to use over-the-counter pain relief medications. Be sure to follow the recommended dosage instructions, and consult your South Houston dentist or orthodontist if you have any concerns about using these medications.

    Orthodontic Wax

    Orthodontic wax is a handy tool for reducing irritation caused by braces. You can apply a small amount of wax to the brackets or wires that are causing discomfort. This will create a smooth surface, preventing further irritation and allowing your mouth to heal.

    Cold Compress

    If you're experiencing swelling or inflammation due to your South Houston braces, applying a cold compress to the affected area can provide relief. Wrap an ice pack in a cloth and gently apply it to your cheek for 15-20 minutes at a time.

    Soft Diet

    Switching to a soft diet can significantly reduce the discomfort associated with braces. Opt for foods that are easy to chew and won't put too much pressure on your braces. Soups, yogurt, mashed potatoes, and smoothies are good choices during this time.

    When Should I See My South Houston Dentist

    While most discomfort from South Houston braces can be managed at home, it's essential to know when to seek professional help from your dentist:

    Persistent Pain

    If you experience severe or persistent pain that doesn't improve with over-the-counter pain relief or other home remedies, it's time to schedule an appointment with your South Houston dentist. There might be an issue with your braces that needs professional attention.

    Broken or Loose Brackets

    Loose brackets or wires can cause significant discomfort as well as affect the effectiveness of your orthodontic treatment. Contact your South Houston dentist immediately to address the issue and prevent further complications.

    Sores or Ulcers

    You need to consult your South Houston dentist if you develop sores or ulcers in your mouth that won’t heal. They can assess the situation and recommend appropriate treatment to alleviate the discomfort.

    Alignment Concerns

    If you notice a significant change in the alignment of your teeth or feel that something is not right with your braces, don't hesitate to reach out to your South Houston dentist. They can assess your progress and make necessary adjustments.

    Work Top-Rated South Houston Dentist and Embrace Your Smile Without the Added Pain

    Here at Centra Dental, we believe everyone is entitled to celebrate their smile. This is why we focus on procedures that can help anyone embrace their smile. Our top-rated dentists, supported by helpful and caring staff, will ensure that your experience before, during, and after your dental procedure will be pleasant, stress-free, and as pain-free as possible. Call us now because everyone deserves a smile they are proud to wear.

  • How To Get The Most Out Of Metal Houston Braces

    As a family dentist in Houston and South Houston specializing in dental braces, patients often ask us what they can do in order to get the most out of their Houston braces treatment. In this article, our dentists will offer advice on how to best take care of your teeth while undergoing treatment so you can be proud of your beautiful smile for years to come.

    Keep Up With Proper Oral Hygiene

    When wearing dental braces, you might become more prone to cavities due to the fact that the braces may be “in the way” when you’re trying to keep your teeth clean. In order to minimize your risk of tooth decay, we encourage our Houston braces patients to follow a stricter braces hygiene routine

    A stricter hygiene routine entails the following:

    • Swishing water in your mouth after every snack and meal
    • Thoroughly brushing your teeth after eating each of your snacks and meals
    • Using an interdental brush to remove any food from between your teeth and wires until you floss that night. Please remember that an interdental brush is not a substitute for flossing. 
    • Flossing nightly

    By following these steps down to a T, your smile will be healthy while you wear braces and shine brighter when the metal braces come off.

    Get Regular Teeth Cleanings

    It’s no secret that teeth cleanings are critical to your dental health as a whole, but this is especially true when you wear metal dental braces so that our team can give you a deeper clean than you would get at home. Additionally, a cleaning enables us to check on your oral health beyond how your teeth are shifting. 

    We accept several dental insurances, but know that your dental benefits (coverage for certain treatments) will expire at the end of the month. Now is your last chance to book a dental cleaning while your insurance still covers it.

    Avoid Certain Textured And Sticky Foods

    Your Houston braces, though very tough when it comes to straightening your teeth, are sensitive to damage. Sticky foods, such as bubble gum, or crunchy foods, such as popcorn or chips, must be avoided when you wear your braces, or else your archwire could pop out of place and cause you a great deal of discomfort while also hindering the treatment process.

