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pediatric dentistry

  • South Houston Invisalign For Teens

    Invisalign Clear Aligners are an increasingly popular method for correcting any misalignment in your teenager’s teeth. At our South Houston family dentist office, we offer Invisalign in addition to ceramic dental braces and metal Houston braces to our pediatric dental patients. In this blog, we will explain why Invisalign may be a great option for your teenager.

    South Houston Invisalign Is A Subtle And More Comfortable Option For Teenagers

    Unlike metal or ceramic Houston braces, Invisalign doesn’t require brackets, wires, or rubber brands. In fact, Clear Aligners are much like clear plastic retainers that are made by first completing a 3D scan of your teen’s mouth. Once we complete the scans and study them, we will design custom plastic Invisalign trays that will be made in our dental lab. These plastic trays will put gentle pressure on your teenager’s teeth so that they gradually shift until they are straight.

    Because there are no wires involved and, as their name implies, Invisalign Clear Aligners are nearly transparent when placed on the teeth. This is ideal for your child if they tend to feel self-conscious in their smile and would prefer not to draw attention to their teeth

    South Houston Invisalign Is Flexible 

    If your teenager is very responsible and well-disciplined, they will greatly benefit from the greater flexibility that Invisalign offers. Invisalign is removable, unlike our other Houston braces treatments, so our patients should remove them at mealtimes. Additionally, if worn as directed by our South Houston family dentist, which is for 20-22 hours a day without being misplaced or lost, then your teenager may be able to skip the Invisalign for a special occasion, such as prom.

    Are There Any Downsides To Invisalign Clear Aligners?

    Invisalign seems like the perfect solution to fix a bad bite, but there are some limitations. For example, if your teenager has a severe malocclusion, Invisalign may not be as effective or as efficient at straightening the teeth compared to metal dental braces. Further, their flexibility will require your teenager to be very mindful of perfectly following our instructions in order to get the most out of Invisalign.

    Visit Our South Houston Braces Dentist to See if Invisalign is the Best Treatment for Your Teen

    If you think Invisalign might be a good option for your teen, then please book an appointment with our South Houston family dentist. We will determine what treatment method works best for your child's smile.

  • Tips For Better Oral Hygiene From Our Kids Dentists

    Getting kids to take care of their teeth can sometimes be like, well, “pulling teeth”. When it comes to oral heath, some of the biggest challenges parents often face involve getting their kids to brush properly (if at all), floss daily, or to stay away from sugary drinks and snacks. Here are some pediatric dentistry tips from our southwest Houston dental office that encourage your kids to take better care of their teeth.

    Encourage Your Kid to Choose Healthier Food Options

    Food items such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, cheese, and lean meats are better for your child’s teeth than cookies, candy, or chips. Unfortunately, kids often need a lot of persuasion to choose from the healthier options. Young children are also hesitant when it comes to eating food that is unfamiliar to them. Here are some suggestions from our kids dentists on how to make eating healthy fun:

    • Include your kid in purchasing your food, and have them help in the preparation of it.

    • Allow your child to bring their favorite stuffed animal or doll to the dinner table on certain occasions. Young children often become more willing to try unfamiliar food when they first “feed” it to their furry friend.

    • Have healthy food options such as carrot sticks, apple slices, or cheese cubes ready to eat whenever they need a snack. When children are hungry, the last thing they want to do is have to wait for you to prepare their snacks. Having healthy options immediately ready to satiate their hunger goes a long way in creating healthy eating habits.

    Get Them To Look Forward To Seeing Our Houston Dentists

    Getting your child into the habit of visiting our dental clinic in southwest Houston contributes greatly to their oral health, as our kids dentists can help educate your child on the importance of taking care of their teeth, while encouraging them to practice good oral hygiene habits. Here are some tips to help make them look forward to seeing us each time:

    • Start early, so your child sees visits to our southwest Houston dental clinic as a normal part of life. Our Houston dentists recommend that you bring your child into our dental office as soon as their first tooth appears, or no later than their first birthday.

    • Turn visits to our Houston dental office into fun excursions by going to the movies, the park, children’s museum, or some other fun place before of after their appointment.

    • Before their appointment, read children’s books to your kid that talk about how going to the dentist is not only important, but fun as well.

