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Correct Overbites With Metal Dental Braces At Our South Houston Dentist

Correct Overbites With Metal Dental Braces At Our South Houston Dentist

It’s no secret that Houston braces are a great idea if you need to have a malocclusion corrected. A malocclusion is also known as a “bad bite” and the term is used to describe any and all orthodontic problems. In our previous dental braces blog, we discussed a bad bite caused by crowded teeth. This time, we will discuss overbites and how Houston braces can correct them.

What Is An Overbite

An overbite, more commonly called buck teeth in non-dental jargon, occurs when a patient’s upper teeth and jaw protrude further outward than their bottom teeth and jaw do. Some overlap from your upper dental arch over your bottom dental arch is normal and healthy, as this overlap protects your teeth from abnormal wear of the enamel, and protecting the enamel increases your protection against tooth decay. Overbites may be caused by a number of factors, some of which cannot be controlled and others that are simply poor habits. These factors include:

  • Genetics
  • Extensive thumb sucking
  • Excessive use of pacifiers
  • Pushing your lower teeth with your tongue 

What Health Problems Can An Overbite Cause?

Although some jaw overlap is healthy, it is easy for it to become unhealthy. An overbite can cause certain speech impediments, much like other malocclusions. Overbites have also been known to cause chewing difficulties, and many patients with overbites end up biting their tongues or cheeks a lot by accident. Over time, this may cause your teeth to exhibit worn enamel early on. Lastly, an overbite tends to cause damage to the gums and other teeth because of the improper bite pattern, which results in tooth decay and even gum disease in severe cases.

Affordable Houston Braces at Centra Dental Your Go-To South Houston Dentist

Straight teeth are not merely cosmetic; they are crucial for your overall dental health. If you suspect you or your child has an overbite or “buck teeth”, then please book an appointment with our South Houston dentist so we can schedule a Houston braces consultation. At this consultation, our South Houston dentist will evaluate the bite and develop an affordable Houston braces treatment plan. We look forward to embracing your smile!