    Our Family Dentists In Houston And South Houston Want to Ensure Effective Treatment

    If you are planning to undergo metal Houston braces treatment, or have recently started treatment, then this blog should be helpful in making certain that you have impressive results following the end of your treatment. Please also make sure to book an appointment with us so we can clean your teeth, answer any questions you may have about your treatment, and examine the health of your teeth and mouth before your dental benefits expire.

  • How To Keep Up Invisalign Hygiene With Our South Houston Dentist

    Patients who chose Houston Invisalign to correct issues with teeth alignment are well aware of the benefits this treatment can provide. It’s easy-to-use, barely visible, and not as unsightly as traditional metal braces. One of the most common questions our Houston dentist receives is in reference to proper Invisalign hygiene. If you’re new to South Houston Invisalign or are considering the option for your misalignment, knowing the best methods to keep your teeth and aligners clean can help you achieve successful results and maintain your overall oral health.

    What Is Houston Invisalign?

    Invisalign is designed for patients who want to correct malocclusion, which occurs when teeth are not properly aligned, resulting in an improper bite. The treatment features clear, flexible plastic aligners that gradually shift your teeth to the proper place, typically in less time than traditional metal braces. South Houston Invisalign is an appealing option for many due to its sleek and virtually invisible appearance. 

    Proper Invisalign Hygiene, According To Our South Houston Family Dentist

    If you or your teenager has decided to begin the Invisalign process with our South Houston dentist, it’s important to keep your aligners and your teeth clean in order to achieve the best results. This can be accomplished by adhering to the following:

    Clean Your Aligners Several Times Per Day

    Our South Houston family dentist recommends cleaning your aligners with antibacterial soap whenever you brush your teeth. You should also soak them at least once a day in Invisalign cleaning crystals, which are designed to provide a deep clean that kills bacteria and prevents stains.

    Brush Your Teeth After Eating

    Since the aligners are designed to be removed while eating, but also only placed on freshly-brushed teeth, it’s wise to brush your teeth after every meal and snack. Pack a travel toothbrush and toothpaste in your purse or backpack so you have it with you at all times. 

    Floss Regularly

    As your teeth shift into their proper position, new crevices and spaces may develop that can become breeding grounds for decay-causing bacteria. Regular flossing can aid in removing food particles and plaque from the gum line and between teeth.

    Avoid Items That Could Cause Stains

    Drinks like coffee or tea, as well as beauty products that may come into contact with your aligners, such as lipstick or gloss, should be avoided during your South Houston Invisalign treatment. Should these items stain your aligners or get between the aligner and your tooth’s surface, it could result in a permanent stain on either surface.

    Will Our Houston Dentist Recommend Invisalign, Braces, or Something Else?

    Our South Houston dentist takes many factors into consideration before recommending Invisalign, Houston braces, or other possible interventions for a malocclusion. Metal Houston braces have long been the standard for severe alignment issues, but Invisalign is more effective than most think, even for those with significant bite problems. There are times in which certain teeth need to be removed in order to make room for the remaining teeth to shift into their proper position. If you’re wondering which treatment is best for you, our South Houston family dentist can provide you with the answers you need. 

    Our Houston Family Dentist Knows The Best Treatment for You 

    If you or your teen is ready to correct existing alignment issues, Centra Dental is proud to help you on your way to a brighter, more confident smile. We offer cutting-edge treatment in a clean environment designed to keep your family safe and healthy. Call us today to schedule an appointment

  • How to Keep Your South Houston Braces from Breaking Consult your South Houston dentist how to keep your braces in perfect condition.

    At Centra Dental, we prioritize the well-being of our patients' smiles throughout their orthodontic journeys. As a trusted provider of general and family dentistry in Southwest Houston, we recognize the importance of preserving the integrity of your South Houston braces. Breakage not only disrupts the treatment process but also leads to discomfort, which can impede progress toward achieving your desired smile. To support you in maintaining the durability of your braces and ensuring smooth orthodontic progress, we've curated seven essential tips aimed at safeguarding your braces and minimizing the risk of breakage.

