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Stay Away From At-Home Invisalign Treatment and Get Houston Braces Instead

You’ve probably seen commercials on television or advertisements on YouTube and other social media platforms that try to sell clear aligners over the internet, which the company then sends right to your home for a simple, affordable, at-home Houston braces treatment. Our South Houston family dentists are here to tell you to stay away from these kinds of products. Here’s why.

How At-Home Braces Treatment Works

These companies will usually start your treatment by sending you an impression kit so they can see how your teeth are currently aligned. After you send back the impression (which is usually done incorrectly), they claim to use 3D modeling to send you your clear aligners with a wearing schedule.

At-Home Clear Aligner Treatment is Not as Customized as it Should Be

When you come into our South Houston family dentist office for Houston braces treatment, we take impressions and utilize 3D modeling in order to visualize every single phase your teeth go through as we correct their alignment, and we’ll even show you our plan once we complete it. We also see you in-person every few weeks during your Houston Invisalign treatment so we can take the closest look possible and make any necessary adjustments to ensure you are on the right track of alignment. When you get clear aligners off of a website and send in your materials, they may follow up with you via telemedicine, but they can’t thoroughly examine your bite or your progress through a camera. To get the best results, you need to see the dentist in person.

Clear Aligners Aren’t Effective For Everyone

If you’ve read our blog, When Our South Houston Family Dentist Recommends Invisalign Clear Aligners, then you’ll know that clear aligners work best on mild cases. If you have a severe malocclusion, clear aligners found in mail-order kits may not be the best option. You may benefit more from ceramic Houston braces or metal Houston braces.

You May End Up Paying More Than You Would at Our South Houston Dentist Office

We already offer affordable Houston braces, as low as $99 a month. If you go through with mail-order clear aligner kits and treatment doesn’t go smoothly, you may have to pay all over again for a second correction at an orthodontist or dentist office. If the damage done to your teeth by mail-order clear aligners is bad enough, you may end up needing to under surgery or another dental procedure.

Centra Dental Family Dentist in South Houston Wants to Keep You and Your Smile Safe

Although mail-order/at-home braces treatment seems convenient and affordable, you are sacrificing quality for convenience and a healthy smile shouldn’t be about convenience. If you would like to undergo Invisalign Clear Aligner treatment, please book an appointment with our South Houston braces dentist so we can evaluate your teeth, discuss your needs and goals, and come up with a safe, affordable, and effective treatment plan that we can monitor for you.

Electric Toothbrush Versus Manual Toothbrush: Which is Best for Houston Braces

Once accessible to few, electric toothbrushes are now widely available on the market. Today, there are some electric toothbrushes that utilize wireless chargers and even have bluetooth capabilities that allow you to set hygiene goals and track how well you brush your teeth. Does this make electric toothbrushes better for Houston braces? Here’s what our South Houston family dentist has to say. 

Brushing Your Teeth With a Manual Toothbrush

Manual toothbrushes are the most common method for keeping up with your oral hygiene. They are certainly effective, so long as they’re used properly. In order to brush your teeth correctly, hold your toothbrush at a 45 degree angle and brush all surfaces of the teeth (front, back, and chewing edge) in slow and gentle, circular motions. Be sure to brush for 2 minutes, spending 30 seconds in each quadrant. 

Manual toothbrushes are readily available at grocery stores, pharmacies and even the dollar store, making them inexpensive, easy to shop for, and easy to replace at the last minute. As for drawbacks, manual toothbrushes may be a bit tricky for younger children to use correctly, so our South Houston family dentists advise parents to help their kids brush. When using manual toothbrushes it is very easy to start brushing a bit too hard, which can lead to pain and sensitivity in the gums. 

Electric Toothbrushes For Our South Houston Family Dentist’s Patients

The greatest benefit of electric toothbrushes is that they do all the work. They move the brush-head bristles in circular motion at the right pace with the right amount of pressure. All you need to do is gently glide it across your teeth. Some models even offer different modes and speeds for tongue cleaning, deep cleaning, and for patients with sensitive teeth and gums.

