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  • Which Is Better: Ceramic Or Metal Houston Braces?

    You and/or your child has likely seen other people wearing dental braces. If someone’s braces are fairly grey in color, then chances are they're wearing metal dental braces–the most common method of correcting a malocclusion. If you see someone who appears to be wearing braces that are off-white in color and blend into the teeth very well, then they are usually wearing ceramic Houston braces. They both achieve the same goal: healthy, perfectly straight teeth, but, what’s the difference between them? Which is better? In this article, our Houston dentists–who treat families in Houston and South Houston–will answer these commonly asked questions.

    Metal Houston Braces

    Metal dental braces have been around for hundreds of years, though today they are much more subtle and lightweight than they used to be, which makes them much more comfortable and effective. However, because they’re metal, their natural dark grey color is quite obvious on teeth.

    Metal dental braces are made up of three components:

    • Metal square-shaped brackets, fixed to the front of your teeth
    • Metal dark gray archwire, placed across the brackets
    • O-rings, which are placed around the bracket and can be of different colors

    When Our Houston Family Dentists Recommend Metal Braces

    Metal dental braces work on just about any malocclusion, mild or severe. This means they have superior strength in order to reduce how long treatment would last, compared to other alternatives.

    Ceramic Houston Braces

    Though less common than metal braces, ceramic dental braces have risen in popularity over the years due to the fact that they are a good compromise between Invisalign and metal Houston braces, as well as for their increased subtlety over metal braces.

    Ceramic braces consist of the following components:

    • Ceramic brackets fixed to the front of your teeth, which blend into your natural tooth color
    • Light-colored archwire placed across the brackets (silver or frosted in color)

    When Our South Houston Family Dentists Recommend Ceramic Braces 

    Though still strong enough to move your teeth to the proper alignment, ceramic isn’t as strong as metal, so we don’t typically recommend ceramic Houston braces for severe malocclusions. They do, however, work wonders for mild to moderate malocclusions on patients of all ages. 

    Affordable Dental Braces At Our Houston Family Dentist Offices

    Whether you are considering Houston braces for yourself or for your child, Centra Dental in Houston and South Houston is proud to be a top-rated office for braces as low as $99 per month. If you plan on getting Houston braces soon, please book an appointment with us so we can conduct an evaluation and determine which method of correction is best for you. In this case, neither ceramic braces nor metal braces are considered a generally "better option". It really comes down to what each individual patient needs and what their priorities are.

  • Who Can Get South Houston Invisalign

    Advancements in orthodontics through the years brought with them improvements to the traditional metal Houston braces as well as other dental braces alternatives that are less bulkier and more comfortable to use such as Invisalign clear aligners. Have you heard about Invisalign clear aligners? Are you wondering if your dental issues can be corrected by this type of retainer? As part of our commitment to educate our patients on how to best take care of their teeth, our South Houston Family Dentist will discuss in this article how Houston Dental Braces work and who are the candidates for getting a South Houston Invisalign.

    How Traditional Houston Dental Metal Braces Work

    Traditional metal dental braces are devices used by your South Houston Dentist to align and straighten teeth to improve a person’s bite. It addresses usual dental problems such as crooked teeth, underbites, overbites, and other bite problems stemming from flaws in the teeth and jaw. Dental braces work by moving teeth as a result of force and pressure. The constant force and pressure over time slowly move the teeth to their desired position. Brackets are installed on each individual tooth that will serve as anchor points. The anchor points are attached to an arch wire using ligature elastics. The force that would eventually move the teeth comes from the interaction of the brackets and the arch wire. As the teeth move toward the desired position, the arch wire is adjusted by your South Houston Family Dentist.

    How Invisalign Clear Dental Aligners Work

    Invisalign clear retainers also work in the same way as a traditional metal Houston dental brace that slowly coaxes the teeth through a constant application of force. However, the constant force comes from the wearing of a series of custom-fit aligner trays. As the teeth are moved towards the desired position, a new aligner tray is produced by your South Houston Dentist and made to be worn by the patient. The number of aligner trays used would depend on the required treatment time. Most patients receive new aligners roughly every two weeks.

