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  • Good Hygiene While Wearing Houston Braces A patient with Houston braces poses with their toothbrush and interdental brushes that maintain their dental hygiene as advised by their Houston family dentist.

    Some patients think that getting Houston braces installed is the hard part. However, any Houston family dentist will tell you that getting braces means making a few lifestyle changes, especially with regard to oral and dental hygiene. But not to worry, these adjustments are relatively minor, and they include habits that patients would like to keep even after their Houston braces have been taken off.

    Oral Hygiene Practices With Houston Braces

    While your Houston braces get to work fixing crooked or misaligned teeth, the patient maintains the responsibility of keeping their smile clean and bright. That means following these tips from their South Houston dentist:

    Brush Your Teeth and Houston Braces After Every Meal or Snack

    This may sound like a hassle, but your teeth will thank you in the long run. South Houston family dentists recommend using a toothbrush with soft and round bristles so that they can reach every crack and crevice in and around your Houston braces. Hold the brush with the bristles pointing towards your gums at an angle of 45 degrees. Aside from brushing your gumline, be sure to pay special attention to the areas above and below the brackets of your braces.

    Make Flossing Your Houston Braces a Daily Habit

    Unfortunately, brushing your teeth alone won’t clean every nook and cranny of your teeth or your braces. That’s why any Houston dentist will recommend that you learn to floss your teeth. If your traditional dental floss is uncomfortable or inconvenient, consider interdental brushes or even a water flosser to clean the areas between each tooth and the hard-to-reach components of your braces.

    Use an Antibacterial Mouthwash to Keep Your Houston Braces Fresh and Clean

    To round out your dental hygiene routine, an antimicrobial mouthwash can provide lasting protection between meals. It can also reach areas of your teeth or surfaces of your braces that you might be unable to with either a toothbrush or floss.

    Keep Your Houston Braces Tuned With Regular South Houston Family Dentist Appointments

    Your Houston braces will need to be adjusted and maintained over time to make sure that they’re doing their job. This is especially true for younger patients, who need a South Houston pediatric dentistry expert to account for a child or teenager’s behaviors and natural growth.

    Foods to Avoid While Wearing Houston Braces

    As a general rule, your Houston family dentist will tell you that hard and sticky foods are a no-no when wearing Houston braces. Those who defy these restrictions will find themselves paying the price either through the inconvenience of cleaning their teeth and braces, or through discomfort when such foods knock their braces out of alignment, needing a visit to the Houston family dentist to set them right. The most common examples of food to avoid include hard candies, chewing gum, taffy, caramel, jellybeans, nuts, and popcorn.

    Get Affordable Braces from a Trustworthy South Houston Family Dentist

    At Centra Dental, we believe in making visits to the dentist as stress-free and as pleasant as possible. Our team of highly-skilled and experienced dental professionals believes in being as helpful and caring as they can to each of our patients. Centra Dental accepts most PDP, DPPO, and PPO dental insurance plans, as well as CHIP and both Adult and Children's Medicaid, allowing us to be your trusted source for affordable braces. Call today to set an appointment and experience the Centra Dental difference!

  • How to Manage Houston Braces Pain How to manage Houston braces pain

    Houston braces, while essential for achieving a beautiful and healthy smile, may come with discomfort and pain during the adjustment period. Whether you're a teenager or an adult undergoing orthodontic treatment, managing braces pain is crucial for maintaining your oral health and overall well-being. Fortunately, there are several effective strategies and techniques you can employ to alleviate discomfort and make your orthodontic journey more manageable. Centra Dental is here to provide you with tips for a more pleasant dental experience.

    Over-the-Counter Pain Relief

    When Houston braces cause soreness or discomfort, over-the-counter pain relievers can provide temporary relief. These medications help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain associated with the pressure exerted by Houston braces on the teeth and gums. However, it's essential to follow the recommended dosage instructions and consult your Houston dentist or healthcare provider if you have any concerns or underlying medical conditions.

    Orthodontic Wax

    Orthodontic wax is a soft, pliable substance that can be applied to the brackets and wires of Houston braces to create a smooth barrier between the metal and the inside of your mouth. This helps reduce friction and irritation caused by sharp edges or protruding wires, minimizing discomfort and preventing oral sores. Simply apply a small amount of wax to the problematic area and mold it into place using clean fingers. Reapply the wax as needed throughout the day for continuous relief.

    Saltwater Rinse

    Saltwater rinses are a natural and effective remedy for soothing oral discomfort and promoting healing. To make a saltwater solution, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and swish the mixture around your mouth for 30 seconds to one minute. The saline solution helps reduce inflammation, disinfect the mouth, and alleviate soreness caused by Houston braces. Incorporate saltwater rinses into your oral hygiene routine, especially after meals or before bedtime, to keep your mouth clean and comfortable.

    Soft Food Diet

    Consuming soft and easy-to-chew foods can minimize discomfort and prevent further irritation to the teeth and gums while wearing Houston braces. Opt for soft foods such as yogurt, mashed potatoes, soup, scrambled eggs, smoothies, and cooked vegetables that require minimal chewing and won't exert excessive pressure on your braces. Avoid hard, sticky, or crunchy foods that can damage braces or exacerbate pain. Additionally, cutting food into smaller pieces and chewing slowly can help alleviate discomfort and make eating more manageable.

    Orthodontic Appliances

    In addition to traditional braces, orthodontic appliances such as orthodontic elastics (rubber bands), headgear, or retainers may be used to correct bite alignment and jaw discrepancies. While these appliances are essential for achieving optimal results, they can cause discomfort and soreness, especially during the initial adjustment period. Follow your Houston family dentist’s instructions carefully regarding the wear and care of orthodontic appliances, and communicate any concerns or discomfort you experience during your appointments. Your Houston dentist can make necessary adjustments or provide additional guidance to help alleviate pain and ensure treatment progress.

    Communication With Our Orthodontist

    Effective communication with our orthodontist at Centra Dental is key to managing braces pain and ensuring a positive treatment experience. Don't hesitate to voice any concerns or discomfort you may be experiencing during your orthodontic appointments. Our orthodontist can provide personalized recommendations, adjustments, or alternative treatment options to address your specific needs and alleviate pain effectively. Remember that Centra Dental is here to support you throughout your orthodontic journey and help you achieve a healthy, confident smile.

    Start Your Houston Braces Journey With Centra Dental

    While Houston braces pain is a common aspect of orthodontic treatment, it can be managed effectively with the right strategies and techniques. Our top-rated dentists at Centra Dental are here to minimize discomfort and make your orthodontic journey more comfortable and tolerable. Remember that braces pain is temporary and is often a sign that your teeth are moving into their desired position, leading to a beautiful and healthy smile in the long run. ContactCentra Dental today, where we embrace your smiles!