Can Houston Braces Patients Use Electric Toothbrushes

Our South Houston dentist’s Houston braces patients can use an electric toothbrush without worry. In fact, we often recommend them instead of manual toothbrushes to our patients who have begun their Houston braces treatment. The reason why is because electric toothbrushes make it easier to clean around your brackets and archwires if you wear metal dental braces or ceramic Houston braces. Research has shown that electric toothbrushes are also better at removing plaque, which is harder to do when wearing braces. By using an electric toothbrush, our Houston braces patients will effectively protect their teeth against cavities.

Visit Centra Dental in South Houston to Check on Your Houston Braces Progress

Our family dentists at Centra Dental in South Houston highly recommend our Houston braces patients to brush their teeth with electric toothbrushes. Please book an appointment for your next cleaning so we can check that you’re brushing your teeth well and ensure your treatment is going smoothly.

Pros and Cons of Bonded Orthodontic Retainers After Houston Braces

As you approach the end of your Houston braces treatment, whether you’ve been wearing metal Houston braces, ceramic dental braces, or Invisalign, we’ll have a conversation about how to maintain your new smile with a retainer. There are different types of orthodontic retainers and we’ve previously talked about traditional removable retainers known as Hawley retainers. This time, we’ll discuss the less common bonded retainers.

What Are Bonded Retainers

Bonded retainers are permanent retainers made of wire that is shaped to fit the new alignment of your teeth. Similar to metal or ceramic Houston braces, they are cemented to your teeth with a dental-grade glue, except instead of being on the front of your teeth, these retainers are glued behind your teeth. Many family dentists or orthodontists around the country tend to bond them behind your lower teeth only, and they can only be removed by a dentist or orthodontist. 

Although rare, our South Houston dentist will only recommend a bonded retainer following Houston braces treatment if the patient won’t follow our guidelines on how to properly wear a removable retainer.

Pros and Cons of Wearing Permanent Bonded Retainers After Houston Braces Treatment

Much like how ceramic braces, metal dental braces, and Houston Invisalign Clear Aligners each has positives and negatives, retainers do as well.

Pros of Bonded Retainers

  • Bonded retainers are a worry-free method for keeping your teeth straight because you don’t have to abide by a certain schedule, which means you don’t run the risk of making your teeth crooked or separate again.
  • No one can tell you’re wearing a permanent retainer, so there is no need to feel self-conscious about it
  • Wearing a permanent retainer doesn’t affect your speech, which is common with other types of retainers.

Cons of Wearing Permanent Retainers

  • Flossing is harder when wearing a bonded retainer because it gets in the way of the string. This causes plaque build-up and possibly gum disease
  • The metal might irritate your tongue or gums

Our South Houston Family Dentist Will Determine if a Bonded Retainer is Right For You

As you or your child near the end of Houston braces treatment, please book an appointment with our South Houston dentist so we can take your needs into account, decide if a permanent retainer is a good idea for your particular case, and have your retainers made. We look forward to giving you a smile you can enjoy for the rest of your life.

When Our South Houston Family Dentist Recommends Invisalign Clear Aligners

We recently discussed when we recommend ceramic dental braces, but Invisalign is a more popular alternative that we offer. Here is how Invisalign compares to metal Houston braces and ceramic Houston braces.

What is it Like to Wear Invisalign Clear Aligners?

First of all, Invisalign Clear Aligners are made with a flexible plastic that is molded to your teeth in a way that gently and gradually pushes them into the correct alignment. Clear Aligners are transparent, so they go fairly unnoticed. They are also removable, which is one of their greatest benefits.

When Do Our South Houston Family Dentists Recommend Invisalign Clear Aligners?

We will take a few factors into consideration when determining whether Invisalign is right for a patient. Among these considerations are:

How Severe is Your Malocclusion?

We typically recommend Invisalign treatment if your malocclusion isn’t too severe or problematic. That isn’t to say that Invisalign cannot correct severe misalignment, but it will just take much longer. If your malocclusion is a lighter one, though, Invisalign treatment can take as little as a year.

When it comes to the severity of your malocclusion, we often recommend metal dental braces to our patients who need very complex corrections. As for ceramic braces, these are suitable for mild-moderate cases.


Although Invisalign seems to be full of benefits, there are some factors that should be taken into consideration. Discipline is mandatory if you’re wearing Clear Aligners.

Just because Invisalign is removable, does not mean you should go long without wearing it. We tell our patients to wear their aligners for 22-24 hours a day, which means you need to take extra care not to lose, misplace your aligner trays, or forget them.