  • How to Keep Your Teeth Clean and Healthy While Wearing Houston Braces

    A common worry that many of our South Houston dentist patients have when they are about to undergo dental braces treatment is that they won’t be able to clean their teeth properly, resulting in cavities. This is simply not true, and here is how you can ensure that your teeth remain extra healthy throughout treatment. 

    Brush Your Teeth More

    Brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste is one of the most important things you can do to keep your teeth healthy. When you wear braces, though, you should brush your teeth more often because the face of the tooth is no longer completely exposed, so it’s easy to miss some spots. Our South Houston dentists recommend that you rinse your mouth out with water after every meal and snack you eat and then brush immediately after. This will help make sure that no food particles get stuck in the brackets of your metal dental braces and ceramic dental braces. If you wear Invisalign, this will ensure there is no food stuck in between your teeth that then becomes trapped by your clear aligner trays. Rinsing and brushing often are great ways to prevent cavities. Just be sure you don’t use whitening toothpaste, or you may risk your teeth being uneven in how white they are.

    Floss Slowly and Carefully

    Flossing is the second thing you can do to ensure your teeth remain healthy and cavity-free. It may be a challenge, but flossing is a MUST. Today, there are several different kinds of braces-friendly floss and our South Houston family dentists are more than happy to teach you how to properly floss while wearing braces.

    Be Diligent in Coming to Your Houston Braces Appointments With Our Dentists

    Much like how you care for your teeth by coming in for cleanings twice a year, the same rule stands when you wear braces. By coming in for your semiannual teeth cleanings, we can double-check on the progress of your braces treatment, along with your overall dental health, and clean your teeth more deeply and thoroughly than you would at home. If you would like to come in for a cleaning and more tips on taking care of your dental hygiene while wearing braces, then please book an appointment with us. We look forward to embracing your smile!

  • How to Keep Your Teeth Clean While Wearing Houston Braces

    We all know the importance of oral hygiene for fresh breath, healthy teeth, and a whiter smile, but dental braces can impede one’s ability to keep teeth clean. Since issues like tooth decay and cavities are more common while wearing braces, Our South Houston pediatric dentist has some tips for keeping your teeth clean while undergoing dental braces treatment.

    Tip 1: Brush and Floss Your Teeth After Each Meal 

    Brushing and flossing twice each day is the norm in oral hygiene, but when you have Houston braces, you need to brush and floss your teeth after every meal to remove food particles that can lodge between the brackets and under the wire, leading to tooth decay. If your child has braces, our Houston family dentist recommends that you closely monitor your child’s brushing and flossing routine at the beginning of braces treatment to ensure proper technique. Assemble a small to-go kit with a travel toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss to keep with you at work or school so you always have the tools you need to keep your teeth clean while wearing Houston braces.

    Tip 2: Add an Interdental Toothbrush to Your Houston Braces Hygiene Routine

    Interdental brushes are designed to clean those hard-to-reach spots under wires and between brackets that your regular toothbrush may miss. Interdental toothbrushes can be found in most drugstores and provide an extra opportunity to remove plaque and food particles.

    Tip 3: Use Wax To Protect Your Mouth from Irritation 

    Those metal brackets work beautifully to straighten your teeth, but they can rub on the inside of your mouth, causing irritation. If left unaddressed, that irritation can lead to sores or even infection. Our South Houston dentist suggests using braces wax over the surface of the brackets, especially when you first get your braces and after each tightening.

    Tip 4: Avoid Foods That Can Get Stuck In Your Houston Braces

    Gum, candy, nuts, and chips are a no-no when wearing braces, not only because they can cause a bracket to pop off and require an immediate visit to our South Houston dentist, but also because these foods can easily get stuck under the wires or around the brackets. When this occurs, it can easily be overlooked during your brushing and flossing routine and lead to bad breath and tooth decay.