    Although encouraging kids to take better care of their oral health can often be challenging, our Houston dentists are here to help. Our priority is helping your child maintain a healthy mouth through good dental habits, while enjoying the process. Contact Centra Dental in southwest Houston today to set up an appointment.

  • When Are Metal Houston Braces Recommended

    Metal dental braces have long been the traditional, most commonly used method of correcting the alignment of the teeth in both children and adults. Today, though, our South Houston dentist, as well as other dentists in Texas, offer Invisalign and ceramic braces as viable alternatives. With other options available, though, when are metal braces best?

    If You Have Crowded Teeth

    Crowded teeth are fairly easy to spot. Our patients with crowding will also have crooked teeth that overlap one another. Sometimes, people are just born with extra teeth, which can be one of the reasons why crowding occurs, as this disrupts how the teeth are naturally supposed to erupt. If crowded teeth aren’t fixed, this can cause unusual wear patterns in the teeth and encourage excess plaque build-up. Remember, excessive plaque is what causes cavities, meaning our South Houston pediatric dentist patients and adult patients who suffer from crowding are much more prone to cavities.

    Plaque build-up in crowded teeth has a domino-like effect. This means that if the patient suffers from excess bacteria build-up, this can quickly turn into gum disease (gingivitis). On top of rapid decay, crowded teeth may cause our patients to feel insecure and self-conscious, especially if a speech impediment occurs because of their teeth. 

    If You Have an Open Bite

    An open bite (or anterior bite) may not be as common as an overbite, but it is identified as the upper and lower front teeth slanting outwards, so they never touch when a patient closes their mouth. 

    With an open bite, the patient will often have a lisp and the teeth will wear abnormally, causing cracks and discomfort.

    How Metal Dental Braces Help

    Metal Houston braces provide enough force to gradually shift even the most severely crowded teeth to the proper position. They are also highly effective on open bites, which are harder to correct. In essence, metal braces work for virtually every type of case of poor alignment, and because they are so strong, they work quicker than ceramic braces or Invisalign clear aligners would in these patient cases. 

    Affordable Houston Braces at Centra Dental

    If you or your child are in need of dental braces and are considering metal braces, then please book an appointment for the first consultation. We’ll examine the bite and help determine if metal braces are a suitable option to correct it.

  • Why It's So Important To Bring Your Kid To See Our Houston Dentists

    Most two-year-old toddlers have never visited a dentist. In fact, only 25% of children have seen a kids dentist by the age of five. This fact is both surprising and disturbing, and it’s no wonder that the most common chronic childhood disease in the country is tooth decay.

    We here at Centra Dental in southwest Houston strongly urge parents to stay on top of their child’s oral health. Pediatric dentistry is an important aspect of your child's health, as it has been proven that better oral health contributes to better overall health in a child.

    Why Your Child Needs To See Our Kids Dentists ASAP

    Beginning from when your child is just a baby, they are often exposed to food and liquids that can damage their oral health. Baby formula, certain foods, milk, and juice are all full of sugars that can promote tooth decay.

    In addition, when young kids drink from baby bottles and sippy cups, chances of decay are increased, as drinking from these containers constantly expose sugar to the child’s teeth, especially the front teeth.

    Tooth decay can lead to severe pain and even infection when left untreated. In fact, the decay can become so severe that the only treatment option is tooth extraction.

    At our southwest Houston dental clinic, our dentists recommend that you reduce your kid’s exposure to sugary liquids, while keeping up with their dental maintenance. Bringing them into our dental office for regular checkups and cleanings will ensure that they have a healthy mouth and better overall health.

    When to Bring Your Child to See Our Kids Dentists

    Our Houston dentists recommend that you bring your child in for their first dental visit as soon as their first tooth begins to show, or no later than their first birthday.

    When you bring your child into our Houston dental office, we will thoroughly examine your child’s mouth and look for any issues that may cause problems with their dental development. Our dental experts will also advise you on tooth decay protection and prepare a regular dental maintenance program.

    Centra Dental is committed to giving your child a healthy mouth, as we understand a healthy mouth = a healthier child. Therefore, if you live in southwest Houston or the surrounding areas, contact our dental office today to set up an appointment for your kid.