As with any type of Houston braces treatment, you must make sure to thoroughly brush your teeth after every meal and snack. This ensures no bits of food are left in between your teeth, which would get in the way of the aligners doing their job and would also make you more prone to cavities. 

Centra Dental South Houston Family Dentist Offers Affordable Invisalign Houston Braces Treatment

If you would like to correct the alignment of your teeth and think that Invisalign may be suitable for you, then please book an appointment. We will conduct a thorough evaluation and discuss your needs so that we can develop the best custom Houston braces treatment for you.

Pros and Cons of Traditional Orthodontic Retainers After Houston Braces

You’re approaching the end of your Houston braces treatment and whether you’re wearing Invisalign Clear Aligners, metal Houston braces, or ceramic dental braces, you are going to need to wear retainers after your treatment. You may wear them with reluctance, but you must wear your retainers in order to protect your investment in South Houston braces and keep your teeth straight. However, there are different types of orthodontic retainers that will meet different needs. In this blog post, we will discuss traditional retainers, otherwise known as Hawley retainers. 

What Are Hawley Retainers

Hawley retainers are also referred to as removable retainers or wire retainers. They are made of two parts and two components–the acrylic plastic and the metal wire components. The acrylic plastic is shaped to fit the roof up your mouth and behind your lower teeth. The wire component runs across your teeth. Together, these retainers hold your teeth in place while your teeth settle in the soft tissues of your mouth. How long you wear it will depend on your particular case, but our South Houston family dentist will recommend what works best for you.

Pros and Cons of Wearing Hawley Retainers

As with our Houston braces, there are pros and cons associated with each option.

Pros of Removable Retainers

  • Hawley retainers can be adjusted in case you need a better fit or if your teeth need a slight touch up in their alignment. 
  • Much like the wire that is placed across your Houston braces may break sometimes, Hawley retainers may break on a rare occasion as well, but the good news is that they are easily reparable. 
  • Both rows of your teeth will touch naturally, which makes this option a more comfortable one. 

Cons of Removable Wire Retainers

  • Because these retainers feel slightly bulky, your speech may sound off when wearing them.
  • The way the wire is laid across your teeth makes it rather noticeable when you speak
  • The wire may irritate your lips or cheeks when you first wear a removable retainer after your Houston braces treatment.

Our South Houston Family Dentist Will Determine Whether Traditional Removable Retainers Are Suitable For You

As you near the end of your Houston braces treatment, our South Houston family dentist will take impressions of your teeth so our lab can make your retainers. If we determine that Hawley retainers will work best for you, we will provide you with wearing guidelines. Please book an appointment with us for your next dental check-up so we can make the appropriate recommendation.

Myths and Facts About Houston Braces

Are you, or your child, the type of person who is excited about getting Houston braces and is looking forward to a brand new smile that can be worn confidently? Perhaps you or your child are worried about whether Houston braces treatment will be painful, especially if either of you has heard horror stories or believes some common myths. In this article, we will address some more myths about dental braces and explain the facts so you can feel more confident before you begin your South Houston braces treatment. 

Myth #1: If Houston Braces Move My Teeth, They Must Hurt

We aren’t surprised that this myth is still commonly shared today, since the idea of metal pushing your teeth sounds like it would hurt. However, today braces are far thinner and lighter in weight than they used to be, which has greatly minimized discomfort over the years. Now, regardless of if you choose Invisalign Clear Aligners, ceramic dental braces, or metal dental braces, there will be some minor soreness when you first get them since your teeth aren’t used to them. This will only be temporary though and shouldn’t be intolerable. If it comes down to it, this discomfort is nothing that icing and possibly over-the-counter painkillers can’t alleviate.

After a few days, you will adjust and feel just fine.

Myth #2: After Houston Braces, Your Teeth Will Be Straight For the Rest of Your Life

Although braces do straighten your teeth, all that hard work can be reversed if you don’t follow our recommendations for caring for and maintaining your new smile. This is where retainers come in. Retainers are an orthodontic appliance that must be worn after you finish your Houston braces treatment. We typically tell our patients to wear them all day and all night–except when they’re eating–for at least a year. Afterward, we recommend wearing them every night. This ensures your teeth remain straight and don’t easily become misaligned again.

