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Some Dental Issues That Houston Braces Can Correct

Houston braces are a good idea if you have a malocclusion, which means your bite isn’t ideal and risks being detrimental to your health. An unideal bite is one that consists of crooked teeth, crowded teeth, extra teeth, or even an overbite or an underbite. Although some of our patients may be familiar with crooked and crowded teeth, others may not know much about overbites and underbites. Here is how they can be identified and what problems arise from them. 


An overbite often presents itself as “buck teeth” and is one of the most common reasons our south Houston dentist patients need braces. This type of bite occurs in patients whose upper jaw–and consequently, upper teeth–protrude further outward than the bottom jaw and teeth. Now, to be clear, we want some overlap, as this prevents your enamel from wearing abnormally. In doing so, your teeth are stronger and better protected against cavities.

How Does Having an Overbite Affect Your Teeth?

An overbite can easily cause you to have difficulties speaking, much like other malocclusions. Overbites have also been known to cause difficulty with chewing. This is because many of our patients with overbites regularly deal with biting their tongues and cheeks when they try to chew their food. Overbites may also damage your gums and your other teeth because of the improper bite pattern. How severe your overbite is will dictate how severe these side effects are, but thankfully our metal braces and ceramic Houston braces can correct this.


A patient has an underbite when their lower teeth tend to protrude outward and are further out than the upper front teeth. You might compare this to a bulldog’s teeth. Because of the abnormal alignment of the teeth, this can cause cosmetic insecurities as well as other dental health problems.

How Does Having an Underbite Affect Your Teeth?

Some underbites are rather minor, but others may be severe. Similar to an overbite, though, the more severe the underbite, the more severe the problems. 

Underbites make it harder for you to chew because the jaws are not clasping around food like they are supposed to. Another problem that results from an underbite is that this makes it harder for you to speak properly. The worst issue that can occur is that you experience pain in your mouth and face due to your misaligned jaws. If unaddressed, the pain can worsen and disrupt your day-to-day.

Houston Braces at Centra Dental in South Houston Correct Bad Bites

These are common reasons why our patients need dental braces. If you or your child have a bad bite, then please book an appointment with our South Houston family dentist. We will complete an evaluation to determine which kind of braces are best for your unique case.

When Are Metal Houston Braces Recommended

Metal dental braces have long been the traditional, most commonly used method of correcting the alignment of the teeth in both children and adults. Today, though, our South Houston dentist, as well as other dentists in Texas, offer Invisalign and ceramic braces as viable alternatives. With other options available, though, when are metal braces best?

If You Have Crowded Teeth

Crowded teeth are fairly easy to spot. Our patients with crowding will also have crooked teeth that overlap one another. Sometimes, people are just born with extra teeth, which can be one of the reasons why crowding occurs, as this disrupts how the teeth are naturally supposed to erupt. If crowded teeth aren’t fixed, this can cause unusual wear patterns in the teeth and encourage excess plaque build-up. Remember, excessive plaque is what causes cavities, meaning our South Houston pediatric dentist patients and adult patients who suffer from crowding are much more prone to cavities.

Plaque build-up in crowded teeth has a domino-like effect. This means that if the patient suffers from excess bacteria build-up, this can quickly turn into gum disease (gingivitis). On top of rapid decay, crowded teeth may cause our patients to feel insecure and self-conscious, especially if a speech impediment occurs because of their teeth. 

If You Have an Open Bite

An open bite (or anterior bite) may not be as common as an overbite, but it is identified as the upper and lower front teeth slanting outwards, so they never touch when a patient closes their mouth. 

With an open bite, the patient will often have a lisp and the teeth will wear abnormally, causing cracks and discomfort.

How Metal Dental Braces Help

Metal Houston braces provide enough force to gradually shift even the most severely crowded teeth to the proper position. They are also highly effective on open bites, which are harder to correct. In essence, metal braces work for virtually every type of case of poor alignment, and because they are so strong, they work quicker than ceramic braces or Invisalign clear aligners would in these patient cases. 

Affordable Houston Braces at Centra Dental

If you or your child are in need of dental braces and are considering metal braces, then please book an appointment for the first consultation. We’ll examine the bite and help determine if metal braces are a suitable option to correct it.