    Who Can Use Invisalign Dental Aligners

    Invisalign is perfect for patients who have mild to moderate dental issues such as misaligned teeth, large overbite, and those who have gaps in their front teeth. Our South Houston Family Dentist does not recommend Invisalign for individuals with jaw alignment problems and severely crooked or rotated teeth. Part of the Invisalign treatment is wearing the aligners regularly. If a patient has an issue with or has a lifestyle that prevents him from wearing aligners for long periods of time then he should consider other options.

    Consult Your South Houston Family Dentist

    The points discussed above by our South Houston Dentist are general guidelines regarding dental braces and Invisalign. A consultation in person following a dental checkup would still be best so that a patient can make an informed decision about a treatment plan that is appropriate for him. If you have reservations because of the ongoing pandemic, we have taken extra steps to ensure a clean and safe environment. Aside from the mandatory wearing of masks, shields, and gowns, and the sanitizing of equipment before and after sessions, we have installed a system that surgically cleans circulating indoor air. Call us now and book an appointment with our top-rated dentist!

  • Why Does South Houston Invisalign Only Work For Some Children?

    If your child is nearing middle-school age, then chances are they will start seeing many classmates undergo Houston braces treatment. This is a very common age at which to begin wearing dental braces because most–or all–of their baby teeth have fallen and their adult teeth have completely emerged. Some pre-teens and teenagers may wear Invisalign Clear Aligners, while others may wear ceramic or metal dental braces because our South Houston family dentist said that type of treatment would work best. So, why does Invisalign only work for some and not others?

    Invisalign Clear Aligners Are Made Differently Than Other Houston Braces

    Unlike our ceramic Houston braces or metal Houston braces, Invisalign doesn’t have any wires or metal. In fact, Invisalign Clear Aligners are simply transparent, thin, and flexible plastic that is molded to your child’s teeth and gradually pushes their teeth toward the correct alignment. Teeth that are correctly aligned are healthier and promote better oral health in general, which is why it’s important to undergo Houston braces treatment if necessary.

    Why Our South Houston Family Dentists Only Recommend Invisalign To Some And Not Others

    Houston Invisalign Works Best On Minor Cases

    The type of Houston dental braces we recommend to our patients depends on how severe their malocclusion is. Severe malocclusions are most efficiently and effectively treated by metal dental braces because they are the strongest option available. This is also why metal Houston braces work on virtually all cases. 

    Invisalign, on the other hand, is best suited for our South Houston dentist patients with mild malocclusions (bad bites) that don’t need as dramatic of a correction.

    Our South Houston Braces Dentist Patients Get The Most Out Of Invisalign Treatment By Being Disciplined

    Because Invisalign is removable, this is a flexible treatment, but our patients can’t let flexibility become an excuse for being lazy or irresponsible. Patients must wear their Clear Aligners for 22-24 hours a day, which means they need to be careful not to lose, misplace, or forget to wear their aligners. This is crucial for Invisalign to work properly so patients don’t need a second correction in the future. Patients who worry they may be forgetful or lack the necessary discipline will often have a better experience with ceramic dental braces or metal dental braces.

    Our South Houston Family Dentist Offers Effective Invisalign Treatment

    If you would like to know whether Invisalign is suitable for your child, then please book an appointment with our South Houston dentist. We’ll begin with an evaluation and discuss their needs so that we can develop the best custom dental treatment for them that ensures a beautiful smile for the rest of their life.

  • Why Our South Houston Dentist Patients May Need Houston Braces

    As most people know, orthodontic braces are meant to straighten teeth, but they do much more than just that. Each treatment plan we offer for Houston braces depends on what issues need to be corrected and is perfectly customized to the individual. Here are a couple of the reasons why our South Houston dentist patients may need affordable braces treatment.

    Crowded Teeth

    Teeth crowding occurs when teeth are crooked and overlapping each other, either on the upper teeth, on the bottom teeth, or both. The truth is that some people simply have extra teeth, which don't fit in the mouth properly. This is a major cause of crowding and disrupts the natural way in which the teeth are supposed to erupt.

    What Problems Can Crowding Teeth Cause?