Myth #3: You Have to Give Up a Lot of Your Favorite Foods When Wearing Dental Braces or Invisalign Clear Aligners

We do recommend you avoid sugary, sticky foods and drinks, as well as crunchy snacks, as this will minimize your risk of cavities and your risk of breaking your braces. Otherwise, you can eat as you normally would, but definitely take smaller bites of your food.

Ready for Houston Braces? Schedule a Consultation With Our South Houston Family Dentist

If you think it’s time for you or your child to begin South Houston braces treatment, then please book an appointment with us so we can begin with a consultation to develop the appropriate treatment plan.

When Our South Houston Family Dentists Recommend Ceramic Houston Braces

Although metal dental braces are by far the most common malocclusion treatment option for our South Houston dentist patients, ceramic braces are growing in popularity–and for good reason. Here is how they compare to metal braces and when we recommend them to our patients.

What Are Ceramic Houston Braces Like?

Ceramic dental braces are very similar to metal dental braces, except the brackets that are placed on the teeth are either clear or tooth-colored as opposed to silver. 

The archwire, which is placed across the brackets in order to put gradual pressure on them to move the teeth into the correct position, ranges from silver to white, or frosted. This enables the braces to further blend into the teeth for a natural appearance. 

When Do Our South Houston Family Dentists Recommend Ceramic Braces

When compared to Invisalign, another method for correcting a malocclusion that we offer at our office in South Houston is Invisalign Clear Aligners, ceramic braces straighten the teeth faster–in about 18 to 36 months. Invisalign can take about a year, and even longer if a patient’s personal case is more complex. 

How severe and complicated our patient’s malocclusion is will play a major role in determining which type of Houston braces are the most suitable for their case, so we often recommend metal braces to our patients in need of the most complicated corrections, and recommend ceramic braces to our patients whose bites aren’t severe and are more on the mild to moderate side of the spectrum. Of course, we could also recommend Invisalign in mild-moderate cases, but some patients worry they may lose their Invisalign Clear Aligners or get a bit lazy in their treatment, so they tend to prefer ceramic braces.

In addition to bite correction and patient discipline, we also factor in lifestyle and age. If a patient looking into ceramic braces is an athlete and/or is still a child whose adult teeth haven’t fully emerged, then we may refrain from recommending ceramic Houston braces because they tend to be more fragile than traditional metal Houston braces.

Centra Dental in South Houston Offers Affordable Ceramic Houston Braces

If you would like to correct the alignment of your teeth and think ceramic braces may be right for you, then please book an appointment. We will happily complete an orthodontic evaluation to address your concerns and needs so that we can design the best custom treatment plan for you.

How Old Does My Child Need to be in Order to Get Houston Braces

Many of our Houston braces patients are children and young teenagers. Dental braces are essential for good dental health and a healthy bite, otherwise, a variety of problems may occur if you don’t get braces. Prior to treatment, parents often ask our South Houston family dentist what age their child needs to be beforehand. Here is what we advise. 

Don’t Wait Until Adulthood to Get Houston Braces

Although it is perfectly acceptable to undergo dental braces treatment as an adult, treatment often lasts longer than it does in children. This is because children’s mouths and heads are still growing, so their teeth are more moldable. Most Houston braces treatments take place between ages 8 and 14 because, by this age, kids should have lost most or all of their baby teeth, but depending on the severity of their malocclusion, we may want to start earlier and set a timeline for you. For example, if their bite is really severe and treatment will take 3 years, you may wish to start at age 10 so that they can be done with their dental braces treatment by age 13 or 14. 

Get an Early Houston Braces Evaluation

In many cases, especially if we have been treating you and your child for years and have been able to see how your child’s teeth develop, we might recommend your child comes in for an orthodontic evaluation when they’re around 7 years old. Our trained family dentists will be able to draw conclusions on how the teeth and jaw will develop and if/how braces treatment will help. We will also be able to determine whether interceptive treatment will be necessary, in the event that your child’s malocclusion is one that will likely worsen over time. This involves using orthodontic appliances as an early treatment. In some cases, there won’t be a need for Houston braces once the interceptive treatment has concluded. 

Houston Braces For Kids at Centra Dental in South Houston

Dental braces today are much more subtle and comfortable than they used to be, so regardless of which age your child begins treatment, we will determine the type of braces that work best for them to achieve a healthy, straight, and beautiful smile. If you think it might be time for your child to get braces, please book an appointment so we can begin with our consultation.