    Tip 5: Maintain Regular Visits To Our South Houston Family Dentist

    While wearing Houston braces, it’s imperative that you visit our office according to the schedule recommended by our South Houston dentist. These routine appointments are intended to monitor your treatment, ensuring your teeth are clean, healthy, and shifting properly. In the rare event that issues arise, we can catch them early and respond more effectively.

    Learn Why Centra Dental Is Houston’s Choice for Quality Dental Care

    Our South Houston family dentist strives to offer top-notch, compassionate care in a clean and modern environment. Your comfort is our top priority, and we’d love to show you why we’re one of Houston’s highest-rated dentists. We offer a variety of dental services and treatments, so contact us today to schedule an appointment with our South Houston dentist that will keep your entire family smiling.

  • How to Keep Your Teeth Clean While Wearing South Houston Braces Lady shows her clean South Houston braces with a smile.

    Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for everyone, but it becomes even more crucial when you're undergoing orthodontic treatment with South Houston braces. At Centra Dental, your trusted provider of general and family dentistry in Southwest Houston, we understand the importance of keeping your teeth clean while wearing braces to ensure the success of your treatment. Let's explore some practical tips to help you maintain optimal oral hygiene throughout your braces journey.

  • How to Make Sure Your Dental Health is Optimal While You Wear Houston Braces

    Can your teeth be as clean when wearing dental braces as they are without them? Absolutely. In fact, when you undergo your Houston braces treatment, your teeth will likely be cleaner than you would have ever imagined. You may have known how to take care of your teeth prior to braces, but when wearing either metal braces, ceramic dental braces, or Invisalign, your routine will change. This is what our South Houston family dentists recommend to ensure your teeth remain in pristine condition.

    Brush Your Teeth More Often

    It is crucial that you brush your teeth more often when you are undergoing Houston braces treatment because the surfaces of your teeth are no longer fully exposed, thanks to the plastic aligners covering them or the metal or ceramic brackets glued to the surface of your teeth. Our South Houston dentists recommend that you carry a travel-size toothbrush and toothpaste with you so that you can always have a toothbrush handy, even when you’re running errands or are at school or work. 

    Rather than only brushing twice a day, we recommend that you first do a thorough oral rinse after each meal and then brush your teeth after each of them. Doing so ensures there is no food left between your teeth, protecting you against decay. We also recommend swishing a fluoridated, alcohol-free mouthwash before bed once your teeth are well-brushed. This will encourage stronger, healthier teeth while you undergo your Houston braces treatment. Yes, it may be extra work, but your teeth will thank you. 

    Gently Floss Every Day

    Nowadays there are several different kinds of floss that are dental braces-friendly available on the market. You must floss your teeth every night before bed, just like you did before your dental braces. While we understand it may be harder to floss with braces, flossing keeps your teeth squeaky clean and healthy. If you are unclear on how to floss effectively, please let us know. Our team of dentists will happily show you.

    Visit Centra Dental in South Houston For Your Dental Check-Up Every Six Months

    Much like how your dental cleanings are important when you don't have braces, they are even more important if you are currently undergoing braces treatment so that we can keep an eye on your progress and your health. If you are wearing Houston braces, please book an appointment today so that, together, we can give you the straight, beautiful smile you deserve.

  • How to Prevent Houston Braces from Breaking

    Dental braces work wonders to correct alignment issues such as crooked teeth or an improper bite by slowly shifting your teeth and jaw to their proper position. This is done through a series of brackets and wires that our South Houston dentist affixes to your teeth. And while Houston braces are sturdy and often resistant to the kind of wear and tear that can cause them to break, they are not immune to damage. If you or your teen just got braces with our South Houston family dentist, this article will help ensure they remain in good shape for the duration of your treatment.

    How Do Houston Braces Work? 

    Braces are comprised of metal brackets that our South Houston family dentist cements to each tooth, then connects with a wire. The width and tension of this wire are adjusted periodically to slowly shift the teeth and jaw to their ideal locations. Our South Houston dentist may also include coils, hooks, and/or ligatures depending on your individual treatment plan. These different parts of your Houston braces all work together to create a straighter smile, so if any one of these parts is damaged or breaks, it delays the effectiveness of your treatment and must be fixed by our South Houston family dentist immediately. 