    When our patients suffer from crowding, we tend to see unusual wear patterns of their teeth. One of the biggest dental health problems caused by crowding is excessive plaque build-up. Although some patients who don't have extra teeth can still experience heavy plaque build-up, this is especially common for people who do have extra teeth because it's too difficult to get in between them when they brush or floss. Plaque build-up is the leading cause for cavities, so those who have crowded teeth can experience accelerated tooth decay.

    Plaque build-up in crowded teeth has a domino effect. If the patient suffers from accelerated decay, they can also potentially suffer from gingivitis, or gum disease because there is too much bacteria stuck in between the gums that is left untreated. Aside from poor oral health, crowding can cause issues with patients' self-esteem. Additionally, severe crowding can lead to speech problems, which can disrupt their school, work, and their confidence as well.

    Open Bite

    An open bite is also known as an anterior bite. It occurs when the upper teeth and lower teeth slant out in the front, so they never touch once an individual's mouth is closed.

    What Problems Can An Open Bite Cause?

    Similar to crowding, open bites may cause the patient to have problems with confidence and speech. When it comes to speech challenges, those who suffer from an open bite will often struggle to pronounce several words because they develop a lisp. This type of malocclusion (bad bite) can also prevent the patient from chewing their food properly.

    Another problem caused by open bites is abnormal wearing of the teeth because the back teeth are coming into contact more often than they should. This can eventually lead to discomfort and even cracking in the teeth.

    Affordable Houston Braces at Centra Dental in South Houston

    These are both very common reasons for needing orthodontic braces, not only for cosmetic purposes, but also to help our patients achieve their best dental health and a confident smile. If you or your child have crowded teeth or an open bite, please book an appointment with our South Houston dentist so that we can complete a consultation and help you decide on an affordable treatment plan. 

  • Why You Might Need Rubber Bands with Houston Braces

    Houston braces are a common way to correct alignment issues like crooked or improperly-spaced teeth, using wires and brackets to apply pressure that shifts your teeth into the proper position. Oftentimes, our South Houston dentist will add rubber bands to your metal or ceramic braces treatment plan in order to increase the force applied and shift the teeth faster and more effectively.

    Why Our South Houston Dentist Uses Rubber Bands With Braces

    Dental braces work by applying pressure to the teeth through a series of brackets and wires, which gradually shift teeth to where they should be. If our South Houston family dentist adds rubber bands to you or your child’s braces treatment, it provides added tension. This not only eases the teeth’s movement but also accelerates this process. These rubber bands attach to the brackets themselves and can be applied in a variety of configurations designed for your unique orthodontic needs. Rubber bands with Houston braces are most often used to correct these issues:

    • Overbite
    • Underbite
    • Spacing issues
    • Crooked teeth
    • Other jaw alignment issues

    How to Use Rubber Bands with Houston Braces

    When our South Houston dentist first applies rubber bands to your braces during your visit, you’ll learn where to place them and how. They are easy to put on and remove, the latter of which should be done when eating, brushing, and flossing. Our South Houston dentist will send you home with a large supply of rubber bands, as a new set should be used each day to ensure proper hygiene is maintained. It’s possible that the placement of your rubber bands will change over the course of your dental braces treatment in order to place pressure on different teeth and parts of the jaw so that your teeth shift at the right pace and into the right position. 

    Sometimes rubber bands with braces can cause discomfort, especially when first applied or when our South Houston family dentist changes their position in your mouth. This is usually eased with over-the-counter pain medication. It’s also recommended that certain foods, like sticky candy and gum, be avoided, just as with dental braces alone.

    See Why So Many Families Choose Centra Dental For Their Houston Braces

    We know you have many options when it comes to South Houston family dentistry, which is why we strive to provide the kind of expert care that cultivates long-lasting relationships through regular visits and life-long dental support. When you choose Centra Dental for your South Houston family dentistry needs, you’re part of our family! If you think it’s time for you or your child to begin Houston braces treatment, call us to schedule an appointment. Our South Houston Family Dentist will complete a thorough dental exam and provide you with the best recommendations for orthodontic treatment. We provide a wide array of dental services to meet the needs of everyone in your family, keeping your teeth healthy and your smile bright.