How to Keep Your Teeth Clean and Healthy While Wearing Houston Braces

A common worry that many of our South Houston dentist patients have when they are about to undergo dental braces treatment is that they won’t be able to clean their teeth properly, resulting in cavities. This is simply not true, and here is how you can ensure that your teeth remain extra healthy throughout treatment. 

Brush Your Teeth More

Brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste is one of the most important things you can do to keep your teeth healthy. When you wear braces, though, you should brush your teeth more often because the face of the tooth is no longer completely exposed, so it’s easy to miss some spots. Our South Houston dentists recommend that you rinse your mouth out with water after every meal and snack you eat and then brush immediately after. This will help make sure that no food particles get stuck in the brackets of your metal dental braces and ceramic dental braces. If you wear Invisalign, this will ensure there is no food stuck in between your teeth that then becomes trapped by your clear aligner trays. Rinsing and brushing often are great ways to prevent cavities. Just be sure you don’t use whitening toothpaste, or you may risk your teeth being uneven in how white they are.

Floss Slowly and Carefully

Flossing is the second thing you can do to ensure your teeth remain healthy and cavity-free. It may be a challenge, but flossing is a MUST. Today, there are several different kinds of braces-friendly floss and our South Houston family dentists are more than happy to teach you how to properly floss while wearing braces.

Be Diligent in Coming to Your Houston Braces Appointments With Our Dentists

Much like how you care for your teeth by coming in for cleanings twice a year, the same rule stands when you wear braces. By coming in for your semiannual teeth cleanings, we can double-check on the progress of your braces treatment, along with your overall dental health, and clean your teeth more deeply and thoroughly than you would at home. If you would like to come in for a cleaning and more tips on taking care of your dental hygiene while wearing braces, then please book an appointment with us. We look forward to embracing your smile!

Retainers After Houston Braces - Different Types and Wearing Guidelines

We understand the excitement our South Houston patients feel when they finally get their Houston braces off, and we also understand the mild disappointment they may feel when they are told toward the end of their treatment that they need to wear a retainer. However, a retainer is much more pleasant than dental braces. 

Different Types of Orthodontic Retainers

There are 3 kinds of orthodontic retainers and which we recommend you wear depends on your particular circumstances. Here is how they differ.

Bonded Retainer

A bonded retainer is exactly what it sounds like. Bonded retainers are also called permanent retainers because, like dental braces, they are cemented to the teeth with dental-grade cement. Except, rather than being glued on the front of your teeth, they are bonded behind the teeth. Although most of our patients wear them indefinitely, we may also remove them after time has passed if they are causing excessive irritation or plaque build-up. 

We often recommend bonded retainers to younger patients who may struggle to be responsible with their retainer or if we think the teeth will shift back to their crooked position too quickly and easily.

Hawley Retainer

More common is the Hawley retainer. This type of retainer is removable and is also called a wire retainer. It’s made up of two parts, each made of plastic or acrylic, which the patient can pick the color for. The top portion is molded to the shape of the roof of your mouth and the bottom portion is molded to the back of your lower teeth. Thin, yet strong wire runs is attached to both parts. The upper retainer has a wire that runs across the front of your teeth, whereas the bottom retainer has a wire that hooks on top and around the teeth to keep them from shifting.

Transparent Retainer

The last type of retainer is a transparent one. It is made similar to Invisalign in that it is removable and made of thin plastic, but this type is molded perfectly to the new alignment of the patient’s teeth. 

How to Wear Different Retainers After Houston Braces

Now, for how long should our South Houston patients wear Hawley retainers and transparent retainers?

We often recommend wearing them at all times, except at mealtimes, for 6 months to a year. This is because the teeth will have a natural habit of trying to shift to the position they were in prior to braces if there is no longer anything holding them in place. Being diligent in wearing retainers right after will ensure that the teeth settle into the soft tissues in the mouth and their new position along the jaw. This keeps them from becoming easily misaligned again.

Centra Dental Will Ensure Your Teeth Remain Straight After Houston Braces

If you are nearing the end of your braces treatment, then please book an appointment with us so that we can determine the state of your teeth and recommend the appropriate retainers for your needs. We are passionate about embracing your smile and can’t wait for you to embrace yours.

Is it Too Late For Adults to Get Houston Braces?

At our South Houston family dentist office, we are often asked by our adult patients if they can benefit from Houston braces just as much as our younger patients do. The short answer is: yes. In fact, we highly encourage adults to wear dental braces if they have crooked teeth and/or a malocclusion, otherwise known as a “bad bite”.