    Common Reasons Houston Braces Might Break

    Because they’re made up of so many different parts, “broken” Houston braces can refer to damage seen to any of those parts, but the most common damage is to the brackets. Our South Houston dentist uses an adhesive to affix the brackets to each tooth, and sometimes these brackets can be jarred loose. Broken brackets are most often caused by patients eating sticky and/or hard foods that stick the bracket and pull it from the tooth. Our South Houston family dentist advises that it’s best for you or your teen to avoid these items while wearing Houston braces. Another common cause of a broken bracket on your Houston braces is from being too rough while brushing or flossing. Gentle, fluid motions work well to keep your teeth clean and your Houston braces intact.

    Our South Houston Dentist Can Fix Your Broken Braces

    If you or your teen have sustained damage to your Houston braces, it’s best to address it right away. The longer you wait, the more you’re delaying your treatment. And since all Houston braces components work together to shift your teeth, damage to one part could place undue stress on the surrounding components, leading to additional damage. Call our office to schedule an appointment with our South Houston family dentist as soon as possible. We can reaffix your broken bracket and check the strength of the adhesive on surrounding brackets to make sure they’re still firmly attached. We look forward to fixing your Houston braces damage and seeing you smile!

  • How To Protect your Houston Braces this Holiday Season Girl with South Houston braces smiling for the holidays in Santa hat.

    The holidays are upon us, as are the sticky, sugary treats common to the season. While these indulgences are typically fine in moderation, if you or your child is undergoing South Houston braces treatment, some items are best left alone. That’s because certain foods and drinks can damage or break both South Houston metal braces and South Houston ceramic braces. Keep reading to learn some of the ways you can protect your braces this holiday season, thanks to helpful tips from our South Houston dentist. 

    How Do South Houston Braces Work? 

    South Houston dental braces are made up of brackets, which are cemented to each tooth and connected by a wire. Our South Houston dentist adjusts this wire periodically to slowly shift your teeth and jaw into the proper position. If your treatment plan calls for it, your South Houston dental braces may also include coils, hooks, and/or ligatures to improve effectiveness. Because these different parts of your South Houston metal braces all work together to create a straighter smile, damage to any one of these parts may delay treatment and must be fixed by our South Houston family dentist immediately. 

    How Do South Houston Braces Break?

    While our South Houston metal braces and South Houston ceramic braces are sturdy and often resistant to the kind of wear and tear that can cause them to break, they are not immune to damage. While this damage can occur with any one of the many small parts that comprise your South Houston braces, the most common is to the brackets. Our South Houston dentist uses an adhesive to affix the brackets to each tooth, and sometimes they can be jarred loose. Broken brackets are most often caused by patients eating sticky and/or hard foods–like those found during the holidays—that stick the bracket and pull it from the tooth. Our South Houston family dentist advises that it’s best for you or your teen to avoid these items for now.

    Protect your South Houston Braces by Avoiding These Foods

    Our South Houston family dentist recommends you or your teen avoid these items in order to protect your teeth and keep your orthodontic treatment on schedule. Whether you’re wearing South Houston metal braces or South Houston ceramic braces, steer clear of these items from the holiday party snack table:

    • Hard candy, lollipops, and candy canes
    • Hard or crunchy foods like carrot sticks, nuts, or pretzels
    • Sticky foods like toffee, taffy, and caramel

    Centra Dental Can Protect Your South Houston Braces 

    Even the best intentions can sometimes lead to damaged South Houston braces. If that’s the case, let our top rated South Houston dentist correct the problem in our clean and safe office. Since all Houston braces components work together to shift teeth to the proper position, damage to one part could place undue stress on the surrounding components and delay treatment. Call our office to schedule an appointment with our South Houston family dentist before the holiday season gets even busier. At Centra Dental, we work hard to embrace your smiles!