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Our South Houston Dentist Office Wants You to Get the Most Out of Your Dental Benefits Before the End of the Year

Our South Houston Dentist Office Wants You to Get the Most Out of Your Dental Benefits Before the End of the Year

Did you know that your dental insurance benefits reset each year? Most dental insurance plans last for the calendar year, meaning you will use all of your unused benefits after December 31, 2019. It’s also important to be aware that what is left of your benefits does not carry into the new year, so you will have to pay your insurance premium once again in order to gain access to new benefits. There is still some time left before your benefits expire, so here are just some of the services you should prioritize before the deadline.

Dental Services to Take Advantage of at Centra Dental in South Houston

Dental Cleanings

Most dental insurance plans offer some or complete coverage for two dental cleanings a year because they are the most important treatment you can get to keep your teeth and gums healthy. If you haven’t received a cleaning in over six months, now is the perfect time. When you come in for your dental cleaning at Centra, we do a deep cleaning while carefully checking your teeth and gums. Many patients are surprised to find out that plenty of illnesses and diseases first show signs in the mouth, so we can catch the earliest symptoms and act accordingly.

Major Dental Treatments

Some treatments, such as dentures, partials, dental crowns, and dental bridges, may take at least two visits to complete. Now is the perfect time to get started on those treatments, especially if you have already met your deductible. A deductible is the amount of money you have to pay in treatments before your dental benefits kick in. Once it’s paid, your coverage will take care of a portion of your treatment costs. This is ideal for these bigger treatments you may have been holding off on.

Centra Dental in South Houston Wants You to Enjoy Your Benefits

Don’t let your insurance premium or deductible go to waste. If you would like to receive any of these treatments before December 31st, please book an appointment with us. We will gladly fit you in so you can have maximize your benefits and have a healthy smile to show for it.