Malocclusions Affect Kids and Adults Just the Same

There are different kinds of malocclusions, each with different dental braces treatments. If you had a malocclusion as a teenager, then chances are it did not go away when you became an adult. 

If you do not fix your bad bite, this will cause an array of dental health issues. This problems may include, but are not limited to:

  • Headaches
  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease
  • Speech impairment
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Difficulty digesting

As adults, getting Invisalign Clear Aligners, ceramic braces, or metal braces will certainly correct these issues, though it may or may not take longer than it would for a child. Regardless, properly aligned teeth are vital, no matter how long it takes to achieve this.

Centra Dental in South Houston Offers Different Houston Braces Options for Different Adult Cases

Invisalign Clear Aligners

For adults with minor cases, Invisalign may be ideal because it is not only flexible in terms of wear and maintenance, but it is also the most subtle treatment we offer. This is great for adults who may not be pleased with the idea of wearing metal braces.

Ceramic Houston Braces

As an alternative treatment plan, adults with mildly to moderately bad bites may benefit from ceramic dental braces. This method is the next most subtle treatment option, since both the brackets and the archwire easily blend in with the color of your natural teeth. 

Metal Dental Braces

Metal braces are the least subtle treatment. However, they are lighter in weight and more comfortable than they used to be. Metal Houston braces work on all malocclusions, especially on the more severe cases. Our metal braces can move teeth vertically, align teeth that are higher than they should be, and also rotate the teeth. This sounds rather painful, but rest assured you will not feel any pain. You will only feel slight soreness whenever we tighten the wire, but this should not last long.

Centra Dental in South Houston Gives Adults Straight, Healthy Teeth

If you're an adult hoping to correct your bite, then please book an appointment with us. We will complete our orthodontic evaluation, address your concerns, and design the best treatment plan for you.

Is Invisalign a Good Idea for Your South Houston Teenager?

By now it’s no secret that Invisalign is a popular method for correcting a bad bite. Nowadays, more and more dentists are offering this in addition to traditional metal braces and ceramic Houston braces. If we offer all of these dental braces treatments, is Invisalign still the most effective option for your teenager?

The Difference Between Metal or Ceramic Braces and Invisalign

Metal braces have been the primary form of treatment for teeth and jaw alignment for many decades now. This is precisely why they are still trusted by many of our South Houston dentists’ patients today. Ceramic braces are very similar, but they differ in that they blend into the teeth more and while they are strong, they aren’t as strong as metal and can be fragile. Nevertheless, they are a very effective treatment for moderate malocclusions. 

When undergoing treatment with both metal or ceramic braces, our South Houston family dentist will regularly tighten the patient's wires to guide their teeth to the correct position. There is some initial discomfort, but it doesn't last long.

Invisalign, on the other hand, involves no wires. Invisalign Clear Aligners are much like clear plastic retainers that are made by completing a 3D scan of the patient's mouth. With our 3D scans, we are able to make different aligner trays that will gradually shift the teeth until they are straight. 

The Pros and Cons of Invisalign Treatment

The undisputed pro of Invisalign is that, because the aligner trays are clear, hardly anyone actually realizes that a patient is undergoing any treatment. This is perfect for the teenager who prefers a more subtle treatment and is a little self-conscious. Another factor that makes it so appealing is that your teenager can remove the trays for mealtimes. A third pro is that, compared to braces, there are much fewer consultations needed, since the aligners are already made.

When it comes to the downsides of Invisalign treatments, your teenager needs to be careful not to lose or misplace their clear aligners. Another downside that can be off-putting is that the ability to remove the aligners during meals means that the patient needs to be extremely disciplined, as Invisalign needs to be worn strictly for 20-22 hours a day. Patients also need to make sure that they thoroughly brush their teeth after each meal so they ensure no food particles put stress on the aligners, making it harder for the teeth to move where they need to. 

Visit Our South Houston Braces Dentist to See if Invisalign is the Best Treatment for Your Teen

If you think your teen may be a great candidate for Invisalign treatments, then please book an appointment with us. At this braces consultation, we will get a better understanding of what is the best treatment plan for your teen. 

