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How South Houston Invisalign Works

How South Houston Invisalign Works

Dental braces–such as metal Houston braces and ceramic Houston braces–are fairly common these days. Pre-teens, teenagers, and even adults wear them for an average of 1-2 years in order to get a healthier smile that they can show with pride. Invisalign is also gaining popularity, especially due to its subtlety, but it works slightly differently than our aforementioned dental braces. In this article, we will explain how South Houston Invisalign works.

How Invisalign Houston Braces Work

First and foremost, Invisalign is made up of plastic–unlike its metal and ceramic counterparts–but the general logic behind how Invisalign works is the same as our other Houston braces. Essentially, we are pressing a strong material against your teeth in order to apply pressure that will gradually move them to the correct alignment.

Gathering Your Information

When you come in for your South Houston braces consultation, we will discuss what we need from you in order to put you on Invisalign treatment. Some of the things we gather include:

  • X-rays
  • Photos of your teeth
  • Impressions

These materials will aid us in designing the right treatment for you that addresses how your teeth should move over time. Next, we will send this to our dental lab so they can design your custom Invisalign Clear Aligner trays, which are unique to your bite and how it should change throughout the course of your treatment. 

What You Can Expect For Your South Houston Invisalign Treatment

When it comes to Invisalign trays, your clear aligner trays are all shaped slightly differently, and you will wear one set at a time for a few weeks, depending on your unique treatment plan. Once you finish wearing one set of clear aligners, you will come into our South Houston dentist office so we can assess the progress of your Invisalign treatment, and then we will give you your new set, which will help guide your teeth to the next phase in their alignment. 

Considering Invisalign? Visit Our South Houston Dentists At Centra Dental!

If you’re interested in wearing Invisalign as opposed to ceramic or metal Houston braces, then please book an appointment with our dentist. We will schedule a Houston braces consultation with you and discuss what your unique needs and preferences are, and then we will move forward with giving you a smile you’re eager to show off!