What to Do with Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth. It’s strange that we call them this since more often than not, we recommend having them removed. Although we are figuratively removing wisdom, at Centra Dental, we think it’s a really smart move.
Wisdom teeth are molars at the end of the line on all four corners of the jawline. There are various reasons why our dentists at Centra Dental recommend these teeth being removed.
Reasons to remove wisdom teeth:
Out of Line - Wisdom teeth often become problematic for our dental patients because they can grow too high compared to the other molars. When this happens, it creates trauma to the teeth and gums. Patients often complain of pain from the wisdom teeth.
Crowding - Sometimes the wisdom teeth can cause crowding of the molars, which can lead to discomfort, pain, and swelling of the gums. The problem could worsen by causing a shift in the teeth. If your wisdom teeth are creating havoc on your other molars, then we recommend you coming in soon to have them removed.
Hard to Maintain - Wisdom teeth, since they are so far in the back of your mouth, can be difficult to reach and properly clean. When teeth aren’t properly cleaned consistently, plaque begins to build up, food particles are missed, and cavities begin to take root. Cavities that go untreated can lead to much bigger problems and can become very painful. If your wisdom teeth aren’t receiving the proper care because they are difficult to reach and maintain, then you may want to consider having them removed.
Post-Orthodontic - There have been times that wisdom teeth come in late, after someone has received braces. Because of the force of these teeth, they can negate the positive results of having had braces. They can actually move your teeth back to being misaligned or crooked, requiring dental patients to receive further orthodontic work.
Your wisdom teeth may be a problem and you don’t even know it. Some patients don’t even notice their wisdom teeth until it they become a problem. Having our dentist at Centra Dental examine your oral condition and conduct an X-ray to see the status of your wisdom teeth can ensure your teeth and gums remain healthy.
If your wisdom teeth are hurting you, then contact us today and schedule your dental appointment to have them removed.