Alleviating Your Child's Worry About Their Upcoming Houston Braces Treatment

For some, getting braces is an exciting experience. Some kids can’t wait to have fun with changing the color of their Houston braces. Others can’t wait to see their brand new smiles. Some children start their treatment when they are younger, so they can’t wait to feel like one of the big kids. For other children, though, the mere idea of having braces is anxiety-inducing. Our South Houston family dentists want to assure you that, while your child’s fear and worry are normal, our dental braces are really nothing to fret over. Here are some things your child may like to know that may help them feel less scared.

Braces Are Really Common These Days

Years ago, not many children would get braces. Today, though, 4.5 million young children and teenagers undergo dental braces treatment. Braces serve more than just a cosmetic purpose–once the teeth are straight, children are much less at risk of getting cavities. By now, dental braces have become necessary in order to solve many problems that result from a malocclusion, otherwise known as a bad bite. 

Braces Are More Efficient When You’re a Kid

While adults can also get Houston braces, treatment is shorter and more efficient when it comes to children because they are still growing, which makes their jaw and teeth more moldable. Plus, the younger your child gets braces, the sooner they can show off their new smiles with confidence.

Braces Don’t Hurt

A common misconception about braces is that they hurt really badly. Rather than a painful, everlasting sensation, our South Houston dentist patients may feel some soreness when they first get their braces fitted, but this will gradually subside over the next few days. However, because everyone’s pain threshold is different, just know that the mild discomfort is nothing that over-the-counter painkillers and possibly an ice pack can't ease. 

We know that the idea of Houston braces “moving your child’s teeth” sounds scary, but this is done ever so gently and gradually. Kids don’t even notice or feel that their teeth are straightening until one day they wake up and see for themselves that their teeth are straighter. Additionally, today’s metal dental braces and ceramic dental braces are even lighter in weight than they used to be, so discomfort is much more minimal. We also offer Invisalign, which is as subtle as Houston braces treatment can get.

Come See Our South Houston Family Dentist When It's Time for Dental Braces

If you plan on getting your child fitted for Houston braces soon, please book an appointment. We will conduct our initial consultation, which will help us in developing their treatment plan. We will also further discuss any worries your child may have so they feel safe and positive when they get their braces for the first time.

All You Need to Know About Dental Benefits at Centra Dental in South Houston

Most people receive dental benefits through their employers, but it may be confusing to some. Here is all that you need to know about your dental insurance and the benefits that come with it.

Dental Insurance is a Necessary Expense

You cannot obtain dental insurance unless both you and your employer pay a substantial premium upfront. However, this premium is what gets you the many benefits you can take advantage of during the year. Without dental insurance and its benefits, you put your teeth at risk of severe damage and/or rot. Additionally, many of the earliest signs of illness and disease first appear in the mouth, so it's crucial that our family dentists see you regularly.

Dental Benefits Will Expire by the End of the Year

There is one condition, though. If you haven’t used your benefits before December 31st, then you will lose those benefits. Keep in mind that If you do not use them by the time the year is over, there is no carry-over, meaning you are unable to reserve multiple treatments for the next year when both your insurance and premium reset. 

How Do Your South Houston Dental Benefits Work?

Because the premium is paid upfront before you obtain dental insurance, the money invested is completely wasted if you don’t take the time to visit the dentist enough throughout the year. 

There are multiple kinds of dental insurance plans, each with their own benefits. Benefits are what we refer to as coverage offered by your insurance for different dental procedures and treatments, meaning your insurance will pay a portion of the services you seek from our South Houston dentist office. Most plans offer substantial or complete coverage for routine teeth cleanings every 6 months, which serves as the perfect incentive to get the preventative care you need to achieve the healthy smile you deserve. Other benefits may come in the form of coverage for root canals, x-rays, dental caps/crowns, and possibly dentures or dental bridges, since these are restorative procedures that protect the rest of your teeth.

Centra Dental in South Houston Wants Your Family to Have Healthy Smiles

Although it may seem early in the year, it’s never too early for your entire family to have healthy teeth. Now is a great time to start planning and scheduling necessary treatments with our South Houston family dentist. This way we can help ensure you get the most out of your allotted benefits early on, so you aren’t scrambling at the last minute during the busy holidays. Because we want you to take the best care of your teeth, we are in-network with several insurance plans, including Aetna, Cigna, Delta, Guardian, United, and much more. If you have an outstanding treatment or teeth cleaning, please book an appointment with us so we can see you before the end of the year.