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Is South Houston Invisalign Really Effective?

Is South Houston Invisalign Really Effective?

Do you want straighter teeth without having to get metal braces? Invisalign is a great option for adults who want to correct dental issues using a subtle, clear aligner. Made from a flexible thermoplastic material, South Houston Invisalign makes orthodontic treatment less conspicuous.  But does Invisalign really work? Let’s take a look at the benefits of this advanced dental treatment.

Pros of Invisalign

Less Visible

A selling point of South Houston Invisalign is its near transparency. Compared to traditional South Houston braces, Invisalign is not easily noticeable when worn. Many adults choose Invisalign so they can go about their lives without a drastic change in appearance.

Fixes Dental Issues

Just like other types of braces, Invisalign treats a range of misaligned and crooked teeth. It also corrects bite problems, such as overbites and underbites. If you have mild to moderate overcrowding or too much spacing, your South Houston dentist may recommend Invisalign over other types of braces.

Can Be Removed

Metal and ceramic braces are fixed to your teeth, but South Houston Invisalign can be removed. If you have an important event or photo shoot, you can take off your Invisalign for an hour or so. You must also remove it when eating and brushing. Keep in mind though not to remove it for more than 2 hours or it may affect your treatment progress.

Customized to You

Invisalign is effective because it is customized specifically to your orthodontic needs. Your South Houston family dentist takes an accurate 3D scan of your teeth. After your first set of Invisalign does its job, you will graduate from them and move on to the next custom set. This way, they are fitted according to your evolving bite until you get the desired results.

Ways to Make Invisalign More Effective

Keep in mind that Invisalign is not designed for complex dental issues. These are reserved for traditional braces that put stronger pressure on teeth. To maintain the progress of your Invisalign treatment, you must strictly comply with your dentist’s instructions. Invisalign requires daily cleaning. Make sure not to subject your aligners to unsuitable conditions, as the plastic can warp. If you think you altered the fit in any way, visit your dentist so your treatment is not held back. Also remember to wear your Invisalign for 20 to 22 hours a day to achieve its full benefits.

Start Treatment With South Houston Invisalign

Book your appointment for South Houston Invisalign with only a reputable dental clinic. At Centra Dental, we embrace your smiles. Our top-rated dentist provides all vital services, including dental cleaning, root canal, implants, and more. We have a modern and safe facility with surgically clean air circulating throughout. Why Centra Dental? We offer a variety of amenities to make sure your visit is as pleasant and stress-free as possible. Schedule a dental service with us today!